Sorteret alfabetisk: W

#FilendelseFulde filnavn
1 Filendelsen W OpenEdge Architect Source Code Format
2 Filendelsen W01 Yamaha SY Series Wave Format
3 Filendelsen W02 Compressed Format From A Multi-volume Archive (part 1)
4 Filendelsen W03 Yamaha Pig Audio Sample
5 Filendelsen W04 Yamaha Cattle Audio Sample
6 Filendelsen W05 Yamaha Horse Audio Sample
7 Filendelsen W06 Yamaha Lion Audio Sample
8 Filendelsen W07 Yamaha Elephant Audio Sample
9 Filendelsen W08 Yamaha Goat Audio Sample
10 Filendelsen W09 Yamaha Sea-lion Audio Sample
11 Filendelsen W10 Yamaha SY Audio Sample Format
12 Filendelsen W16 Genesis 2000 Data Format
13 Filendelsen W20 Windows 2000 Related
14 Filendelsen W2A Yamaha Motif All Format
15 Filendelsen W2D Autodesk Design (Drawing) Web Format 2D
16 Filendelsen W2E Motif Rack ES Voice Editor
17 Filendelsen W2ENT The Witcher 2: Assassins Of Kings Entity Data Format
18 Filendelsen W2M Solo Explorer Transcription
19 Filendelsen W2P Webit
20 Filendelsen W2SPEECH The Witcher 2: Assassins Of Kings Speech Data Format
21 Filendelsen W2STRINGS The Witcher 2: Assassins Of Kings Localization Data Format
22 Filendelsen W2V Yamaha Motif Voices Format
23 Filendelsen W2W Yamaha Motif Waveforms Format
24 Filendelsen W30 Ventura Publisher Printer Font
25 Filendelsen W31 Windows 3.1 Startup
26 Filendelsen W32 Win32 Makefile
27 Filendelsen W3D Adobe Shockwave 3D Format
28 Filendelsen W3E Motif Rack ES Voice Editor
29 Filendelsen W3G Warcraft 3 Replay Format
30 Filendelsen W3I Warcraft III Map Related
31 Filendelsen W3L W3launch
32 Filendelsen W3M Warcraft 3 Map Format
33 Filendelsen W3N Warcraft 3 Expansion Campaign Format
34 Filendelsen W3P Warcraft 3 Progress
35 Filendelsen W3S Warcraft 3 Sounds Definition Format
36 Filendelsen W3U Warcraft 3 Custom Units
37 Filendelsen W3V Warcraft 3 Campaign Progress Record
38 Filendelsen W3X Warcraft 3 Expansion Map FIle
39 Filendelsen W3Z Warcraft 3 Saved Game Format
40 Filendelsen W40 Windows 95 Backup Format
41 Filendelsen W44 DBASE Temporary
42 Filendelsen W4A Audio
43 Filendelsen W51 Corel WordPerfect 5.1 Document
44 Filendelsen W52 Corel WordPerfect For Windows Document Format
45 Filendelsen W5S Winamp CDDB Database
46 Filendelsen W60 Corel WordPerfect 6.0 Document
47 Filendelsen W61 Corel WordPerfect 6.1 Document
48 Filendelsen W64 Sony Wave64 Audio Format
49 Filendelsen W6BN Microsoft Word 6 For Mac Document
50 Filendelsen W6E Motif Rack ES Voice Editor
51 Filendelsen W6W Microsoft Word 6 Document
52 Filendelsen W7A Yamaha Motif ES Format
53 Filendelsen W7E Motif Rack ES Voice Editor
54 Filendelsen W7V Yamaha Motif ES Voices Format
55 Filendelsen W7W Yamaha Motif ES Waveforms
56 Filendelsen W86 GNU Emacs Data Format
57 Filendelsen W8BN Microsoft Word 98 For Mac Document
58 Filendelsen W8E Motif Rack ES Voice Editor
59 Filendelsen W8TN Microsoft Word 98 For Mac Template
60 Filendelsen W8V Yamaha Motif ES Sample Data
61 Filendelsen W95 Windows 95 Data
62 Filendelsen W98 Microsoft Windows 98 Related Data
63 Filendelsen W9E Motif Rack ES Voice Editor
64 Filendelsen W?? Yamaha SY-series And TX16W Wave
65 Filendelsen WA! GigaStudio/GigaSampler Compressed Wave
66 Filendelsen WA0 Magix Music Studio
67 Filendelsen WA2 Wonderland Adventures Custom Adventure Format
68 Filendelsen WAA XWE Data Format
69 Filendelsen WAB Windows Address Book
70 Filendelsen WAC WISCO Accounts Storage
71 Filendelsen WACOMPREFS Wacom Preference Backup Archive Format
72 Filendelsen WACOMXS Wacom Expert Settings Format
73 Filendelsen WAD Doom WAD Format
74 Filendelsen WADCFG Windows Azure Diagnostics Configuration Format
75 Filendelsen WAF Microsoft Internet Explorer For Mac Cache
76 Filendelsen WAFF IE Saved Web Page
77 Filendelsen WAFLIB DWOS Data Format
78 Filendelsen WAG Train Simulator Wagon
79 Filendelsen WAGAME Worms Armageddon Game Recording
80 Filendelsen WAI Warcraft 3 AI Data
81 Filendelsen WAJ WinAutomation
82 Filendelsen WAL Winamp 3 Skin Format
83 Filendelsen WALLETX Enpass Backup Format
84 Filendelsen WAND GarageBand Magic Template
85 Filendelsen WAP Wireless Bitmap (level 0) Image Format
86 Filendelsen WAPTT WhatsApp Messenger Voicemail Recording Format
87 Filendelsen WAR Java Web Archive
88 Filendelsen WARGAMEPROFILE Wargame Red Dragon Profile Format
89 Filendelsen WAS ProComm Source Script Format
90 Filendelsen WAT IBM Voice Type Languages Map
91 Filendelsen WAV WAVE Audio Format
92 Filendelsen WAVC Special ACM Audio Data Format
93 Filendelsen WAVE WAVE Sound Format
94 Filendelsen WAVM XWE Data Format
95 Filendelsen WAX Windows Media Audio Redirect
96 Filendelsen WA~ Microsoft Address Book
97 Filendelsen WB Apple Logic Studio WaveBurner Document
98 Filendelsen WB0 Corel Quattro Pro Spreadsheet
99 Filendelsen WB1 Webshots Picture Format
100 Filendelsen WB2 Corel Quattro Pro Format
101 Filendelsen WB3 Corel Quattro Pro 7 And 8 Format
102 Filendelsen WB4 WindowBlinds Default Skin
103 Filendelsen WB? Corel Quattro Pro Spreadsheet
104 Filendelsen WBA WindowBlinds Compressed Skin
105 Filendelsen WBB WinBackup Archive
106 Filendelsen WBC Webshots Collection Format
107 Filendelsen WBCAT Windows Backup Catalog Format
108 Filendelsen WBD Webshots Picture Format
109 Filendelsen WBDB ANSYS Workbench Data Format
110 Filendelsen WBDP ANSYS Workbench Project Global
111 Filendelsen WBEX ANSYS Workbench Extension Format
112 Filendelsen WBF Microsoft Windows Batch
113 Filendelsen WBF1 Nintendo Wii Loader Backup Format
114 Filendelsen WBFS Wii Backup Format System Format
115 Filendelsen WBI Wii Backup Manager ISO Image Format
116 Filendelsen WBK Word Document Backup
117 Filendelsen WBM Wireless Bitmap Image Format
118 Filendelsen WBMP Wireless Bitmap Image Format
119 Filendelsen WBO DataFlex Web Business Object
120 Filendelsen WBP Webshots Image
121 Filendelsen WBPJ ANSYS Workbench Project
122 Filendelsen WBPZ ANSYS Update Package
123 Filendelsen WBS WebExpress Website
124 Filendelsen WBT WinBatch Script Format
125 Filendelsen WBU Samsung PC Studio Backup
126 Filendelsen WBVERIFY Microsoft Windows Backup
127 Filendelsen WBX Webshots
128 Filendelsen WBXML WAP Binary XML Format
129 Filendelsen WBZ Webshots Download Picture Format
130 Filendelsen WC Total Commander Format Tree Info
131 Filendelsen WCAP Wireless Diagnostics Captured Packet Format
132 Filendelsen WCAT WinCatalog Collection Format
133 Filendelsen WCB WinCDR Data Format
134 Filendelsen WCD Works Calendar Format
135 Filendelsen WCF WebEx Saved Chat Session
136 Filendelsen WCH Corel WordPerfect Macro Facility
137 Filendelsen WCINV Windows Meeting Space Data Format
138 Filendelsen WCINV-MS-P2P Windows Meeting Space
139 Filendelsen WCK WaterCAD
140 Filendelsen WCL WellCAD Log
141 Filendelsen WCM WordPerfect Macro
142 Filendelsen WCMM Bamboo Dock Application Format
143 Filendelsen WCN Writers Café Notebook Data Format
144 Filendelsen WCP WinDVD Creator Project Format
145 Filendelsen WCPL Webcopier Project Settings
146 Filendelsen WCP_SETTINGS Alpha Five Web Project Settings Format
147 Filendelsen WCST Wirecast Document
148 Filendelsen WCT WordCast Project
149 Filendelsen WCX Total Commander Plug-in
150 Filendelsen WCXF WorldCard Exchange
151 Filendelsen WCZ Chameleon Clock Wallpaper Format
152 Filendelsen WD Earth 2140-2160 Game Archive
153 Filendelsen WD0 WordExpress Document
154 Filendelsen WD1 WordExpress Document
155 Filendelsen WD2 Info Select Database
156 Filendelsen WD3 Offline Explorer Data Format
157 Filendelsen WDB Microsoft Works Database
158 Filendelsen WDBN Microsoft World For Mac Document
159 Filendelsen WDCD Word 5 For Mac Custom Dictionary
160 Filendelsen WDD AutoCAD Electrical Description List
161 Filendelsen WDF Workshare Compare DeltaFile
162 Filendelsen WDGP Word For Mac Add-in
163 Filendelsen WDGT Dashboard Widget
164 Filendelsen WDGTPROJ Dashcode Widget Project
165 Filendelsen WDI WINDEV Component Description
166 Filendelsen WDIC Word 5 For Mac Extension
167 Filendelsen WDK WINDEV Component
168 Filendelsen WDL World Definition Language Script
169 Filendelsen WDLL Word 6 For Mac Add-in
170 Filendelsen WDM BASINS Meteorological Database
171 Filendelsen WDN AutoCAD Electrical Project-related
172 Filendelsen WDO WINDEV Component List Format
173 Filendelsen WDOC WriteOnline Document
174 Filendelsen WDP Windows Media HD Photo
175 Filendelsen WDPROJ Microsoft Visual Studio Web Deployment Project
176 Filendelsen WDQ Offline Explorer Queue Format
177 Filendelsen WDR Star Wars: Tie Fighter Media
178 Filendelsen WDSEML Thunderbird Searchable Email Format
179 Filendelsen WDSP WebDrive Data Format
180 Filendelsen WDT WinSQL Schema Diff Template
181 Filendelsen WDV TracePlus Web Detective
182 Filendelsen WDW WinDev Window Format
183 Filendelsen WDX Total Commander Content Plugin
184 Filendelsen WDX9 Microsoft Word For Mac Wizard
185 Filendelsen WDY WINDEV Run-time Template
186 Filendelsen WDZ WinDev ZIP Archive Format
187 Filendelsen WE Fifa2000 Be Game
188 Filendelsen WE? Standard Mail Archive
189 Filendelsen WEA Ecotect Weather Format
190 Filendelsen WEAP Quake 3 Engine Weapon Format
191 Filendelsen WEAVELIBRARY Corel Painter Weave Library Format
192 Filendelsen WEB Xara Web Document
193 Filendelsen WEBA Zoom Player WebM Audio Format
194 Filendelsen WEBALLOWBLOCKLIST Windows Vista Parental Control Settings
195 Filendelsen WEBAPP Website 2 APK Project Format
196 Filendelsen WEBARCHIVE Safari Web Archive
197 Filendelsen WEBARCHIVEXML Android Web Browser Archive
198 Filendelsen WEBBOOKMARK Safari Web Bookmark Format
199 Filendelsen WEBDOC Web Document
200 Filendelsen WEBHISTORY Safari Web History Format
201 Filendelsen WEBINAR GoToWebinar Session
202 Filendelsen WEBINFO Visual Studio .NET
203 Filendelsen WEBINTENTS Webintents
204 Filendelsen WEBLOC Mac OS X Website Location
205 Filendelsen WEBM WebM Video Format
206 Filendelsen WEBOOGL Web Object Oriented Graphics Library
207 Filendelsen WEBP WebP Image
208 Filendelsen WEBPART Microsoft SharePoint Web Part
209 Filendelsen WEBPNP Web Point And Print Format
210 Filendelsen WEBPUBLISHHISTORY Alpha Five
211 Filendelsen WEBSETTINGS JEE2 Web Project Settings
212 Filendelsen WEBSITE Internet Explorer Pinned Site Shortcut
213 Filendelsen WEBTEMPLATE IWeb Template
214 Filendelsen WEBTEST Microsoft Visual Studio Web Test
215 Filendelsen WEBTESTRESULT Microsoft Visual Studio Web Test Result
216 Filendelsen WEBTHEME IWeb Theme Template
217 Filendelsen WEBZ WEBZ Compressed EBook Format
218 Filendelsen WED BioWare Infinity Game Engine Graphic Display Info
219 Filendelsen WEEKLY Week Log Format
220 Filendelsen WEF Exchange Format System Format
221 Filendelsen WEIGHTOUTPUT SAM Sequence
222 Filendelsen WEIGHTS SAM Sequence Weights
223 Filendelsen WEM Wwise Encoded Media Format
224 Filendelsen WENLIN Wenlin Software Data Format
225 Filendelsen WENLINBIN Wenlin Software Data Format
226 Filendelsen WENLINDB Wenlin Software Database Format
227 Filendelsen WENLINFC Wenlin Software Data Format
228 Filendelsen WENLINFX Wenlin Software Data Format
229 Filendelsen WENLINTREE Wenlin Software Data Format
230 Filendelsen WEP EPublisher Stationery Design Project
231 Filendelsen WER Windows Error Report
232 Filendelsen WET WinSQL Export Template
233 Filendelsen WF FIFA 2000 Play
234 Filendelsen WF1 EViews Work
235 Filendelsen WF4 Creo Parametric Symbol
236 Filendelsen WFA WinFax Pro Archive Format
237 Filendelsen WFB WaveFront Sound Bank
238 Filendelsen WFC Windows Wireless Network Settings Format
239 Filendelsen WFD WaveFront Drum Kit Format
240 Filendelsen WFF Dataplore Wavelet Filter
241 Filendelsen WFINDEX Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Index Format
242 Filendelsen WFK Delphi
243 Filendelsen WFL Offline Design For Workflow Process
244 Filendelsen WFLOW Apple Mac OS X Automator Workflow
245 Filendelsen WFM Tektronix Waveform Data Format
246 Filendelsen WFN Corel Font Or Symbol Format
247 Filendelsen WFO Delphi Runimage
248 Filendelsen WFP WaveFront Program Format
249 Filendelsen WFS Microsoft Windows Installation Script
250 Filendelsen WFSP Wondershare Fantashow Project Format
251 Filendelsen WFT GTA 4 Car Model Format
252 Filendelsen WFV DataSet Vision Query Report
253 Filendelsen WFW Windows Firewall Policy Export
254 Filendelsen WFX WinFax
255 Filendelsen WG Fifa 2000 Game
256 Filendelsen WG1 Lotus 1-2-3 Worksheet
257 Filendelsen WG2 Lotus 1-2-3 For OS/2 Worksheet
258 Filendelsen WGAMEPROFILE X-Men Origins: Wolverine Profile
259 Filendelsen WGEO League Of Legends World Geometry Format
260 Filendelsen WGF Widelands Game Format
261 Filendelsen WGI WildGame Innovations Flexi Video Format
262 Filendelsen WGN SWAT Wather Generator Input
263 Filendelsen WGOM CompeGPS Land Google Earth Remote Map
264 Filendelsen WGP Web Gallery Project
265 Filendelsen WGPKG WarGaming Update Package Format
266 Filendelsen WGS Walk-Graph Segment Format
267 Filendelsen WGT Opera Widget Format
268 Filendelsen WGZ S60 Web Runtime Widget Package
269 Filendelsen WHB Apple IPod Backup Image
270 Filendelsen WHD Hitman Game Archive
271 Filendelsen WHDAT Warhammer 40,000: Armageddon Saved Game Format
272 Filendelsen WHIRLD Unity Whirld Package
273 Filendelsen WHL Python Wheel Package Format
274 Filendelsen WHLP Microsoft Word For Mac Help
275 Filendelsen WHM Warhammer 40,000: Dawn Of War Model
276 Filendelsen WHSAV Warhammer 40,000: Armageddon Saved Game Format
277 Filendelsen WHT Microsoft NetMeeting White Board Document
278 Filendelsen WHTT HTTrack Website Copier Format
279 Filendelsen WHX WinHex Backup Data Format
280 Filendelsen WHZ WinUAEX Zipped WHDLoad Settings Format
281 Filendelsen WI Wavelet Image
282 Filendelsen WIA Nintendo Wii ISO Archive
283 Filendelsen WIBUCMRAC CodeMeter Control Data Format
284 Filendelsen WIBUCMRAM WIBU Control Information Format
285 Filendelsen WIBUCMRAU CodeMeter License Request Format
286 Filendelsen WIC J Wavelet Image
287 Filendelsen WICSAVEGAME World In Conflict Saved Game
288 Filendelsen WID Corel Ventura Publisher Width Table Format
289 Filendelsen WIDGET Yahoo! Widget
290 Filendelsen WIE WordPress Widget Export Data Format
291 Filendelsen WIF Weaving Information Format
292 Filendelsen WIFF AB SCIEX Windows Interchange Format Format
293 Filendelsen WIG Wigmore Artist 64 Picture Image Format
294 Filendelsen WII Scrambled Wii Disc Image
295 Filendelsen WIKI Wiki Markup Source
296 Filendelsen WIL WinImage Disk Image List
297 Filendelsen WIM Windows Imaging Format Format
298 Filendelsen WIMP Microsoft Windows Icon Palette
299 Filendelsen WIN Windows Backup Format
300 Filendelsen WIN32 GetDiz Data Format
301 Filendelsen WIN32MANIFEST Microsoft Win32 Manifest
302 Filendelsen WINCE Microsoft Windows CE Program Executable
303 Filendelsen WINCLONE Winclone Image
304 Filendelsen WINDOWSLIVECONTACT Windows Live Contacts Format
305 Filendelsen WINDOWSLIVEGROUP Windows Live Mail
306 Filendelsen WINDOWSLIVESYNCOVERLAYCHANGED Microsoft Windows Live Sync Format
307 Filendelsen WINDSPROSKIN WinDS Skin Format
308 Filendelsen WINGS Wings 3D Data Format
309 Filendelsen WINMD Windows Runtime Metadata Output
310 Filendelsen WINMERGE WinMerge Data Format
311 Filendelsen WIP CyberScrub Privacy Suite Wipe
312 Filendelsen WIPEINFO Norton Utilities Sendto
313 Filendelsen WIPESLACK Norton Utilities Sendto
314 Filendelsen WIQ Visual Studio Work Item Query Format
315 Filendelsen WIRE Wavefront Studio Wireframe
316 Filendelsen WIS InstallShield Install Help
317 Filendelsen WIT WebIdeaTree Project
318 Filendelsen WIX Xara Internal Graphics Data
319 Filendelsen WIXLIB WiX Library
320 Filendelsen WIXMSP WiX XML Patch
321 Filendelsen WIXMST WiX Transform
322 Filendelsen WIXOBJ WiX Object
323 Filendelsen WIXOUT WiX XML Output
324 Filendelsen WIXPDB WiX Debug
325 Filendelsen WIXPROJ WiX Windows Installer XML Project
326 Filendelsen WIZ Microsoft Wizard Format
327 Filendelsen WIZHTML Microsoft Access HTML Template
328 Filendelsen WJ Fifa 2000 Game
329 Filendelsen WJ3 Lotus 1-2-3 Worksheet Format
330 Filendelsen WJE WinJournal Entry
331 Filendelsen WJF WinZip Job Format
332 Filendelsen WJR ReGet Deluxe Data Format
333 Filendelsen WK! Lotus 1-2-3 Spreadsheet
334 Filendelsen WK1 Lotus Worksheet
335 Filendelsen WK2 Lotus 2 Worksheet
336 Filendelsen WK3 Lotus 3 Worksheet
337 Filendelsen WK4 Lotus 4 Worksheet
338 Filendelsen WK5 Lotus 5 Worksheet
339 Filendelsen WKB Corel WordPerfect Document
340 Filendelsen WKE Lotus 1-2-3 Educational Version Worksheet
341 Filendelsen WKF KF Web Server Default Control
342 Filendelsen WKI Lotus 2 Worksheet
343 Filendelsen WKP Web CEO Database Backup
344 Filendelsen WKQ Corel Quattro Pro For MS-DOS Spreadsheet
345 Filendelsen WKS Works Spreadsheet
346 Filendelsen WKT Garmin Training Schedule
347 Filendelsen WKU Lotus 1-2-3 Spreadsheet
348 Filendelsen WKZ Wingz Spreadsheet
349 Filendelsen WL WISCO Word Power Word Lists And Definitions
350 Filendelsen WL1 Wolfenstein 3D Data Format
351 Filendelsen WL2 Well Logger Document Format
352 Filendelsen WL3 Wolfenstein 3D Registered Version
353 Filendelsen WL6 Wolfenstein 3D Data Format
354 Filendelsen WLB WinLabel Label Data Format
355 Filendelsen WLC Microsoft Live Mesh
356 Filendelsen WLD ESRI World Format
357 Filendelsen WLF Microsoft Windows Dr. Watson Log
358 Filendelsen WLG Well Logger V1
359 Filendelsen WLI WL Intermediate Data Format
360 Filendelsen WLK Weatherlink Data
361 Filendelsen WLL Microsoft Word Add-in
362 Filendelsen WLM CompW Image Format
363 Filendelsen WLMP Windows Live Movie Maker Project Format
364 Filendelsen WLP Label Designer Format
365 Filendelsen WLPGINSTALL Possible Malware Data Format
366 Filendelsen WLPGINSTALL3 Windows Live Photo Gallery Data Format
367 Filendelsen WLPK Renault R-Link Update Package Format
368 Filendelsen WLS 602Tab Document
369 Filendelsen WLT Words Of Worship
370 Filendelsen WLUA SciTE Data Format
371 Filendelsen WLVS Movie Maker Profile Format
372 Filendelsen WLX FileMaker Pro Plug-in
373 Filendelsen WLZ WinImage Format
374 Filendelsen WM Windows Media Format
375 Filendelsen WM2 Working Model 2D Model Data Format
376 Filendelsen WM2D Working Model 2D Data
377 Filendelsen WM3 VisualNastran Movie
378 Filendelsen WMA Windows Media Audio Format
379 Filendelsen WMB 3D GameStudio Map Entity
380 Filendelsen WMC Corel WordPerfect Macro
381 Filendelsen WMD Windows Media Download Package
382 Filendelsen WMDB Windows Media Database Format
383 Filendelsen WME Microsoft Windows Media Encoder Session Profile
384 Filendelsen WMF Windows Metafile
385 Filendelsen WMG SecureDoc Encrypted Hard Drive Control
386 Filendelsen WMGA Web Manga Document
387 Filendelsen WMI WorldMate Itinerary Data
388 Filendelsen WMK WebMake Documentation Source
389 Filendelsen WML Wireless Markup Language Format
390 Filendelsen WMLC Wireless Markup Language Bytecode Document (WAP)
391 Filendelsen WMLS Wireless Markup Language Script Format (WAP)
392 Filendelsen WMLSC Wireless Markup Language (WAP) Bytecode Script
393 Filendelsen WMMP Windows Movie Maker Project Format
394 Filendelsen WMN DART Pro 98 Playlist
395 Filendelsen WMO World Of Warcraft World Map Object
396 Filendelsen WMP Windows Media Photo Format
397 Filendelsen WMR Windows Media Recorder
398 Filendelsen WMS Windows Media Skin
399 Filendelsen WMT WinMount Virtual Disk Format
400 Filendelsen WMU WIND Tunnel WIND
401 Filendelsen WMV Windows Media Video Format
402 Filendelsen WMV3 Video
403 Filendelsen WMW Likno Web Modal Windows Builder
404 Filendelsen WMX Windows Media Redirector Format
405 Filendelsen WMZ Compressed Windows Media Player Skin
406 Filendelsen WN WN Web Format
407 Filendelsen WNA WIND Tunnel Assignment
408 Filendelsen WND SWAT Wind Speed Input
409 Filendelsen WNF CorelDRAW Outline Font Description
410 Filendelsen WNK Wink Presentation
411 Filendelsen WNT Soldier Of Fortune II Waypoint
412 Filendelsen WNU WIND Tunnel UMTS Measurement Data
413 Filendelsen WNV Grand Theft Auto IV NavMesh Data Format
414 Filendelsen WO DataFlex Web Object
415 Filendelsen WO2 Gothic II Game Data Format
416 Filendelsen WOA WebObjects Application
417 Filendelsen WOCK Route 66 For Mac
418 Filendelsen WOD Apple WebObjects Web Application Method
419 Filendelsen WOFF Web Open Font Format Format
420 Filendelsen WOFF2 Web Open Font Format 2.0 Package Format
421 Filendelsen WOG WAsP Obstacle Group
422 Filendelsen WOLF WOLF Document
423 Filendelsen WOLFQUEST WolfQuest Saved Game
424 Filendelsen WOO Apple WebObjects
425 Filendelsen WOP Wonderland Object Preset
426 Filendelsen WOR MapInfo Workspace Format
427 Filendelsen WORD MacWrite Document
428 Filendelsen WORDLIST Desktop Poet Word List Format
429 Filendelsen WORK Bibble Work Queue Format
430 Filendelsen WORKFLOW Automator Workflow
431 Filendelsen WORKSHEET BBEdit Shell Worksheet Format
432 Filendelsen WORKSPACE Adobe Applications Workspace Setting
433 Filendelsen WORLD WorldPainter Format
434 Filendelsen WORLDOFGOOSAVEDGAME World Of Goo Saved Game Format
435 Filendelsen WOS Words Of Worship Output Settings
436 Filendelsen WOT WebEx Recording Format
437 Filendelsen WOTMOD World Of Tanks Modification Format
438 Filendelsen WOTREPLAY World Of Tanks Replay Format
439 Filendelsen WOV Cakewalk SONAR Cache Clip
440 Filendelsen WOW Grave Composer Music Module
441 Filendelsen WOWPREPLAY World Of Warplanes Replay
442 Filendelsen WOWPREPORT World Of Warplanes Report Format
443 Filendelsen WOWPROJ AddOn Studio Project Format
444 Filendelsen WOWSL WOW Slider
445 Filendelsen WOWSREPLAY World Of Warships Replay Format
446 Filendelsen WP WordPerfect Document
447 Filendelsen WP-ADMIN WordPress Directory Name Format
448 Filendelsen WP-CONTENT WordPress Content Folder Format
449 Filendelsen WP1 MODAWEC Output Data
450 Filendelsen WP2 Winplot
451 Filendelsen WP3 Microsoft Photo Story Project Format
452 Filendelsen WP4 WordPerfect 4 Document
453 Filendelsen WP42 Corel WordPerfect 4 For Mac Document
454 Filendelsen WP5 WordPerfect 5 Document
455 Filendelsen WP50 Corel WordPerfect 5 For Mac Document
456 Filendelsen WP6 WordPerfect 6 Document
457 Filendelsen WP7 WordPerfect 7 Document
458 Filendelsen WP? Corel WordPerfect Document
459 Filendelsen WPA ACT! Word Processing Document
460 Filendelsen WPB Windows Phone Device Manager Backup Format
461 Filendelsen WPC WordPad Converter Format
462 Filendelsen WPC2 Corel WordPerfect 2/3 For Mac Document
463 Filendelsen WPD WordPerfect Document
464 Filendelsen WPD0 Corel WordPerfect 1 For Mac Document
465 Filendelsen WPD1 Corel WordPerfect 1 For Mac Document
466 Filendelsen WPD2 Corel WordPerfect 2 For Mac Document
467 Filendelsen WPD3 Corel WordPerfect 3 For Mac Document
468 Filendelsen WPE OpenCanvas 1.1 Event Format
469 Filendelsen WPF WordPerfect Form
470 Filendelsen WPG WordPerfect Graphic Format
471 Filendelsen WPG2 Corel WordPerfect Image
472 Filendelsen WPH WAsP Project Format
473 Filendelsen WPI WCPUID Plug-in Format
474 Filendelsen WPJ Microsoft Works Wizard
475 Filendelsen WPK Nero Wave Editor Format
476 Filendelsen WPL Windows Media Player Playlist
477 Filendelsen WPM WordPerfect Macro Format
478 Filendelsen WPN Schedule24 Schedule
479 Filendelsen WPO HOLUX Waypoint Format
480 Filendelsen WPOST Windows Live Writer Post Format
481 Filendelsen WPOSTX Microsoft Windows Live Writer Post
482 Filendelsen WPP Corel WordPerfect Color Palette Format
483 Filendelsen WPR Apple Logic Studio WaveBurner Plug-in Preset
484 Filendelsen WPRD Microsoft Word For Mac Print
485 Filendelsen WPRJ WebZIP Project Format
486 Filendelsen WPROJ Wwise Project Format
487 Filendelsen WPS Microsoft Works Word Processor Document
488 Filendelsen WPSO WPS Writer Outward Document Format
489 Filendelsen WPSS IBM WebSphere Server Settings Format
490 Filendelsen WPSX WPS Writer Document Format
491 Filendelsen WPT WordPerfect Template
492 Filendelsen WPTX WPS Writer Template Format
493 Filendelsen WPW Corel WordPerfect Document Format
494 Filendelsen WPX Adobe Printer Description For Postscript Printing Format
495 Filendelsen WPZ WinAmp SkinZip
496 Filendelsen WQ! Corel Quattro Pro Compressed Spreadsheet
497 Filendelsen WQ0 Corel Quattro Pro For MS-DOS Spreadsheet
498 Filendelsen WQ1 Quattro Pro For DOS Spreadsheet Format
499 Filendelsen WQ2 Quattro Pro For DOS Spreadsheet Format
500 Filendelsen WQ? Corel Quattro Pro For MS-DOS Spreadsheet
501 Filendelsen WQC QuizCreator Data Format
502 Filendelsen WQL Microsoft Office
503 Filendelsen WR! Compressed Lotus Spreadsheet
504 Filendelsen WR1 Lotus Symphony Spreadsheet
505 Filendelsen WRAP ShrinkWrap MAC
506 Filendelsen WRAPPER Gnome Desktop
507 Filendelsen WRC FreeArc Archive
508 Filendelsen WRD COREX Manually Verified Word Segmentation
509 Filendelsen WRF WebEx Recording
510 Filendelsen WRG WAsP Resource Grid
511 Filendelsen WRI Windows Write Document
512 Filendelsen WRITER Firefox Data Format
513 Filendelsen WRK Cakewalk Music Project
514 Filendelsen WRL VRML World
515 Filendelsen WRLK Web Research Document Link
516 Filendelsen WRM WinRAdiO Memory Format
517 Filendelsen WRN Eclipse Data Format
518 Filendelsen WRP Geomagic 3D Wrap Format
519 Filendelsen WRPL Widelands Saved Game Format
520 Filendelsen WRPLWGF Widelands Initial Saved Game Format
521 Filendelsen WRR WAsP Roughness Rose
522 Filendelsen WRS Corel WordPerfect Windows Printer Driver
523 Filendelsen WRTS Wrts Data Format
524 Filendelsen WRZ Compressed VRML World Format
525 Filendelsen WS Windows Script
526 Filendelsen WS1 WordStar For Windows 1 Document
527 Filendelsen WS2 WordStar 2000 Document
528 Filendelsen WS3 WordStar For Windows 3 Document
529 Filendelsen WS4 WordStar For Windows 4 Document
530 Filendelsen WS5 WordStar For Windows 5 Document
531 Filendelsen WS6 WordStar For Windows 6 Document
532 Filendelsen WS7 WordStar For Windows Document
533 Filendelsen WSA Corel PaintShop Photo Pro Animation Shop Workspace
534 Filendelsen WSB Microsoft SharePoint Server 2007 Temporary
535 Filendelsen WSC Windows Script Component
536 Filendelsen WSD WordStar Document
537 Filendelsen WSDD Apache Axis Web Service Deployment Descriptor (WSDD)
538 Filendelsen WSDL Web Services Description Language Format
539 Filendelsen WSE Wise Format Format
540 Filendelsen WSET Microsoft Word For Mac Settings
541 Filendelsen WSF Windows Script Format
542 Filendelsen WSG WAsP Site Locations
543 Filendelsen WSH Windows Script Host Settings
544 Filendelsen WSI Wise Package Studio Installer Package
545 Filendelsen WSIL IBM Web Services Inspection Language
546 Filendelsen WSK Whisset Media Player Skin
547 Filendelsen WSKN Wise Care 365 Data Format
548 Filendelsen WSL Win-Situ Data Logger
549 Filendelsen WSM Wise Package Studio Merge Module
550 Filendelsen WSMDI Microsoft Visual Studio Test List
551 Filendelsen WSO Sims 3 Mesh
552 Filendelsen WSP SharePoint Solution Package
553 Filendelsen WSPAK WebsitePanel Backup Format
554 Filendelsen WSPD WebsitePainter For Mac Project Format
555 Filendelsen WSQ UTAU
556 Filendelsen WSR Crossword Genius
557 Filendelsen WSRMAC Windows Speech Recognition Macro Format
558 Filendelsen WSS Microsoft Windows Sound System
559 Filendelsen WSSP CommuniGate Custom Website Definition
560 Filendelsen WSSTYLES Microsoft Windows Vista Sidebar Style
561 Filendelsen WSSX Microsoft Windows Server Add-on Format
562 Filendelsen WST NextSTART Theme
563 Filendelsen WSV Konica Minolta SpectraMagic Data
564 Filendelsen WSVE Wondershare Filmora Project Format
565 Filendelsen WSVS Wondershare Filmora Data Format
566 Filendelsen WSW WorkShelf Theme
567 Filendelsen WSX SysEx Librarian For Mac OS X
568 Filendelsen WSYM ArchiCAD For MAC Geometric Description Language
569 Filendelsen WSZ Winamp Classic Skin
570 Filendelsen WT0 WordExpress Template
571 Filendelsen WT4 Lotus 1-2-3 Worksheet Template Format
572 Filendelsen WT6 602Pro PC Suite Extension
573 Filendelsen WTA WinTune DLL Dynamic Link Library
574 Filendelsen WTB Win-Test Binary Log Format
575 Filendelsen WTBN Word For Mac Template
576 Filendelsen WTC Logitech Webcam Format
577 Filendelsen WTD Grand Theft Auto IV Textures Format
578 Filendelsen WTF World Of Warcraft Text Format
579 Filendelsen WTFAV Watchtower Library Favourite
580 Filendelsen WTG WAsP Wind Turbine Generator
581 Filendelsen WTH ContamX Weather
582 Filendelsen WTI WebTranslateIt Configuration
583 Filendelsen WTK WinTalk URL Address
584 Filendelsen WTL Windows Test Log
585 Filendelsen WTML WorldWide Telescope Data Format
586 Filendelsen WTMP Microsoft Word For Mac 5 Temporary
587 Filendelsen WTP Wink Template
588 Filendelsen WTPL WireTap Studio Library
589 Filendelsen WTPT WireTap Studio Packaged Track
590 Filendelsen WTR Encarta Format
591 Filendelsen WTS WebPlus Template
592 Filendelsen WTT Likno Web/HTML Tooltips Builder
593 Filendelsen WTV Windows Recorded TV Show Format
594 Filendelsen WTX Text Document
595 Filendelsen WUI WhatsUp Gold Network Map Polling Statistics
596 Filendelsen WUL WinUHA Language Format
597 Filendelsen WUP WhatsUp Gold Network Map
598 Filendelsen WUS WUTG Tagged Audio Format
599 Filendelsen WUSIKSND Wusik Station Multisampled Sound
600 Filendelsen WUT WUTG Tag Format
601 Filendelsen WV WavPack Audio Format
602 Filendelsen WVC WavPack Correction Format
603 Filendelsen WVD StarMoney Filter Zvl32
604 Filendelsen WVE DivX Movie Conversion Component Format
605 Filendelsen WVL Wavelet Image
606 Filendelsen WVM WAVE Input
607 Filendelsen WVP Symantec Virtual Package Editor Virtual Software Project Format
608 Filendelsen WVX Windows Media Video Redirector
609 Filendelsen WVXML AudioPlayer XML Playlist
610 Filendelsen WW6 Nolo Willmaker 6 Will
611 Filendelsen WWA WebSite-Watcher Archive
612 Filendelsen WWB Corel WordPerfect Button Bar
613 Filendelsen WWCX Adobe InCopy
614 Filendelsen WWD Works Wizard Format
615 Filendelsen WWF World Wide Fund Non-Printable Document
616 Filendelsen WWG CARE-S InfoWorks Wastewater Data
617 Filendelsen WWH WAsP Workspace
618 Filendelsen WWI SAP EHS WWI Document Format
619 Filendelsen WWK Corel WordPerfect Keyboard Layout
620 Filendelsen WWL Microsoft Word Add-in
621 Filendelsen WWP Microsoft Works Wizards
622 Filendelsen WWQ SWAT Watershed Water Quality Input
623 Filendelsen WWR WAsP Resource Grid
624 Filendelsen WWS Writing With Symbols Document
625 Filendelsen WWT WinDev Page Template
626 Filendelsen WWTFIG WorldWide Telescope Format
627 Filendelsen WWTL WorldWide Telescope Layer Data Format
628 Filendelsen WWU Wwise Work Unit
629 Filendelsen WWW ANNO 2070 World Configuration Format
630 Filendelsen WWX WinIDEA Watch XML Format Format
631 Filendelsen WX Flight Simulator Weather Format
632 Filendelsen WXD Homeworld Musc Resource Game
633 Filendelsen WXF WinSQL Scheduled Task
634 Filendelsen WXI WiX Include
635 Filendelsen WXL WiX Localization
636 Filendelsen WXMX WxMaxima Document
637 Filendelsen WXP EXP For Windows Document
638 Filendelsen WXR WxWindgets Resource
639 Filendelsen WXS Code::Blocks XML
640 Filendelsen WXY League Of Legends Wooxy Skin Format
641 Filendelsen WYC WyBuild Version Number
642 Filendelsen WYP WyBuild Definitions
643 Filendelsen WYS WyBuild Server
644 Filendelsen WYU WyBuild Update
645 Filendelsen WYZ WYZTracker Format
646 Filendelsen WZ MapleStory Game Data Format
647 Filendelsen WZA Encryption Wizard Archive
648 Filendelsen WZCLOUD WinZip Data Format
649 Filendelsen WZCONFIG WinZip Configuration Format
650 Filendelsen WZD Sharp Wizard Program Format
651 Filendelsen WZMUL WinZip Registration Format
652 Filendelsen WZN WhizFolders Document
653 Filendelsen WZS Microsoft Word Wizard
654 Filendelsen WZSUL WinZip Multi-user Registration Format
655 Filendelsen WZTHEME WinZip Theme Format
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