Alfabetisch gesorteerd: D

#BestandsextensieVolledige bestandsnaam
1 Bestandsextensie D D Source Code Format
2 Bestandsextensie D$$ Gargoyle Interactive Fiction Story Format
3 Bestandsextensie D00 VirtualDrive Disc Image Part Format
4 Bestandsextensie D01 VirtualDrive Disc Image Part 2 Format
5 Bestandsextensie D02 MicroSim PCBoard NC Drill Data
6 Bestandsextensie D03 MicroSim PCBoard NC Drill Data
7 Bestandsextensie D05 MicroSim PCBoard NC Drill Data
8 Bestandsextensie D07 MicroSim PCBoard NC Drill Data
9 Bestandsextensie D08 DeductionPro 2008
10 Bestandsextensie D1 Progress Database
11 Bestandsextensie D10 IRIG 106 Recording Directory
12 Bestandsextensie D11 Macro Mania Data
13 Bestandsextensie D12 HERE Maps For Android Map Data Format
14 Bestandsextensie D14 HERE Maps For Android Map Data Format
15 Bestandsextensie D15 HERE Maps For Android Map Data Format
16 Bestandsextensie D16 HERE Maps For Android Map Data Format
17 Bestandsextensie D2 Progress Database
18 Bestandsextensie D2A Avisynth MPAsource Plugin Scan
19 Bestandsextensie D2CT Disinfectant For Mac
20 Bestandsextensie D2H Diablo II Hack It Module
21 Bestandsextensie D2I ATMA Diablo II
22 Bestandsextensie D2P Diablo 2 Packet
23 Bestandsextensie D2S Diablo 2 Save Format
24 Bestandsextensie D2V DVD2AVI Format
25 Bestandsextensie D2X Diablo 2 Stash
26 Bestandsextensie D31 HERE Maps For Android Map Data Format
27 Bestandsextensie D32 Lotus Visualisation
28 Bestandsextensie D33 HERE Maps For Android Map Data Format
29 Bestandsextensie D34 HERE Maps For Android Map Data Format
30 Bestandsextensie D35 HERE Maps For Android Map Data Format
31 Bestandsextensie D3C Descent
32 Bestandsextensie D3D Corel Dream 3D Drawing Format
33 Bestandsextensie D3DBSP Call Of Duty Map Format
34 Bestandsextensie D3M Descent Game
35 Bestandsextensie D3S Nikon Image Format
36 Bestandsextensie D3V Datel Video Format
37 Bestandsextensie D3X Nikon Image Format
38 Bestandsextensie D4 Dataphor Source
39 Bestandsextensie D41 CCS64 Data Format
40 Bestandsextensie D43 IAR Debug
41 Bestandsextensie D4C Dataphor Data Format
42 Bestandsextensie D5C Dragon UnPACKer Plugin Format
43 Bestandsextensie D5D Dragon UnPACKer Driver Format
44 Bestandsextensie D5P Dragon UnPACKer Language Pack
45 Bestandsextensie D64 Commodore 64 Disk Image
46 Bestandsextensie D67 VICE Disk Image
47 Bestandsextensie D71 Commodore Emulator
48 Bestandsextensie D80 Commodore CBM-8050 Diskette Emulator Image
49 Bestandsextensie D81 Commodore VC-1581 Diskette Emulator Image
50 Bestandsextensie D82 Commodore Emulator
51 Bestandsextensie D88 Toshiba Pasopia 7 Disk Format
52 Bestandsextensie DA DAwin Project
53 Bestandsextensie DA$ Microsoft Compressed DAT
54 Bestandsextensie DA0 Windows Registry Backup Format
55 Bestandsextensie DA1 Windows Registry Backup
56 Bestandsextensie DA2 DeepAnalysis Save Format
57 Bestandsextensie DA3 Star Trek Generations Saved Game
58 Bestandsextensie DA4 SeeYou Waypoint
59 Bestandsextensie DA5 Star Trek Generations Saved Game
60 Bestandsextensie DA6 Star Trek Generations Saved Game
61 Bestandsextensie DA7 Star Trek Generations Saved Game
62 Bestandsextensie DA8 Star Trek: Generations Saved Game
63 Bestandsextensie DA9 Star Trek Generations Autosave Game
64 Bestandsextensie DAA PowerISO Direct-Access-Archive
65 Bestandsextensie DAAP Apple DAAP Playlist
66 Bestandsextensie DAB OrangeCD Catalog Database
67 Bestandsextensie DABRIEFCASE RemObjects Data Abstract Format Briefcase
68 Bestandsextensie DAC Dynacom Accounting Data
69 Bestandsextensie DACONFIG RemObjects Data Abstract Configuration Format
70 Bestandsextensie DACONNECTIONS RemObjects Data Abstract Connections Format
71 Bestandsextensie DACPAC SQL Server Data Tier Application Package
72 Bestandsextensie DAD RemObjects Data Abstract Driver Format
73 Bestandsextensie DAD2 Canvas For Mac
74 Bestandsextensie DADIAGRAMS RemObjects Data Abstract Data Diagrams Format
75 Bestandsextensie DADX Eclipse Document Access Definition Extension
76 Bestandsextensie DAE Digital Asset Exchange Format
77 Bestandsextensie DAEMONSCRIPT Daemon Tools Script
78 Bestandsextensie DAF Digital Anchor Format
79 Bestandsextensie DAG Dagra Document
80 Bestandsextensie DAH AutoPlay Media Studio Splash Image
81 Bestandsextensie DAI Dream Aquarium Patch
82 Bestandsextensie DAILY Day Log Format
83 Bestandsextensie DAK Debian Archive Kit Data Format
84 Bestandsextensie DAL DVD-lab Project Format
85 Bestandsextensie DAM DeltaMaster Analysis Model
86 Bestandsextensie DAN D-MAS Analysis System Patient
87 Bestandsextensie DAO Disk At Once CD/DVD Image
88 Bestandsextensie DAP Download Accelerator Partial Download Format
89 Bestandsextensie DAPF DinkeyAdd Parameter
90 Bestandsextensie DAPROJ DivX Author Project
91 Bestandsextensie DAQ Data Acquisition Toolbox
92 Bestandsextensie DAR DAR Disk Archive
93 Bestandsextensie DARC Darc Archive Format
94 Bestandsextensie DARKEST Darkest Dungeon Game Script Format
95 Bestandsextensie DARKNESS Rakhni Ransomware Affected Data Format
96 Bestandsextensie DART Apple Mac OS X DiskImageMounter DART Image
97 Bestandsextensie DARTCLIP Dartfish Metadata
98 Bestandsextensie DAS DeltaMaster Analysis Session
99 Bestandsextensie DASCHEMA Data Abstract Database Schema Format
100 Bestandsextensie DASH Dashlane Profile
101 Bestandsextensie DAT Data Format
102 Bestandsextensie DAT-SHM EmClient Data
103 Bestandsextensie DAT-WAL EM Client WAL Data Format
104 Bestandsextensie DAT2 XYplorer Thumbnail Cache
105 Bestandsextensie DATA Analysis Studio Offline Data Format
106 Bestandsextensie DATABASE Serato DJ Database Format
107 Bestandsextensie DATACONTRACT Web Service Software Factory Installer
108 Bestandsextensie DATASOURCE Microsoft Visual Studio Data Source
109 Bestandsextensie DATBAK0 Miranda Data Format Backup
110 Bestandsextensie DAT_BAK_48396 Calibre Data Format
111 Bestandsextensie DAT_DEFAULT Siemens NX Data Format
112 Bestandsextensie DAT_MCR Minecraft Level.dat Backup Format
113 Bestandsextensie DAT_NEW Minecraft World Level Format
114 Bestandsextensie DAT_OLD Minecraft Level.dat Backup Format
115 Bestandsextensie DAT_TUREG_OLD Windows Registry
116 Bestandsextensie DAU Express Dictate Dictate Record
117 Bestandsextensie DAV DVR365 Video Format
118 Bestandsextensie DAW Hasbro Scramble CDROM OWL2 List Format
119 Bestandsextensie DAWG Eliot Dictionary
120 Bestandsextensie DAX PSP Compressed ISO Disc Image
121 Bestandsextensie DAY Day Of The Zombie Map Format
122 Bestandsextensie DAYZPROFILE DAYZ Profile
123 Bestandsextensie DAZ DAZ Studio 3D Scene
124 Bestandsextensie DAZIP Dragon Age: Origins Game Format
125 Bestandsextensie DA_ GKSetup Support
126 Bestandsextensie DB Database Format
127 Bestandsextensie DB$ DBASE Temporary
128 Bestandsextensie DB- Norton Nprotect Database Format
129 Bestandsextensie DB-JOURNAL SQLite Database Journal
130 Bestandsextensie DB-SHM SQLite Database Shared Memory Format
131 Bestandsextensie DB-WAL SQLite Database Write-Ahead Log Format
132 Bestandsextensie DBCRYPT5 WhatsApp Messenger Encrypted Message Database Backup Format
133 Bestandsextensie DBCRYPT7 WhatsApp Messenger Encrypted Message Database Backup Format
134 Bestandsextensie DBCRYPT8 WhatsApp Messenger Message Database Backup Format
135 Bestandsextensie DB0 S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Game
136 Bestandsextensie DB1 Tekla Structures Model Format
137 Bestandsextensie DB2 DBASE II Database
138 Bestandsextensie DB2IND Microsoft Visual Studio DB2 Index
139 Bestandsextensie DB2MOV DeepDVD Movie Authoring Project
140 Bestandsextensie DB2P IBM Database Project
141 Bestandsextensie DB2SP Microsoft Visual Studio DB2 Create Procedure Statement
142 Bestandsextensie DB2TBL Microsoft Visual Studio DB2 Table Script
143 Bestandsextensie DB2TR Microsoft Visual Studio DB2 Trigger Script
144 Bestandsextensie DB2UDF Microsoft Visual Studio DB2 User Defined Function
145 Bestandsextensie DB2VW Microsoft Visual Studio DB2 View Script
146 Bestandsextensie DB3 SQLite Database Format
147 Bestandsextensie DB3-JOURNAL SQLite Temporary Database Journal
148 Bestandsextensie DB4 Paychex Payroll Database
149 Bestandsextensie DB5 S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Game
150 Bestandsextensie DB6 S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Game
151 Bestandsextensie DB7 S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Game
152 Bestandsextensie DB8 S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Game
153 Bestandsextensie DB9 S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Game
154 Bestandsextensie DBA Palm Datebook Backup Format
155 Bestandsextensie DBAG WinSQL DataBag
156 Bestandsextensie DBAT Quicken For Mac Data
157 Bestandsextensie DBB Skype User Information Format
158 Bestandsextensie DBC OrCAD Capture CIS Database Configuration Format
159 Bestandsextensie DBD DemoShield Project
160 Bestandsextensie DBDF SimCity 4 DBDF Compression Directories Format
161 Bestandsextensie DBDIF DatabaseSpy Comparison Data Format
162 Bestandsextensie DBE ActiveSync Backup Format Format Format
163 Bestandsextensie DBF Database Format
164 Bestandsextensie DBFSEVENTSD Mac OS X Data Format
165 Bestandsextensie DBG FoxPro Debugger Configuration
166 Bestandsextensie DBGSYM Debug Symbols Format
167 Bestandsextensie DBH CodeWarrior Debug Preferences
168 Bestandsextensie DBHEADER Download Boost Header
169 Bestandsextensie DBI FIFA World Cup Game Data Comin Fe
170 Bestandsextensie DBITS XYplorer Hash Data Format
171 Bestandsextensie DBK OrCAD Schematic Capture Backup Format
172 Bestandsextensie DBL DAZ Brick Light Format
173 Bestandsextensie DBLIB Altium Designer Database Library
174 Bestandsextensie DBLINK Altium Designer Database Link
175 Bestandsextensie DBM ColdFusion Server Format
176 Bestandsextensie DBMANIFEST Database Manifest
177 Bestandsextensie DBMC Netscape Cache Log
178 Bestandsextensie DBMDL Microsoft Visual Studio Database Project
179 Bestandsextensie DBMG Netscale Navigator History
180 Bestandsextensie DBML Visual Studio OR Design Format
181 Bestandsextensie DBNW Netscape News
182 Bestandsextensie DBNX Netscape For Mac Host
183 Bestandsextensie DBO DarkBASIC Object
184 Bestandsextensie DBP Microsoft Visual Studio Visual C++ Database Project
185 Bestandsextensie DBPF Maxis Database Packed Format
186 Bestandsextensie DBPRO DarkBASIC Professional Project Format
187 Bestandsextensie DBPROJ Visual Studio Database Project Format
188 Bestandsextensie DBQ Paradox Memo Format
189 Bestandsextensie DBR DeepBurner Disc Project
190 Bestandsextensie DBS SQLBase Database Format
191 Bestandsextensie DBSCHEMA Database Schema
192 Bestandsextensie DBSDIF DatabaseSpy Format
193 Bestandsextensie DBT Database Text Format
194 Bestandsextensie DBV Database Variable Field
195 Bestandsextensie DBW Microsoft Windows Database
196 Bestandsextensie DBX Outlook Express E-mail Folder
197 Bestandsextensie DBZ DB Zipper Compressed Database
198 Bestandsextensie DC DesignCAD Design Format
199 Bestandsextensie DC0 OpenBSD
200 Bestandsextensie DC1 DevCad Document
201 Bestandsextensie DC2 Kodak DC25 Digital Camera Format
202 Bestandsextensie DC3 Medicine Image Format Format
203 Bestandsextensie DC4 ViaThinkSoft (De)Coder 4 Format
204 Bestandsextensie DC42 Apple Disk Copy 4.2 Disk Image
205 Bestandsextensie DC5 DataCAD Drawing Format
206 Bestandsextensie DC6 Diablo 2 Static Image
207 Bestandsextensie DCA DisplayWrite Document
208 Bestandsextensie DCB Concordance Database Format
209 Bestandsextensie DCC Diablo 2 Animation
210 Bestandsextensie DCD DesignCAD Drawing
211 Bestandsextensie DCDC Astound Presentation
212 Bestandsextensie DCE DriveCam Video Format
213 Bestandsextensie DCF DRM Content Format Format
214 Bestandsextensie DCFG Routers2.cgi Dummy Configuration Data Format
215 Bestandsextensie DCG HSFX Map
216 Bestandsextensie DCH Draft Choice Drawing Format
217 Bestandsextensie DCIM Digital Imaging And Communications In Medicine Image Format
218 Bestandsextensie DCK Resolume Deck Format
219 Bestandsextensie DCL AutoCAD Dialog Definition Format
220 Bestandsextensie DCLS CATIA V4 Settings
221 Bestandsextensie DCM DICOM Image
222 Bestandsextensie DCM30 DICOM 3.0 Picture Image Format
223 Bestandsextensie DCMD DiskCatalogMaker Thumbnail-Enabled Catalog
224 Bestandsextensie DCMF DiskCatalogMaker Catalog
225 Bestandsextensie DCN Autodesk Depth Slope Definition
226 Bestandsextensie DCO DisCryptor Encrypted Archive
227 Bestandsextensie DCOVER Disc Cover Format
228 Bestandsextensie DCP Adobe DNG Camera Profile
229 Bestandsextensie DCPF Disc Copier Project Format
230 Bestandsextensie DCPIL Delphi Compiler Symbolic Information
231 Bestandsextensie DCPR Adobe DNG Camera Profile Recipe Format
232 Bestandsextensie DCPROJ Dashcode Project
233 Bestandsextensie DCPY Disk Copy
234 Bestandsextensie DCR Kodak RAW Image Format
235 Bestandsextensie DCS Desktop Color Separation Format
236 Bestandsextensie DCS2 Adobe Photoshop DCS 2.0 Document Format
237 Bestandsextensie DCST Adobe InDesign Document Presets Format
238 Bestandsextensie DCT Dictionary Format
239 Bestandsextensie DCT5 Microsoft Word 5 For Mac Dictionary
240 Bestandsextensie DCTMP DC++ Partially Downloaded Format
241 Bestandsextensie DCTX Microsoft Office IME Open Extended Dictionary
242 Bestandsextensie DCTXC Microsoft Office IME Open Extended Dictionary
243 Bestandsextensie DCU Delphi Compiled Unit
244 Bestandsextensie DCUIL Delphi .NET Compiled Unit Format
245 Bestandsextensie DCV DriveCrypt Encrypted Volume
246 Bestandsextensie DCW DraftChoice For Windows Drawing Format
247 Bestandsextensie DCX FoxPro Database Index
248 Bestandsextensie DCZ IDance Character Model Format
249 Bestandsextensie DD Doodle C64 Image Format
250 Bestandsextensie DD2 Dungeon Designer 2 Map Design
251 Bestandsextensie DD3 Blood Bowl Game
252 Bestandsextensie DDA TNTmips Import
253 Bestandsextensie DDAP DiskDoubler Compressed
254 Bestandsextensie DDAT DivX Temporary Video Format
255 Bestandsextensie DDB Digidesign Database
256 Bestandsextensie DDC DivX Descriptor Format
257 Bestandsextensie DDCX DivX Descriptor 2 Format
258 Bestandsextensie DDD Adobe Distiller Format
259 Bestandsextensie DDE Dynamic Data Exchange
260 Bestandsextensie DDF Diamond Directive Format
261 Bestandsextensie DDG DucatiDiag Data Format
262 Bestandsextensie DDJ Silkroad Alchemy Page
263 Bestandsextensie DDK IBM OS/2 Saved SKF
264 Bestandsextensie DDL Data Definition Language Format
265 Bestandsextensie DDM Alpha Five Table Objects
266 Bestandsextensie DDOC DigiDoc Client Container
267 Bestandsextensie DDP Delphi Diagram Portfolio Format
268 Bestandsextensie DDPOKERSAVE DD Poker Save Game
269 Bestandsextensie DDR DDRemote Parameter
270 Bestandsextensie DDRW ClarisDraw Drawing
271 Bestandsextensie DDS DirectDraw Surface
272 Bestandsextensie DDSX Stronghold Kingdoms Data
273 Bestandsextensie DDT Football Manager Keep Player Data Format
274 Bestandsextensie DDV Oddworld: Abes Oddysee Movie Format
275 Bestandsextensie DDWSCAN Disk Drill Data Format
276 Bestandsextensie DDX Alpha Five Data Dictionary Index
277 Bestandsextensie DDZ Adaptec Unix Driver
278 Bestandsextensie DE German Language Translation
279 Bestandsextensie DE2 XWE Data Format
280 Bestandsextensie DEA Drug Enforcement Administration Record Data Format
281 Bestandsextensie DEADSPACESAVE Dead Space Saved Game Format
282 Bestandsextensie DEB Debian Software Package
283 Bestandsextensie DEBIAN Debian Related
284 Bestandsextensie DEBUGLOG MyDefrag Data Format
285 Bestandsextensie DEC Declaration Format
286 Bestandsextensie DECK Microsoft Office For Mac Query
287 Bestandsextensie DECL Id Tech 6 Game Data Format
288 Bestandsextensie DECRYPT Decrypted Microsoft ESD Format
289 Bestandsextensie DECRYPT2017 Globe 3 Ransomware Affected Format
290 Bestandsextensie DECTEST Decimal Test Data Format
291 Bestandsextensie DED Dr. Engrave Document
292 Bestandsextensie DEE Creator Simulator Description
293 Bestandsextensie DEF Module-Definition Format
294 Bestandsextensie DEFAULTSITE 1&1 Defaultsite Format
295 Bestandsextensie DEFINITION Apple Mac OS X Automator Data Type Definition
296 Bestandsextensie DEFORM FontTwister Deform Guide Line
297 Bestandsextensie DEFT Juice Grinder Data Format
298 Bestandsextensie DEH Doom DeHackEd Game Data Format
299 Bestandsextensie DEK Magic: The Gathering Deck Format
300 Bestandsextensie DEL Apple Safari
301 Bestandsextensie DELF Malicious Or Virus
302 Bestandsextensie DEM Video Game Demo Format
303 Bestandsextensie DEMO VirtuaGirl HD Model Demo
304 Bestandsextensie DEMO4 UT2004 Demo
305 Bestandsextensie DEMOCRACY VLC Media Player Data Format
306 Bestandsextensie DENY Linux Access
307 Bestandsextensie DEOS Driver Easy Offline Scan Format
308 Bestandsextensie DEP Windows Dependency Format
309 Bestandsextensie DEPEND Code::Blocks Dependencies Format
310 Bestandsextensie DEPGRAPHBIN Tom Clancys The Division Game Data Format
311 Bestandsextensie DEPLOYMENTOPTIONS SQL Server Deployment Options
312 Bestandsextensie DEPLOYMENTTARGETS SQL Server Deployment Target
313 Bestandsextensie DEPLOYPROJ Microsoft Visual Studio Deployment Project Format
314 Bestandsextensie DEPROJ Disketch Project Format
315 Bestandsextensie DER DER Certificate Format
316 Bestandsextensie DES Corel Designer Format
317 Bestandsextensie DES-SE Sony Ericsson XPERIA X10
318 Bestandsextensie DESC Battlefield 2 Map Description Format
319 Bestandsextensie DESCRIPTION Multilizer PDF Translator Description
320 Bestandsextensie DESIGN Microsoft Expression Design Drawing
321 Bestandsextensie DESKLINK Desktop Shortcut
322 Bestandsextensie DESKSOFTLICENSE DeskSoft License Format
323 Bestandsextensie DESKTHEMEPACK Windows 8 Desktop Theme Pack Format
324 Bestandsextensie DESKTOP Desktop Entry Format
325 Bestandsextensie DESS Microsoft Device Emulator Saved State
326 Bestandsextensie DET Sage ACT! 5 Email Message
327 Bestandsextensie DEU Adobe Reader German Language
328 Bestandsextensie DEV Windows Device Driver Format
329 Bestandsextensie DEVELOPERPROFILE Xcode Developer Profile
330 Bestandsextensie DEVELVE Develve Data Format
331 Bestandsextensie DEVICEIDS Device Identification FIle
332 Bestandsextensie DEVICEINFO Device Record
333 Bestandsextensie DEVICEMANIFEST-MS Microsoft Windows Device Metadata
334 Bestandsextensie DEVICEMETADATA-MS Microsoft Windows 7 Device Metadata Package
335 Bestandsextensie DEVICESALT NOOK Device Salt Format
336 Bestandsextensie DEVPACKAGE Dev-C++ Package Format
337 Bestandsextensie DEVPAK Dev-C++ Developer Package
338 Bestandsextensie DEVX E-sword Devotional
339 Bestandsextensie DEWF SoundEdit Recorded Instrument
340 Bestandsextensie DEX Dalvik Executable Format
341 Bestandsextensie DEXE Microsoft Virtual PC For Mac Executable
342 Bestandsextensie DEZ DeZign For Databases Project
343 Bestandsextensie DF Corel Paradox Table Filter
344 Bestandsextensie DF1 Omnis Native Datafile
345 Bestandsextensie DF10 IRIG 106 Recording Directory
346 Bestandsextensie DF2 Defractor 2 Instrument
347 Bestandsextensie DF3 Omnis7 And Omnis Studio Database
348 Bestandsextensie DF4 Omnis7 And Omnis Studio Database
349 Bestandsextensie DF6 Omnis7 And Omnis Studio Database
350 Bestandsextensie DF7 Omnis Studio Database
351 Bestandsextensie DFB Data Flask Formula
352 Bestandsextensie DFC Defractor Instrument
353 Bestandsextensie DFD ABC Programming Language Dyadic Functions Data Format
354 Bestandsextensie DFE RISC OS Comma Separated Value
355 Bestandsextensie DFF RenderWare Model Format
356 Bestandsextensie DFG Data Flask Grid Format
357 Bestandsextensie DFH SONAR Kit
358 Bestandsextensie DFK Dark Flow Project Format
359 Bestandsextensie DFL OLE2 Doc
360 Bestandsextensie DFM Delphi Form
361 Bestandsextensie DFN Delphi Definition
362 Bestandsextensie DFONT Mac OS X Data Fork Font
363 Bestandsextensie DFP Fusion Plugin Format
364 Bestandsextensie DFPROJ DVD Flick Project
365 Bestandsextensie DFQ SmartWare Query Definition
366 Bestandsextensie DFR SmartWare Report Definition
367 Bestandsextensie DFS AutoCAD Utility Defaults Format Format
368 Bestandsextensie DFT Solid Edge Draft Document
369 Bestandsextensie DFTI FlexiWrite Document Format
370 Bestandsextensie DFU IOS DFU Format
371 Bestandsextensie DFV MS Office Word Print Format Template
372 Bestandsextensie DFW SmartWare Cross-tab Definition
373 Bestandsextensie DFX Drafix CAD Format
374 Bestandsextensie DFXP Timed Text Markup Language
375 Bestandsextensie DG Source Code For A Dialog Box
376 Bestandsextensie DG-KEY DigiGuide Key
377 Bestandsextensie DG1 DuneGraph Picture Image Format
378 Bestandsextensie DG3 DeltaGraph
379 Bestandsextensie DGADDIN DigiGuide Add-in Format
380 Bestandsextensie DGB FlashCAD Drawing Database
381 Bestandsextensie DGC DGCA Format Archive
382 Bestandsextensie DGDAT DoubleGIS Database
383 Bestandsextensie DGE Micro Focus Enterprise Developer Declaration Data Format
384 Bestandsextensie DGF GPS Pathfinder Office Geoid Grid
385 Bestandsextensie DGI HDConvertToX Input
386 Bestandsextensie DGIMGLIB DigiGuide Image Library Format
387 Bestandsextensie DGK Delcam 3D Model Format
388 Bestandsextensie DGL DigiGuide Language
389 Bestandsextensie DGM Lotus Freelance Diagram
390 Bestandsextensie DGMAKER DigiGuide Marker
391 Bestandsextensie DGMARKER DigiGuide Description Format
392 Bestandsextensie DGML Visual Studio Directed Graph Document
393 Bestandsextensie DGN MicroStation Design Format
394 Bestandsextensie DGNLIB MicroStation Design Library
395 Bestandsextensie DGP Atari Picture Image Format
396 Bestandsextensie DGPD DeltaGraph Document
397 Bestandsextensie DGPRINT DigiGuide Print Template
398 Bestandsextensie DGR DeltaGraph Document
399 Bestandsextensie DGRECOMMEND DigiGuide Format
400 Bestandsextensie DGRH DeltaGraph For Mac
401 Bestandsextensie DGS Dagesh Pro Document
402 Bestandsextensie DGSCRIPT DigiGuide Script Format
403 Bestandsextensie DGSL Visual Shader Graph Format
404 Bestandsextensie DGT DST Thumbnail Format
405 Bestandsextensie DGU DuneGraph Picture Image Format
406 Bestandsextensie DGW Digi-Watcher Video Data Format
407 Bestandsextensie DGX IBM Rational XDE
408 Bestandsextensie DGZ Dega Saved State
409 Bestandsextensie DHCD DHCD Computing Application Data Format
410 Bestandsextensie DHE Microsoft Help Workshop Dialog Box Help Editor Document
411 Bestandsextensie DHF AMIGA Emulator Disk Image ROM
412 Bestandsextensie DHM Shadowgrounds Mission Data Format
413 Bestandsextensie DHR Amiga Multi-palette Bitmap Image Format
414 Bestandsextensie DHS HyperSnap Drawing
415 Bestandsextensie DHT GAUSS Data Set Header Format
416 Bestandsextensie DHTML Dynamic HTML Format
417 Bestandsextensie DHV Doc-To-Help Format Lock Format
418 Bestandsextensie DHW ACECAD Digimemo Memo
419 Bestandsextensie DHY Adobe Bridge
420 Bestandsextensie DI D Programming Language Source Code
421 Bestandsextensie DIA Dia Diagram Format
422 Bestandsextensie DIAG Microsoft Windows Troubleshooting Pack Designer Data Format
423 Bestandsextensie DIAGCAB Troubleshooting Pack Cabinet Format
424 Bestandsextensie DIAGCFG Troubleshooting Pack Configuration Format
425 Bestandsextensie DIAGPKG Troubleshooting Pack Format
426 Bestandsextensie DIAGSESSION Microsoft Visual Studio Diagnostic Session Format
427 Bestandsextensie DIALOG UltraEdit Data Format
428 Bestandsextensie DIB Device Independent Bitmap Format
429 Bestandsextensie DIC Dictionary Format
430 Bestandsextensie DICM Medicine Image
431 Bestandsextensie DICOM DICOM Image Format
432 Bestandsextensie DICPROOF Microsoft Dictionary Proofing Format
433 Bestandsextensie DICT Sunnysoft InterWrite
434 Bestandsextensie DID Adobe Distiller/Bridge
435 Bestandsextensie DIE Diablo Item
436 Bestandsextensie DIF Data Interchange Format
437 Bestandsextensie DIFF Diff Source
438 Bestandsextensie DIG Digilink Audio Format
439 Bestandsextensie DIGEST HERE Maps For Android Data Format
440 Bestandsextensie DII Summation Batch Load Format
441 Bestandsextensie DIL Delphi
442 Bestandsextensie DIM DIME Format
443 Bestandsextensie DIMAX DiMAX Firmware Image Format
444 Bestandsextensie DIME Direct Internet Message Encapsulation Format
445 Bestandsextensie DIMG Mac Disk Image
446 Bestandsextensie DIN DataEase Installation Script
447 Bestandsextensie DINERDASH2SAVEDGAME Diner Dash 2 Saved Game
448 Bestandsextensie DINERDASHSAVEDGAME Diner Dash Saved Game
449 Bestandsextensie DINFO DivX Temporary Video Info Format
450 Bestandsextensie DIP Windows Bitmap Format
451 Bestandsextensie DIPX DVDInfoPro Data Format
452 Bestandsextensie DIR Adobe Director Movie
453 Bestandsextensie DIR00 Disk Defrag Error Or Dump
454 Bestandsextensie DIRECTORY KDE Folder View Properties Format
455 Bestandsextensie DIS Oracle Discoverer Workbook
456 Bestandsextensie DISABLED Spybot - Search & Destroy Disabled Format
457 Bestandsextensie DISC Toast Document
458 Bestandsextensie DISCO DISCO Discovery Document
459 Bestandsextensie DISCOMAP DISCO Discovery Output Format
460 Bestandsextensie DISK Linux Virtual Hard Disk
461 Bestandsextensie DISKCOPY42 Apple Disk Copy 4.2 Disk Image
462 Bestandsextensie DISKDEFINES Linux LiveCD Information Format
463 Bestandsextensie DISPOSITION-NOTIFICATION Message Disposition Notification Format
464 Bestandsextensie DIST Mac OS X Distribution Script
465 Bestandsextensie DIST-RDB SAM Scoring
466 Bestandsextensie DISTZ Apple Mac OS X Installer Distribution
467 Bestandsextensie DIT Active Directory Information Tree Format
468 Bestandsextensie DITA DITA Document
469 Bestandsextensie DITAMAP DITA Topic Map Format
470 Bestandsextensie DITAVAL DITA Conditions Format
471 Bestandsextensie DIV DivX Movie
472 Bestandsextensie DIVA Project DIVA Song Format
473 Bestandsextensie DIVX DivX-Encoded Movie Format
474 Bestandsextensie DIX DIVA-GIS Export Format
475 Bestandsextensie DIY My Drivers Backup Setup Format
476 Bestandsextensie DIZ Description In Zip Format
477 Bestandsextensie DJ DJGPP Docs
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592 Bestandsextensie DN2 Duke Nukem Episode 2 Game Format
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774 Bestandsextensie DS7 WinDS PRO Data Format
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776 Bestandsextensie DS9 WinDS PRO Data Format
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944 Bestandsextensie DW3 DeathWatch WebCrawler
945 Bestandsextensie DWA Digital Waveform Archiver Audio Format
946 Bestandsextensie DWB VariCAD Drawing
947 Bestandsextensie DWC Emulex DWC Firmware Update Format
948 Bestandsextensie DWD DiamondWare Digital Audio Format
949 Bestandsextensie DWDOC DrawWell Document
950 Bestandsextensie DWE Creator Simulator Pattern
951 Bestandsextensie DWF Design Web Format Format
952 Bestandsextensie DWFB Dragon UnPACKer 5 Archive Format
953 Bestandsextensie DWFX Design Web Format XPS Format
954 Bestandsextensie DWG AutoCAD Drawing Database Format
955 Bestandsextensie DWH WaterGems Drawing
956 Bestandsextensie DWI Dance With Intensity Song Format
957 Bestandsextensie DWK DADiSP Worksheet
958 Bestandsextensie DWL TurboCAD Drawing Lock Format
959 Bestandsextensie DWL2 AutoCAD Drawing Lock
960 Bestandsextensie DWLIBRARY Paperless Document Library
961 Bestandsextensie DWM Digital Works Circuit Project
962 Bestandsextensie DWN FrameWork Database Format
963 Bestandsextensie DWO Red Hat Linux DWARF Debugging Information
964 Bestandsextensie DWP DarkWave Studio Project Format
965 Bestandsextensie DWPROJ DataWindow Designer Project
966 Bestandsextensie DWS AutoCAD Drawing Standards Format
967 Bestandsextensie DWT Dreamweaver Web Page Template
968 Bestandsextensie DWX DesignWorks Viewer Tools
969 Bestandsextensie DWZ Compressed AutoCAD Drawing Format
970 Bestandsextensie DX DEC WPS Plus Format
971 Bestandsextensie DX2 Oracle Siebel
972 Bestandsextensie DX7 Yamaha DX-series Raw Audio Data
973 Bestandsextensie DXA DXA Video Format Format
974 Bestandsextensie DXB Drawing Exchange Binary
975 Bestandsextensie DXE AutoCAD Data Extraction Template
976 Bestandsextensie DXF Drawing Exchange Format Format
977 Bestandsextensie DXG Duxbury Braille Translator
978 Bestandsextensie DXI PayWindow Database
979 Bestandsextensie DXL Domino XML Language Format
980 Bestandsextensie DXLS DashXL Skin Set Format
981 Bestandsextensie DXML V++ Graphics Image
982 Bestandsextensie DXP CDBurnerXP Data Compilation Format
983 Bestandsextensie DXPACK DesktopX Object
984 Bestandsextensie DXR Protected Macromedia Director Movie
985 Bestandsextensie DXS Deus Ex Saved Game
986 Bestandsextensie DXSTREAM DX Studio Stream
987 Bestandsextensie DXSTUDIO DX Studio Document
988 Bestandsextensie DXT LucasArts The Secret Of Monkey Island: Special Edition Texture
989 Bestandsextensie DXT1 S2TC Compressed Surface
990 Bestandsextensie DXT5 S2TC Compressed Surface Format (texture)
991 Bestandsextensie DXTHEME DesktopX Windows Desktop Theme
992 Bestandsextensie DXTORYLIC Dxtory Licence
993 Bestandsextensie DXU DivX Player Playlist Format
994 Bestandsextensie DXV DocXchanger
995 Bestandsextensie DXW DimensioneX World Data Format
996 Bestandsextensie DXX AutoCAD Drawing Interchange Attribute Format
997 Bestandsextensie DXZ Trojan Backdoor Virus
998 Bestandsextensie DYC Xerox Printer Driver Configuration Format
999 Bestandsextensie DYLIB Mach-O Dynamic Library
1000 Bestandsextensie DYN Lotus 1-2-3
1001 Bestandsextensie DYR PSS E Dynamics Data Format
1002 Bestandsextensie DYV WORM_AUTORUN.DYV Worm
1003 Bestandsextensie DYZ Backdoor.Win32.ProRat.dyz Trojan
1004 Bestandsextensie DZ Dzip Format
1005 Bestandsextensie DZ2 Dungeons 2 Saved Game Format
1006 Bestandsextensie DZ3DT Cyberlink PowerDirector Data Format
1007 Bestandsextensie DZA Cyberlink PowerDirector Data Format
1008 Bestandsextensie DZBL Cyberlink PowerDirector Effect Extractor Data Format
1009 Bestandsextensie DZEP Cyberlink PowerDirector Effect Extractor Data Format
1010 Bestandsextensie DZF IBM SPSS Compressed Data Format
1011 Bestandsextensie DZI PhotoSynth Deep Zoom Image
1012 Bestandsextensie DZIP The Witcher 2 Game Archive
1013 Bestandsextensie DZL DazzlerMAX
1014 Bestandsextensie DZM DirectorZone Menu Template
1015 Bestandsextensie DZP DirectorZone Particle Effect Format
1016 Bestandsextensie DZPRJ Deep Zoom Composer Project Format
1017 Bestandsextensie DZS Download Accelerator Skin
1018 Bestandsextensie DZT DirectorZone Title Format
1019 Bestandsextensie DZTR Cyberlink PowerDirector Data Format
Bestandsextensie van de dag
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Mac OS X Property List Format

Bestanden in het PLIST-formaat zijn instellingsbestanden die informatie bevatten over de configuratie en eigenschappen van veel programma's in ...