Alfabetisch gesorteerd: G

#BestandsextensieVolledige bestandsnaam
1 Bestandsextensie G Corel Paradox Format
2 Bestandsextensie G00 Clannad Picture Image
3 Bestandsextensie G01 HEC-RAS Geometry Format
4 Bestandsextensie G03 HEC-RAS Geometry
5 Bestandsextensie G09 Atari Picture Image Format
6 Bestandsextensie G0S Metal Gear Solid V Game Data Format
7 Bestandsextensie G1 Gerber Inner Routing Layer 1
8 Bestandsextensie G10 Garmin GPS Map
9 Bestandsextensie G11 Atari Graphics 11 Picture Image Format
10 Bestandsextensie G12 CAMtastic Mid Layer 12 Gerber Data
11 Bestandsextensie G13 CAMtastic Mid Layer 13 Gerber Data
12 Bestandsextensie G14 CAMtastic Mid Layer 14 Gerber Data
13 Bestandsextensie G15 CAMtastic Mid Layer 15 Gerber Data
14 Bestandsextensie G1E CASIO Calculator Storage Format
15 Bestandsextensie G1N CASIO Calculator Storage Format
16 Bestandsextensie G1S CASIO Calculator Storage Format
17 Bestandsextensie G2 Gerber Inner Routing Layer 2
18 Bestandsextensie G2E CASIO Calculator Storage Format
19 Bestandsextensie G2M GoToMeeting Video Format
20 Bestandsextensie G2N FontForge Glyph To Name Map Format
21 Bestandsextensie G2P CMU Sphinx Model Format
22 Bestandsextensie G2R CASIO Calculator Memory Data Format
23 Bestandsextensie G3 CCITT Group 3 Fax Image
24 Bestandsextensie G3A Casio Prizm Add-in Format
25 Bestandsextensie G3D GOM 3D Format
26 Bestandsextensie G3F Zetafax Fax
27 Bestandsextensie G3N Imaging Fax Image
28 Bestandsextensie G3P Casio Prizm Picture Image
29 Bestandsextensie G3X RealFlight Content Format
30 Bestandsextensie G4 GTX RasterCAD
31 Bestandsextensie G41 Commodore 1541 Disk Image
32 Bestandsextensie G4B Sokoban++ Level
33 Bestandsextensie G5 CAMtastic Mid Layer Gerber Data
34 Bestandsextensie G64 C64 Emulator Disk Image
35 Bestandsextensie G64X Security Center Video Data Format
36 Bestandsextensie G721 G.721 Audio Format
37 Bestandsextensie G723 G.723 Audio Format
38 Bestandsextensie G723-3 Raw CCITT/ITU G.723 3-bit ADPCM Sound
39 Bestandsextensie G723-5 Raw CCITT/ITU G.723 5-bit ADPCM Sound
40 Bestandsextensie G726 G.726 Audio Format
41 Bestandsextensie G726-2 G726-2 - Raw CCITT/ITU G.726 2-bit ADPCM Sound
42 Bestandsextensie G726-3 G726-3 - Raw CCITT/ITU G.726 3-bit ADPCM Sound Format
43 Bestandsextensie G726-4 G726-4 - Raw CCITT/ITU G.726 4-bit ADPCM Sound Format
44 Bestandsextensie G726-5 G726-5 - Raw CCITT/ITU G.726 5-bit ADPCM Sound
45 Bestandsextensie GA3 Graphical Analysis Document
46 Bestandsextensie GAA GAL-ANA Data Format
47 Bestandsextensie GAB Dencom Global Address Book Export
48 Bestandsextensie GAC Groove
49 Bestandsextensie GAD Geodict
50 Bestandsextensie GADGEPRJ Gadge It Project
51 Bestandsextensie GADGET Windows Gadget
52 Bestandsextensie GAF Total Annihilation Animated Bitmap Format
53 Bestandsextensie GAI Adobe SING Glyphlet Manager
54 Bestandsextensie GAL GenePix Array List Format
55 Bestandsextensie GALAXY Blizzard Galaxy Format
56 Bestandsextensie GALLERY SMART Notebook Gallery Format
57 Bestandsextensie GALLERYCOLLECTION SMART Notebook Gallery Collection Format
58 Bestandsextensie GALLERYITEM SMART Notebook Gallery Item Format
59 Bestandsextensie GAM Saved Game Format
60 Bestandsextensie GAMBAS Gambas Application
61 Bestandsextensie GAME GameSalad Exported Game Format
62 Bestandsextensie GAMEDATA Sandlot Game Data Format
63 Bestandsextensie GAMEPROJ GameSalad Project Format
64 Bestandsextensie GAMESTATS Unreal Tournament 3 GamePlayEvents Stream Format
65 Bestandsextensie GAN GanttProject Project Format
66 Bestandsextensie GAP PhotoImpact Pencil Style
67 Bestandsextensie GAR GridGain Archive
68 Bestandsextensie GAS Grab-a-Site Project
69 Bestandsextensie GASX GOM Media Player Data Format
70 Bestandsextensie GAU Flight Simulator Gauge Format
71 Bestandsextensie GAX Age Of Empires II Save Game
72 Bestandsextensie GAZ Age Of Empires II Saved Game Format
73 Bestandsextensie GB Game Boy ROM Format
74 Bestandsextensie GB1 Game Maker Backup Format
75 Bestandsextensie GB7 MASGAU Archive Format
76 Bestandsextensie GBA Game Boy Advance ROM
77 Bestandsextensie GBADS DeSmuME ROM Image Format
78 Bestandsextensie GBAP GLBasic Project Format
79 Bestandsextensie GBAS GLBasic Source Format
80 Bestandsextensie GBASKIN GBA4iOS Controller Skin
81 Bestandsextensie GBC Game Boy Color ROM
82 Bestandsextensie GBCK Glary Utilities Backup
83 Bestandsextensie GBCSKIN GBA4iOS Controller Skin
84 Bestandsextensie GBD Great Budget Budget Definition
85 Bestandsextensie GBF Great Budget Fringe Definition
86 Bestandsextensie GBH GigaBar Scheme
87 Bestandsextensie GBI GBurner Project Format
88 Bestandsextensie GBK Delphi Runimage Iblocal Examples Format
89 Bestandsextensie GBL Microsoft Visual Basic Global Definition
90 Bestandsextensie GBLORB Interactive Fiction
91 Bestandsextensie GBM Genie Backup Manager Archive
92 Bestandsextensie GBN Itres Binary Grid Format
93 Bestandsextensie GBO Gerber Bottom Overlay (silk Screen)
94 Bestandsextensie GBP Gerber Bottom Paste Mask Output Format Format
95 Bestandsextensie GBPROJ GarageBand Project
96 Bestandsextensie GBR GIMP Brush Image Format
97 Bestandsextensie GBS GameBoy Sound Format
98 Bestandsextensie GBT Adobe Photoshop Format
99 Bestandsextensie GBTS XWE Format
100 Bestandsextensie GBW Gerbview Workspace Data Format
101 Bestandsextensie GBX Nadeo Game Format
102 Bestandsextensie GBXML Green Building XML
103 Bestandsextensie GC GraphClick Format
104 Bestandsextensie GC2 GENECLUSTER GC2 Output Data Format
105 Bestandsextensie GC3 Golden Common Lisp Source Code
106 Bestandsextensie GCA GCA Format Archive
107 Bestandsextensie GCA3 GURPS Character Assistant
108 Bestandsextensie GCA4 GURPS Character Assistant
109 Bestandsextensie GCA4BASE GURPS Character Assistant
110 Bestandsextensie GCA4PARTY GURPS Character Assistant
111 Bestandsextensie GCB Google Chrome Backup Backup Data Format
112 Bestandsextensie GCCV PageMaker Filter
113 Bestandsextensie GCD Prassi CD Disk Image Format
114 Bestandsextensie GCDA GCC Gcov Profiling
115 Bestandsextensie GCDP Greeting Card Studio Design Project
116 Bestandsextensie GCF Game Cache Format
117 Bestandsextensie GCG GCG DNA Sequence Format
118 Bestandsextensie GCH C++ Precompiled Header
119 Bestandsextensie GCI Grand Theft Auto 2 Game Format
120 Bestandsextensie GCM GameCube ROM
121 Bestandsextensie GCNO GCC Gcov Profiling
122 Bestandsextensie GCO Genbox Family History Chart Options
123 Bestandsextensie GCODE G-code Source
124 Bestandsextensie GCP Spectramap Group Properties
125 Bestandsextensie GCRD GnomeCard VCard
126 Bestandsextensie GCS Cineform Studio Video Project
127 Bestandsextensie GCSX Microsoft Office SmartArt Color Format
128 Bestandsextensie GCT Ocarina Cheat Code Manager Format
129 Bestandsextensie GCW Microsoft Mathematics Worksheet
130 Bestandsextensie GCX Grapher Graph Format
131 Bestandsextensie GCZ Compressed GameCube/Wii ROM
132 Bestandsextensie GD GD Library Picture Image
133 Bestandsextensie GD2 GD Library 2 Image Format
134 Bestandsextensie GD3 GreatFamily Tree Data Format
135 Bestandsextensie GDA Unix Manual Page Guide
136 Bestandsextensie GDB InterBase Database Format
137 Bestandsextensie GDBINDEXES ArcGIS Geodatabase Index
138 Bestandsextensie GDBTABLE ArcGIS Geodatabase
139 Bestandsextensie GDBTABLX ArcGIS Geodatabase
140 Bestandsextensie GDC Iconics GraphWorx32
141 Bestandsextensie GDD Gerber Drill Drawing Data
142 Bestandsextensie GDE GlobalQSL Graphic Editor
143 Bestandsextensie GDF GUESS Graph Data Format Format
144 Bestandsextensie GDFMAKERPROJECT GDF Editor Project Format
145 Bestandsextensie GDG GDevelop Project Format
146 Bestandsextensie GDH SmartWare High-low Graph
147 Bestandsextensie GDI Generic Download Install
148 Bestandsextensie GDIAGRAMSTYLE OmniGraffle Diagram Style Format
149 Bestandsextensie GDL ArchiCAD Geometric Description Language Data
150 Bestandsextensie GDM Bells, Whistles, And Sound Boards Module
151 Bestandsextensie GDN SmartWare Graph Definition
152 Bestandsextensie GDOC Google Drive Document
153 Bestandsextensie GDOCX Link To Google Docs Web Application Document Format
154 Bestandsextensie GDP Scrolling Game Development Kit Project
155 Bestandsextensie GDQ SmartWare Quick Graph
156 Bestandsextensie GDR Symbian OS Font Format
157 Bestandsextensie GDRAW Google Drive Drawing
158 Bestandsextensie GDRIVE Gizmo Virtual Drive Format
159 Bestandsextensie GDS Graphic Data System Format
160 Bestandsextensie GDSP Astound
161 Bestandsextensie GDT Guitar & Drum Trainer Song Configuration
162 Bestandsextensie GDV SmartWare Graphics Screen Driver
163 Bestandsextensie GDW Jaws Unleashed Data Format
164 Bestandsextensie GDX GAMS Result
165 Bestandsextensie GDYN GIMP Pressure Curves Output
166 Bestandsextensie GDZ Genbox Family History Data Initialization
167 Bestandsextensie GE2 Maya 4 GE2 Exporter
168 Bestandsextensie GE3 Mastercam Geometry
169 Bestandsextensie GE5 MSX Screen 5 Picture Image Format
170 Bestandsextensie GE6 WinFamily 6 Genealogy
171 Bestandsextensie GE7 MSX Screen 7 Picture Image Format
172 Bestandsextensie GEA Fifa World Cup Game Data
173 Bestandsextensie GEANY Geany Project Format
174 Bestandsextensie GEB Dr. Hardware
175 Bestandsextensie GED GEDCOM Genealogy Data Format
176 Bestandsextensie GEDATA Qlucore Data Format
177 Bestandsextensie GEDCOM GEDCOM Genealogy Format
178 Bestandsextensie GEDRIVE Gizmo Drive Virtual Drive Format
179 Bestandsextensie GEFICKT Jigsaw (variant) Ransomware Affected Format
180 Bestandsextensie GEL Molecular Dynamics Image
181 Bestandsextensie GEM GEM Vector Picture Format
182 Bestandsextensie GEMFILE Ruby RubyGems
183 Bestandsextensie GEMSPEC Gem Specification Format
184 Bestandsextensie GEN Sega Genesis ROM
185 Bestandsextensie GENERICTEST Microsoft Visual Studio Generic Test
186 Bestandsextensie GENH XWE Data Format
187 Bestandsextensie GENMODEL Eclipse IDE Domain Gen Model
188 Bestandsextensie GEO VRML Geography Format
189 Bestandsextensie GEODATABASE ArcGIS Runtime SDK Data Format
190 Bestandsextensie GEODATABASE-SHM ArcGIS Runtime SDK Data Format
191 Bestandsextensie GEODATABASE-WAL ArcGIS Runtime SDK Data Format
192 Bestandsextensie GEOJSON GeoJSON Format
193 Bestandsextensie GEOM AVS Application Visualization System Data Format
194 Bestandsextensie GEOR AriesoGEO Data Format
195 Bestandsextensie GEOT AriesoGEO Data Format
196 Bestandsextensie GEP GeneXproTools Data
197 Bestandsextensie GEPHI Gephi Project Format
198 Bestandsextensie GEPRINT Google Earth Pro Map Setting
199 Bestandsextensie GER German Text/html Info
200 Bestandsextensie GERBER Printed Circuit Board Photoplotter Data Format
201 Bestandsextensie GES PINGO GrADS Description
202 Bestandsextensie GET Pov-Ray For Windows 3.x
203 Bestandsextensie GETRIGHT GetRight Unfinished Download
204 Bestandsextensie GETVIEWPORTINFO Google Maps API Traffic Info Format
205 Bestandsextensie GEV GelEval Document Format
206 Bestandsextensie GEVL GelEval Document Format
207 Bestandsextensie GEXF Graph Exchange XML Format Format
208 Bestandsextensie GEZ XWE Data Format
209 Bestandsextensie GF METAFONT Bitmap Format
210 Bestandsextensie GFA GFA-BASIC Tokenized Source
211 Bestandsextensie GFAR Greenfoot JAVA Archive
212 Bestandsextensie GFB GIFBlast Compressed Image Format
213 Bestandsextensie GFC Patton&Patton Flow Charting 4 Flowchart
214 Bestandsextensie GFD GeForms
215 Bestandsextensie GFF SignalMap Gene-Finding Format (GFF) Data
216 Bestandsextensie GFIE Greenfish Icon Editor Pro Graphic
217 Bestandsextensie GFL GeForms
218 Bestandsextensie GFN Gretl Function Package Format
219 Bestandsextensie GFORM Google Drive Form
220 Bestandsextensie GFP GreenForce-Player Protected Media Format
221 Bestandsextensie GFS Microsoft SharePoint WorkSpace Groove Remote
222 Bestandsextensie GFT NeoPaint Font
223 Bestandsextensie GFW GIF World Format
224 Bestandsextensie GFX Genigraphics Graphics Link Presentation
225 Bestandsextensie GG Google Desktop Gadget Format
226 Bestandsextensie GGB GeoGebra Document
227 Bestandsextensie GGC Google Desktop Gadget Container Format
228 Bestandsextensie GGD GASTAR Output
229 Bestandsextensie GGF GPS Pathfinder Office Geoid Grid
230 Bestandsextensie GGG Green Globs & Graphing Equations Game Record
231 Bestandsextensie GGI GGI
232 Bestandsextensie GGM Green Globs & Graphing Equations Saved State
233 Bestandsextensie GGP GemCom Graphic Format
234 Bestandsextensie GGPK Grinding Gears Package
235 Bestandsextensie GGR GIMP Gradient Format
236 Bestandsextensie GGS Gameboy Emulator
237 Bestandsextensie GGT GeoGebra User-defined Tool
238 Bestandsextensie GGZ Garena Skin
239 Bestandsextensie GH Grasshopper Assembly Format
240 Bestandsextensie GHA Grasshopper Assembly Data Format
241 Bestandsextensie GHASH Gizmo Central Data Format
242 Bestandsextensie GHC Visual Basic Constant Map
243 Bestandsextensie GHD Geonaute Keymaze Tracklog
244 Bestandsextensie GHG Gephard Hires Graphics Picture Image Format
245 Bestandsextensie GHL GitHub Enterprise License Format
246 Bestandsextensie GHLAYOUT Grasshopper Data Format
247 Bestandsextensie GHO Norton Ghost Backup Format
248 Bestandsextensie GHP GitHub Enterprise Software Package Format
249 Bestandsextensie GHS Norton Ghost Image Segment
250 Bestandsextensie GHT Ghost Project
251 Bestandsextensie GHUSER Grasshopper Data Format
252 Bestandsextensie GHX Grasshopper
253 Bestandsextensie GI Global Image
254 Bestandsextensie GI! GigaSampler/GigaStudio Split
255 Bestandsextensie GIC BioWare Aurora Engine Area
256 Bestandsextensie GID Windows Help Global Index Format
257 Bestandsextensie GIF Graphical Interchange Format Format
258 Bestandsextensie GIF2 Netobjects Fusion Styles Lines
259 Bestandsextensie GIF89A GIF 89a Image
260 Bestandsextensie GIFENX Egis Encrypted GIF
261 Bestandsextensie GIFF CompuServe Bitmap Image(Graphics Interchange Format)
262 Bestandsextensie GIFT Moodle GIFT Format Format
263 Bestandsextensie GIFV Graphics Interchange Format Video Data Format
264 Bestandsextensie GIF_160X120 GIF Image Format
265 Bestandsextensie GIF~C200 Graphics Interchange Format Format
266 Bestandsextensie GIG Tascam GigaSampler Format
267 Bestandsextensie GIH GIMP Image Hose Format
268 Bestandsextensie GIL GILS Document Format
269 Bestandsextensie GIM PlayStation Portable Image Format
270 Bestandsextensie GIN GEMS Engine Control Unit Format
271 Bestandsextensie GINSPECT_PRJ GOM Inspect Project Format
272 Bestandsextensie GIO Adagio Score
273 Bestandsextensie GIP Ghost Installer Package
274 Bestandsextensie GIR Gens Plus! Movie
275 Bestandsextensie GIS CFS Console Game Installer Settings Format
276 Bestandsextensie GIT Git Repository
277 Bestandsextensie GITATTRIBUTES Pro Git Attribute
278 Bestandsextensie GITCONFIG Git Configuration Format
279 Bestandsextensie GITEXT Git Extension Format
280 Bestandsextensie GITIGNORE Git Ignore Format
281 Bestandsextensie GITKEEP Gitkeep
282 Bestandsextensie GITMODULES Git Module Format
283 Bestandsextensie GJAM Google Jamboard Document Format
284 Bestandsextensie GJD The 7th Guest Media Format
285 Bestandsextensie GJF Gaussian Input Data
286 Bestandsextensie GKF GAUSS Engine License
287 Bestandsextensie GKH Ensoniq EPS Family Disk Image
288 Bestandsextensie GKO Gerber Keep Out Layer
289 Bestandsextensie GKP GameKeyboard
290 Bestandsextensie GKS Graphics Kernel System Format
291 Bestandsextensie GL GRASP Animation
292 Bestandsextensie GL2 HP Graphics Language Plotter
293 Bestandsextensie GLA Sothink SWF Easy Project Format
294 Bestandsextensie GLAD GenePattern GLAD
295 Bestandsextensie GLADE Glade Project Format
296 Bestandsextensie GLADINETSP Gladinet Configuration Format
297 Bestandsextensie GLB STK Globe Format
298 Bestandsextensie GLC IGIS Data
299 Bestandsextensie GLD MPLAB C Compiler Linker Script Format
300 Bestandsextensie GLF Space Engine Shader Format
301 Bestandsextensie GLIF Glyph Interchange Format
302 Bestandsextensie GLINK Google Drive External Format Shortcut
303 Bestandsextensie GLK Microsoft SharePoint WorkSpace Groove Shortcut
304 Bestandsextensie GLKSAVE Zoom Game Save Package Format
305 Bestandsextensie GLL EASE SpeakerLab Compiled Text
306 Bestandsextensie GLM DInsight Modeling Studio 3D CAM Model
307 Bestandsextensie GLO RoboHelp Glossary Format
308 Bestandsextensie GLOBAL Global Makefile
309 Bestandsextensie GLOBE Globe Ransomware Affected Format
310 Bestandsextensie GLOS Microsoft Word For Mac Glossary
311 Bestandsextensie GLOX Microsoft Office SmartArt Graphics Layout Format
312 Bestandsextensie GLP NaviEdit Geoconsult Long Profile
313 Bestandsextensie GLR ImageDupeless Data Format
314 Bestandsextensie GLS Babylon Glossary Format
315 Bestandsextensie GLSL OpenGL Shading Language Source Code Format
316 Bestandsextensie GLTF GL Transmission Format Format
317 Bestandsextensie GLU Cyberglue
318 Bestandsextensie GLUAW Programmers Notepad Text Format
319 Bestandsextensie GLUE GlueMon Audio
320 Bestandsextensie GLUT OpenGL GLUT
321 Bestandsextensie GLUT2 OpenGL Glut-3.6
322 Bestandsextensie GLUT3 OpenGL GLUT
323 Bestandsextensie GLX DataStudio Experiment
324 Bestandsextensie GLY Word Glossary Format
325 Bestandsextensie GLYPHS Glyphs Character Data Format
326 Bestandsextensie GLZ Crossword Power Tools Crossword Library
327 Bestandsextensie GM GameMonkey Script
328 Bestandsextensie GM1 Heroes Of Might & Magic 3 Saved Game
329 Bestandsextensie GM2 Heroes Of Might & Magic III Saved Game
330 Bestandsextensie GM3 Heroes Of Might & Magic III Saved Game
331 Bestandsextensie GM4 Autologic Bitmap Image
332 Bestandsextensie GM6 Game Maker 6 Project Format
333 Bestandsextensie GM81 Game Maker 8.1 Project Format
334 Bestandsextensie GMA SAPS Data Format
335 Bestandsextensie GMAD Valve Steam Resource Format
336 Bestandsextensie GMANIFEST Google Desktop Gadget Control
337 Bestandsextensie GMAP Garmin Map Format
338 Bestandsextensie GMB WinDS PRO Format
339 Bestandsextensie GMBCK Game Maker Background Image Format
340 Bestandsextensie GMBL Logger Data Format
341 Bestandsextensie GMC Global Mapper Catalog
342 Bestandsextensie GMD Game Maker Program Code
343 Bestandsextensie GME DexDrive Game Card Format
344 Bestandsextensie GMEZ GameMaker Studio Extension Format
345 Bestandsextensie GMF Leaderwerks Game Model Format
346 Bestandsextensie GMG Global Mapper Grid Data Format
347 Bestandsextensie GMI GPS Tuner Map Calibration Data
348 Bestandsextensie GMK Game Maker Project Format
349 Bestandsextensie GML Geography Markup Language Format
350 Bestandsextensie GMM Global Mobile Media
351 Bestandsextensie GMMOD Game Maker 3D Model Format
352 Bestandsextensie GMMP WCS Gamut Map Model Profile
353 Bestandsextensie GMO GNU Machine Object Format
354 Bestandsextensie GMP Geomorph Tile Map
355 Bestandsextensie GMR Game Maker Compiled Game
356 Bestandsextensie GMRES Game Maker Resource Format
357 Bestandsextensie GMS Gesture And Motion Signal Format
358 Bestandsextensie GMSPR Game Maker Sprite Format
359 Bestandsextensie GMT Global Mobile Television Multimedia Format
360 Bestandsextensie GMV Gens Game Recording
361 Bestandsextensie GMW Global Mapper Workspace
362 Bestandsextensie GMX GroupMail Message
363 Bestandsextensie GMZ GameMaker Complete Source
364 Bestandsextensie GNC Great Notions Embroidery
365 Bestandsextensie GND Geography Network Document
366 Bestandsextensie GNE Flickr Web Page
367 Bestandsextensie GNH GravoStyle Data Format
368 Bestandsextensie GNM GNM Output Music
369 Bestandsextensie GNO GenoPro Genealogy Tree Format
370 Bestandsextensie GNOTE Google Keep Note Format
371 Bestandsextensie GNP GNPeak Output Format
372 Bestandsextensie GNS Sound Health Abacus Genesis
373 Bestandsextensie GNT Micro Focus COBOL Generated Code
374 Bestandsextensie GNU GNU Licence Information Format
375 Bestandsextensie GNUCASH GnuCash Financial Data Format
376 Bestandsextensie GNUMAKEFILE GNU Makefile
377 Bestandsextensie GNUTAR GNU Tar Archive
378 Bestandsextensie GNX Microsoft PowerPoint Data Format
379 Bestandsextensie GO Google Go Programming Language Source Code
380 Bestandsextensie GO! Go!Zilla Unfinished Download
381 Bestandsextensie GOA SpiceCAD
382 Bestandsextensie GOB LucasArts Game Resource
383 Bestandsextensie GOC GEOS GOC Source Code
384 Bestandsextensie GOD God Configuration Format
385 Bestandsextensie GOF GameExchange Raw Object Definition
386 Bestandsextensie GOFIN Druki Gofin Document
387 Bestandsextensie GOG Drumagog Sample
388 Bestandsextensie GOLD Gnome Desktop
389 Bestandsextensie GOM GOM Media Format
390 Bestandsextensie GOO Kais Power Goo Picture Format
391 Bestandsextensie GOOMOD World Of Goo Add-on
392 Bestandsextensie GOR Myth: The Fallen Lords Game Data
393 Bestandsextensie GORM Gorm Interface Resource Format
394 Bestandsextensie GOTOMEETING GoToMeeting Data Format
395 Bestandsextensie GOTOMEETING1082 GoToMeeting Data Format
396 Bestandsextensie GOTOMEETING2539 GoToMeeting Data Format
397 Bestandsextensie GOTOMEETING3499 GoToMeeting Data Format
398 Bestandsextensie GOTOMEETING3880 GoToMeeting Data Format
399 Bestandsextensie GOTOMEETING3911 GoToMeeting Data Format
400 Bestandsextensie GOTOMEETING4007 GoToMeeting Data Format
401 Bestandsextensie GOTOMEETING4062 GoToMeeting Data Format
402 Bestandsextensie GOTOMEETING4099 GoToMeeting Data Format
403 Bestandsextensie GOTOMEETING4151 GoToMeeting Data Format
404 Bestandsextensie GOTOMEETING4190 GoToMeeting Data Format
405 Bestandsextensie GOTOMEETING4288 GoToMeeting Data Format
406 Bestandsextensie GOTOMEETING4340 GoToMeeting Data Format
407 Bestandsextensie GOTOMEETING4376 GoToMeeting Data Format
408 Bestandsextensie GOTOMEETING4419 GoToMeeting Data Format
409 Bestandsextensie GOX The Games Factory Extension
410 Bestandsextensie GOZ ZBrush GoZ Data Format
411 Bestandsextensie GP Guitar Pro
412 Bestandsextensie GP1 Street Atlas GPS Log
413 Bestandsextensie GP2 Gerber Inner Plane 2 (negative)
414 Bestandsextensie GP3 Guitar Pro 3 Format
415 Bestandsextensie GP4 Guitar Pro 4 Tablature
416 Bestandsextensie GP5 Guitar Pro 5 Tablature Format
417 Bestandsextensie GPB Gerber Bottom Pad Master
418 Bestandsextensie GPBANK Guitar Pro Sound Bank Format
419 Bestandsextensie GPC Genie Backup Manager Plugin
420 Bestandsextensie GPD Generic Printer Description Format
421 Bestandsextensie GPE GP2X Video Game
422 Bestandsextensie GPF GRAVITY Ragnarok Online Patch Format
423 Bestandsextensie GPG GNU Privacy Guard Public Keyring
424 Bestandsextensie GPH Lotus 1-2-3 Graph
425 Bestandsextensie GPI Garmin Point Of Interest Format
426 Bestandsextensie GPJ GINT Project Format
427 Bestandsextensie GPK GEOS Compressed Omnigo Format Archive
428 Bestandsextensie GPKG Gramps Package Format
429 Bestandsextensie GPL GNU Public Licence Text
430 Bestandsextensie GPM Ragnarok Online Update
431 Bestandsextensie GPN GlidePlan Map Document
432 Bestandsextensie GPP Guitar Practiced Perfectly 2 Data Format
433 Bestandsextensie GPR GenePix Results Format
434 Bestandsextensie GPRJ Gearotic Motion Project
435 Bestandsextensie GPROP GPhotoShow Image Property Data Format
436 Bestandsextensie GPRX Geoxa Project Format
437 Bestandsextensie GPS GOM Player Skin Format
438 Bestandsextensie GPSCAN GrandPerspective Scan Data Format
439 Bestandsextensie GPT Gerber Top Pad Master
440 Bestandsextensie GPU GP2X Utility Program
441 Bestandsextensie GPW Autodesk AutoCAD Civil 3D Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension
442 Bestandsextensie GPX GPS Exchange Format
443 Bestandsextensie GPZ IBM DB2 Document Manager Document History
444 Bestandsextensie GQF GrafEq Data
445 Bestandsextensie GQS GrafEq Data
446 Bestandsextensie GQSX Microsoft Office SmartArt Styles Format
447 Bestandsextensie GR2 Granny 3D Format
448 Bestandsextensie GR4 Pathloss Sharing
449 Bestandsextensie GR7 ATARI Graphics 7 Image Format
450 Bestandsextensie GR8 Stock Study Guide Data Format
451 Bestandsextensie GR9 ATARI Graphics 9 Picture Image Format
452 Bestandsextensie GRA Microsoft Graph Format
453 Bestandsextensie GRADE GradeStat Document
454 Bestandsextensie GRADIENTLIBRARY Corel Painter Gradient Library Format
455 Bestandsextensie GRADIENTS Corel Painter Gradation Library Format
456 Bestandsextensie GRADLE Android Studio Build Data Format
457 Bestandsextensie GRADS PINGO GrADS Data
458 Bestandsextensie GRAFFLE OmniGraffle Drawing
459 Bestandsextensie GRAMPS Gramps Data Format
460 Bestandsextensie GRAPHML GraphML Format
461 Bestandsextensie GRAPHMLZ Zip Compressed GraphML Format
462 Bestandsextensie GRASP GRASP Animation
463 Bestandsextensie GRAY RAW Gray Samples Bitmap Image
464 Bestandsextensie GRB GRIB Meteorological Data Format
465 Bestandsextensie GRBDROPFILE GetRight
466 Bestandsextensie GRC Affymetrix Grid Control
467 Bestandsextensie GRD Photoshop Gradient Format
468 Bestandsextensie GRDB Gramps Database Format
469 Bestandsextensie GRDECL Eclipse Specific
470 Bestandsextensie GREENFOOT Greenfoot Project
471 Bestandsextensie GREENSHOT Greenshot Data Format
472 Bestandsextensie GREY Raw Image Format
473 Bestandsextensie GRF DPlot Graph Format
474 Bestandsextensie GRG GreatFamily Graphic Gallery
475 Bestandsextensie GRI Petrosys Grid
476 Bestandsextensie GRIB Gridded Binary Format
477 Bestandsextensie GRID GridMove Grid Settings
478 Bestandsextensie GRIND Juice Grinder Juice Recipe Format
479 Bestandsextensie GRK Gradekeeper Class Gradebook Format
480 Bestandsextensie GRL Windows Update Status Format
481 Bestandsextensie GRLDR GRUB4DOS Internal Loader Data Format
482 Bestandsextensie GRLE Farming Simulator Save Game
483 Bestandsextensie GRM NovaLogic Game Facial Expressions
484 Bestandsextensie GRN Granny 3D Format
485 Bestandsextensie GRO Graphic Object Bitmap
486 Bestandsextensie GROB Graphic Object Bitmap Format
487 Bestandsextensie GROOVE ACID Groove Format
488 Bestandsextensie GROOVY Groovy Source Code Format
489 Bestandsextensie GROUP Windows Contacts Group Format
490 Bestandsextensie GROUPPROJ Delphi Project Group Format
491 Bestandsextensie GROUPS WM Keeper CLASSIC Group
492 Bestandsextensie GROV Reason Data Format
493 Bestandsextensie GROWLREGDICT Growl Temp Format
494 Bestandsextensie GROWLSTYLE Growl WebKit Style
495 Bestandsextensie GROWLTICKET Growl Notification Format
496 Bestandsextensie GROWLVIEW Growl Display Plugin
497 Bestandsextensie GRP SmarterMail Group Format
498 Bestandsextensie GRPH GRPH Data Format
499 Bestandsextensie GRPINFO Ion Fury GRP Settings Format
500 Bestandsextensie GRR Gradekeeper Class Roster Format
501 Bestandsextensie GRS GetRight Skin
502 Bestandsextensie GRT Grapher Template
503 Bestandsextensie GRU Geist Preset
504 Bestandsextensie GRV Office Groove Format
505 Bestandsextensie GRW SeeYou Waypoint
506 Bestandsextensie GRX GetRight Format List
507 Bestandsextensie GRXML Grammar
508 Bestandsextensie GRY Grayscale Image
509 Bestandsextensie GR_ Unknown Format Extension Format
510 Bestandsextensie GS Google Apps Script
511 Bestandsextensie GS0 Sega Genesis Emulator Quick Slot 0 Save Format
512 Bestandsextensie GS1 Genecyst Save State 1
513 Bestandsextensie GS3 GameStarter Format
514 Bestandsextensie GS4 Genecyst Saved State Slot 4
515 Bestandsextensie GSA Microsoft SharePoint WorkSpace Groove Working Space Archive Or Template
516 Bestandsextensie GSB Golden Software Boundary Format
517 Bestandsextensie GSBA GameSave Manager Save Backup
518 Bestandsextensie GSC Call Of Duty Game Script
519 Bestandsextensie GSCRIPT Link To Google Scripts Web Application Script
520 Bestandsextensie GSCX Microsoft Office Diagram
521 Bestandsextensie GSD General Station Description Format
522 Bestandsextensie GSDU GameSave Manager Database Update
523 Bestandsextensie GSE GeneSys Export
524 Bestandsextensie GSF Ghostscript Fonts
525 Bestandsextensie GSFLIB Game Boy Advance Song Library
526 Bestandsextensie GSH GenStat Spreadsheet Format
527 Bestandsextensie GSHADER Microsoft Visual Studio Data Format
528 Bestandsextensie GSHEET Google Drive Spreadsheet
529 Bestandsextensie GSI Golden Software Interchange Format
530 Bestandsextensie GSITE Google Drive Data Format
531 Bestandsextensie GSK Geocaching Swiss Army Knife Macro Format
532 Bestandsextensie GSL GoodSync Job List
533 Bestandsextensie GSLIDES Google Drive Presentation
534 Bestandsextensie GSM Global System For Mobile Audio Format
535 Bestandsextensie GSMS GameSave Manager Settings Backup Format
536 Bestandsextensie GSO GoldenSection Notes Data Format
537 Bestandsextensie GSP IMail Error Message Format
538 Bestandsextensie GSPROJ GameSalad Windows Project Format
539 Bestandsextensie GSR Golden Software Reference Format
540 Bestandsextensie GSR2 Golden Software Reference Format
541 Bestandsextensie GSS Multi Game Memory Editor Memory Snapshot
542 Bestandsextensie GST MapInfo Geoset Format
543 Bestandsextensie GSTENCIL OmniGraffle Stencil
544 Bestandsextensie GSVR Ghostscript
545 Bestandsextensie GSX Sega Genesis Emulator Saved State Format
546 Bestandsextensie GSYM ArchiCAD For MAC Geometric Description Language
547 Bestandsextensie GSZ GeoStudio Project
548 Bestandsextensie GSZIP GameSalad Marketplace Asset Format
549 Bestandsextensie GT Gold Thread Embroidery Format
550 Bestandsextensie GT2 Graoumf Tracker Music Module (MOD)
551 Bestandsextensie GTA Microsoft Groove Tool Archive
552 Bestandsextensie GTABLE Google Drive Fusion Table
553 Bestandsextensie GTAR GNU Tar Archive
554 Bestandsextensie GTB Midas GTS NX Data Format
555 Bestandsextensie GTC Graitec Exchange Format
556 Bestandsextensie GTE GigaTrust Protected
557 Bestandsextensie GTEMPLATE OmniGraffle Template
558 Bestandsextensie GTF Tom Clancys Ghost Recon Game Data Format
559 Bestandsextensie GTH Bibexcel
560 Bestandsextensie GTHR Gather Log Format
561 Bestandsextensie GTI STRUDL Input
562 Bestandsextensie GTK-BOOKMARKS Ubuntu Nautilus Bookmarks Format
563 Bestandsextensie GTKRC GTK+ Theme Format
564 Bestandsextensie GTL Gerber Top Layer
565 Bestandsextensie GTM GreekToMe Translation Format
566 Bestandsextensie GTO Quicken Online Data
567 Bestandsextensie GTP Guitar Pro Format
568 Bestandsextensie GTS CaptiveWorks PVR Video Format
569 Bestandsextensie GTT Guntrams Tabletweaving Thingy Data Format
570 Bestandsextensie GTX Genetica Seamless Texture Format
571 Bestandsextensie GTZ GPS TrackMaker Data Format
572 Bestandsextensie GUI Dr.Explain Project Format
573 Bestandsextensie GUIDE AmigaGuide Hypertext
574 Bestandsextensie GUIDES XScope Guides Format
575 Bestandsextensie GUL JungUm Global Viewer Korean Language
576 Bestandsextensie GUN Gunpaint Bitmap Image Format
577 Bestandsextensie GUS Universal Score Poster Script
578 Bestandsextensie GV Graphviz DOT Format
579 Bestandsextensie GVD Gladinet Cloud Data Format
580 Bestandsextensie GVF Genome Variation Format Format
581 Bestandsextensie GVG Kompass Map
582 Bestandsextensie GVI Google Video Format
583 Bestandsextensie GVIMRC GVim Runtime Configuration Format
584 Bestandsextensie GVM Phantasy Star Online
585 Bestandsextensie GVN GeoVisu Navigation Data
586 Bestandsextensie GVP Google Video Pointer
587 Bestandsextensie GVR GeoVisu Routes
588 Bestandsextensie GVSP Geocortex Silverlight Project Format
589 Bestandsextensie GVT GeoVisu Tracklogs
590 Bestandsextensie GVW GeoVisu Waypoints
591 Bestandsextensie GVY Groovy Source Code Format
592 Bestandsextensie GW SWAT Groundwater Input
593 Bestandsextensie GWB GenStat Book
594 Bestandsextensie GWF Benthic Golden
595 Bestandsextensie GWI GroupWise Database Shortcut Format
596 Bestandsextensie GWK GraphiCode PCB Job Format
597 Bestandsextensie GWL Nanoscribe General Writing Language
598 Bestandsextensie GWP Greetings Workshop Project Format
599 Bestandsextensie GWS GeoMedia GeoWorkspace Format
600 Bestandsextensie GWT SpaceStat Generalized Weights Format
601 Bestandsextensie GWV Groundwater Vistas Packaged Model
602 Bestandsextensie GX2 Generic Cadd
603 Bestandsextensie GXA General CADD Attribute Data
604 Bestandsextensie GXC General CADD Pro Component
605 Bestandsextensie GXD General CADD Pro Drawing
606 Bestandsextensie GXF General CADD Pro Font Format
607 Bestandsextensie GXH General CADD Pro Hatch Pattern Format
608 Bestandsextensie GXK Galaxkey Secured Format
609 Bestandsextensie GXKEY GameEx Registy Data Format
610 Bestandsextensie GXL Graph Exchange Language Format
611 Bestandsextensie GXM General CADD Pro Macro Format
612 Bestandsextensie GXR GeneXus Report
613 Bestandsextensie GXT Grand Theft Auto Text Format
614 Bestandsextensie GXW GRASS GIS Workspace Layout Definition
615 Bestandsextensie GYM Sega Genesis/Mega Drive Music Logged
616 Bestandsextensie GYM_ZIP XWE Data Format
617 Bestandsextensie GYP Google Chromium GYP Input Configuration
618 Bestandsextensie GYPI Chrome/Chromium Include
619 Bestandsextensie GZ Gnu Zipped Archive
620 Bestandsextensie GZ1 Orgadata LogiKal
621 Bestandsextensie GZ2 Misnamed BZ2 Format
622 Bestandsextensie GZA IZArc BGA Archive Format
623 Bestandsextensie GZF Webcopier
624 Bestandsextensie GZI Unix Gzip Format
625 Bestandsextensie GZIP Gnu Zipped Format
626 Bestandsextensie GZL Go!Zillalist
627 Bestandsextensie GZP Giants Citizen Kabuto Game
628 Bestandsextensie GZQUAR BitDefender Quarantine
629 Bestandsextensie GZR GunZ
Bestandsextensie van de dag
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Mac OS X Property List Format

Bestanden in het PLIST-formaat zijn instellingsbestanden die informatie bevatten over de configuratie en eigenschappen van veel programma's in ...