
#BestandsextensieVolledige bestandsnaam
1 Bestandsextensie $$F OS/2 Database
2 Bestandsextensie $ER GroupWise Database
3 Bestandsextensie 3DB 3DMark Database
4 Bestandsextensie 4DC 4th Dimension Compiled Structure
5 Bestandsextensie 4DD 4th Dimension Database Data Format
6 Bestandsextensie 4DL 4th Dimension Database Log Format
7 Bestandsextensie 4LK 4th Dimension Database
8 Bestandsextensie 4UG 4th Dimension Database
9 Bestandsextensie 4VR 4th Dimension Database Windows Saved Variable
10 Bestandsextensie ABCDDB Apple Address Book Database
11 Bestandsextensie ABCDMR Apple Address Book Mail Recent
12 Bestandsextensie ABS Absolute Database Format
13 Bestandsextensie ACAD AutoCAD Database
14 Bestandsextensie ACCDB Access 2007 Database Format
15 Bestandsextensie ACCDC Microsoft Access Signed Package
16 Bestandsextensie ACCDE Access Execute Only Database
17 Bestandsextensie ACCDR Access Runtime Application
18 Bestandsextensie ACCDT Microsoft Access Database Template
19 Bestandsextensie ACCDW Microsoft Access Database Link Format
20 Bestandsextensie ACCFT Microsoft Access Data Type Template
21 Bestandsextensie ADB Alpha Five Database Format
22 Bestandsextensie ADE Access Project Extension
23 Bestandsextensie ADN Access Blank Project Template
24 Bestandsextensie ADP Access Project
25 Bestandsextensie AE1 FileMaker Pro Runtime Database
26 Bestandsextensie AFO Advanced Format Organizer Catalog
27 Bestandsextensie AHB AIM High Briefcase Report
28 Bestandsextensie ALF ACT! Lookup Format
29 Bestandsextensie ALN LexNavigator Database Update
30 Bestandsextensie ANKI Anki Deck
31 Bestandsextensie APDB Apple Aperture Library
32 Bestandsextensie APX Borland C++ Appexpert Database Format
33 Bestandsextensie AQ Ancestral Quest Genealogy
34 Bestandsextensie AQC AquaChem Database
35 Bestandsextensie ASK AskSam Database
36 Bestandsextensie ATO ATO Modeler Project
37 Bestandsextensie AUC AUC Database
38 Bestandsextensie AVG AVG Antivirus Virus Database
39 Bestandsextensie AWBS Data Storage
40 Bestandsextensie B2 Progress Database
41 Bestandsextensie BBT BTwin Local Database
42 Bestandsextensie BD3 Lacerte Tax Data Format
43 Bestandsextensie BES MOBY Database
44 Bestandsextensie BFI Blaise Index
45 Bestandsextensie BSWX Microsoft Office PerformancePoint Server Database
46 Bestandsextensie BTK CLwin Tekton Database
47 Bestandsextensie BTR Btrieve Database Format
48 Bestandsextensie BTREE Apple Mac OS HFS+ B-tree
49 Bestandsextensie BW1 FMEA Database
50 Bestandsextensie C2E Chinese Dictionary Index
51 Bestandsextensie CAJ China Academic Journals Full-text Database
52 Bestandsextensie CDB Symbian Phonebook Database
53 Bestandsextensie CEP CostOS Estimating Project Database Format
54 Bestandsextensie CF8 Cashflow Manager Data Format
55 Bestandsextensie CF9 Cashflow Manager Accounting Data Format
56 Bestandsextensie CHANGEDB SQLite Data Format
57 Bestandsextensie CHANGEDB-JOURNAL SQLite Data Format
58 Bestandsextensie CKA Comfort Keys Database
59 Bestandsextensie CKP Ingres Database Checkpoint Data
60 Bestandsextensie CKZ QuickSFV Format Verification Database
61 Bestandsextensie CLM2 Clipboard Master Database Format
62 Bestandsextensie CMA TM1 Exported Cube Format
63 Bestandsextensie CMDB ANSYS CFX Mesh Database
64 Bestandsextensie CPW Online Cost Planning Service Cost Planning Work Data Format
65 Bestandsextensie CRB BigOven Recipe Database
66 Bestandsextensie CRYPT5 WhatsApp Messenger Encrypted Message Database Backup
67 Bestandsextensie CRYPT6 WhatsApp Messenger Encrypted Message Database Backup
68 Bestandsextensie CRYPT7 WhatsApp Messenger Encrypted Message Database Backup
69 Bestandsextensie CSQ Microsoft FoxPro Queries
70 Bestandsextensie CURRENT WhatsApp Messenger Encrypted Message Database
71 Bestandsextensie CWDB ClarisWorks Database
72 Bestandsextensie D1 Progress Database
73 Bestandsextensie D2 Progress Database
74 Bestandsextensie DAB OrangeCD Catalog Database
75 Bestandsextensie DACONNECTIONS RemObjects Data Abstract Connections Format
76 Bestandsextensie DACPAC SQL Server Data Tier Application Package
77 Bestandsextensie DAD RemObjects Data Abstract Driver Format
78 Bestandsextensie DADIAGRAMS RemObjects Data Abstract Data Diagrams Format
79 Bestandsextensie DASCHEMA Data Abstract Database Schema Format
80 Bestandsextensie DB Database Format
81 Bestandsextensie DB-JOURNAL SQLite Database Journal
82 Bestandsextensie DB-SHM SQLite Database Shared Memory Format
83 Bestandsextensie DB-WAL SQLite Database Write-Ahead Log Format
84 Bestandsextensie DB2 DBASE II Database
85 Bestandsextensie DB2P IBM Database Project
86 Bestandsextensie DB3 SQLite Database Format
87 Bestandsextensie DB3-JOURNAL SQLite Temporary Database Journal
88 Bestandsextensie DB4 Paychex Payroll Database
89 Bestandsextensie DBC OrCAD Capture CIS Database Configuration Format
90 Bestandsextensie DBF Database Format
91 Bestandsextensie DBLIB Altium Designer Database Library
92 Bestandsextensie DBMDL Microsoft Visual Studio Database Project
93 Bestandsextensie DBS SQLBase Database Format
94 Bestandsextensie DBT Database Text Format
95 Bestandsextensie DBV Database Variable Field
96 Bestandsextensie DBW Microsoft Windows Database
97 Bestandsextensie DCB Concordance Database Format
98 Bestandsextensie DCX FoxPro Database Index
99 Bestandsextensie DDL Data Definition Language Format
100 Bestandsextensie DEVX E-sword Devotional
101 Bestandsextensie DEZ DeZign For Databases Project
102 Bestandsextensie DF3 Omnis7 And Omnis Studio Database
103 Bestandsextensie DF4 Omnis7 And Omnis Studio Database
104 Bestandsextensie DF6 Omnis7 And Omnis Studio Database
105 Bestandsextensie DF7 Omnis Studio Database
106 Bestandsextensie DLK Xprotect License Code List
107 Bestandsextensie DP1 DataPower Database Format
108 Bestandsextensie DQL DataEase Database
109 Bestandsextensie DQY Excel Query Format
110 Bestandsextensie DSDB ANSYS CFX Simulation Database
111 Bestandsextensie DSN Database Source Name Format
112 Bestandsextensie DTF ACDSee Thumbnail Database Format
113 Bestandsextensie DTSX DTS Settings Format
114 Bestandsextensie DWN FrameWork Database Format
115 Bestandsextensie DXL Domino XML Language Format
116 Bestandsextensie ECFG ESRI XML Zipped Database
117 Bestandsextensie ECO ECCO Database Format
118 Bestandsextensie ECX ECCO Corrupted Database Format
119 Bestandsextensie EDB Exchange Information Store Database
120 Bestandsextensie EFW2 AccuWage W-2 Form Format
121 Bestandsextensie EFW2C AccuWage W-2C Form Format
122 Bestandsextensie EIT Microsoft Encarta Database Update
123 Bestandsextensie ENB Evernote 2.x Database
124 Bestandsextensie EPD ChessDB Extended Position Description
125 Bestandsextensie ERBSQL Ruby SQL
126 Bestandsextensie ERD Active Media Eclipse Resource Database
127 Bestandsextensie EXB Evernote Database Format
128 Bestandsextensie F+DB Microsoft FoxPro Database
129 Bestandsextensie F2B ProntoGERBER-CONNECTION Board Database
130 Bestandsextensie F4X Adobe HTTP Dynamic Streaming Index
131 Bestandsextensie FDB Database Format
132 Bestandsextensie FDL Corel Paradox Secondary Index
133 Bestandsextensie FFS_DB FreeFileSync Database
134 Bestandsextensie FGR FRSGiftRegistry Database
135 Bestandsextensie FIC WinDev Hyper Format Database
136 Bestandsextensie FM5 FileMaker 5 Database
137 Bestandsextensie FMDB BUILD-QUANT Object Database
138 Bestandsextensie FMK4 FileMaker For Mac
139 Bestandsextensie FMP12 FileMaker Pro 12 Database
140 Bestandsextensie FMPR FileMaker Pro Mac
141 Bestandsextensie FMPSL FileMaker Pro 12 Snapshot Link
142 Bestandsextensie FMT Database Format Format
143 Bestandsextensie FOC FOCUS Database
144 Bestandsextensie FOL PFS First Choice Database Format
145 Bestandsextensie FP4 FileMaker Pro 4 Database
146 Bestandsextensie FP5 FileMaker Pro 5 Database
147 Bestandsextensie FP7 FileMaker Pro 7+ Database
148 Bestandsextensie FPT FileMaker Pro Database Memo Format
149 Bestandsextensie FRM MySQL Database Format Format
150 Bestandsextensie FTCH Extensis Portfolio Image Database
151 Bestandsextensie FW2 FrameWork Database
152 Bestandsextensie FW3 FrameWork III Database
153 Bestandsextensie FXP Visual FoxPro Compiled Database Format
154 Bestandsextensie G Corel Paradox Format
155 Bestandsextensie GDB InterBase Database Format
156 Bestandsextensie GDBINDEXES ArcGIS Geodatabase Index
157 Bestandsextensie GWI GroupWise Database Shortcut Format
158 Bestandsextensie HDB HansaWorld Database Format
159 Bestandsextensie HIS FindinSite Database Definition Format
160 Bestandsextensie HND HNSKY Deep Sky Database
161 Bestandsextensie HTRI HTRI Xchanger Suite Data Input
162 Bestandsextensie I2B Invoice2go Product Format
163 Bestandsextensie IB InterBase Database
164 Bestandsextensie IBD MySQL InnoDB Database Table
165 Bestandsextensie IDB2 InfoStat Database
166 Bestandsextensie IFLV InfoLevin Database
167 Bestandsextensie IHX IN-HEH Timeline Database
168 Bestandsextensie INDX Microsoft Mail Index
169 Bestandsextensie IPDB IP Address Tracker IP Database
170 Bestandsextensie IRN IRedit Database Format
171 Bestandsextensie ISAM ISAM Database Format
172 Bestandsextensie ITDB ITunes Database Format
173 Bestandsextensie ITF ESignal Integrated Trading Data Format
174 Bestandsextensie ITW InTouch With Database Format
175 Bestandsextensie IVC IView MediaPro Catalogue Format
176 Bestandsextensie IWC Installwatch Database
177 Bestandsextensie IXL DB/TextWorks Database Indexed List
178 Bestandsextensie JDS JDataStore Database Format
179 Bestandsextensie JET Microsoft JET Database Format
180 Bestandsextensie JOML JOOB Object Modelling Language
181 Bestandsextensie JTX ESE Transaction Log
182 Bestandsextensie JZ JamesZhu Internet Browser Database
183 Bestandsextensie K01 Clarion Database Key
184 Bestandsextensie K10 DataFlex Index
185 Bestandsextensie K11 DataFlex Index
186 Bestandsextensie K13 DataFlex Index
187 Bestandsextensie K14 DataFlex Index
188 Bestandsextensie K15 DataFlex Index
189 Bestandsextensie K6 DataFlex Index
190 Bestandsextensie K8 DataFlex Index
191 Bestandsextensie K9 DataFlex Index
192 Bestandsextensie KDB Keypass Database Format
193 Bestandsextensie KDH Chinese Academic Journals Online Full-text Database
194 Bestandsextensie KEXI Kexi Database
195 Bestandsextensie KEXIC Kexi Database Connection Format
196 Bestandsextensie KEXIS Kexi Database Shortcut Format
197 Bestandsextensie KEYSTORE Java Keytool Key Database
198 Bestandsextensie KNN Clarion Database Key
199 Bestandsextensie KPDX KeePass Password Database
200 Bestandsextensie KSEQS Kestrel Sequence Database
201 Bestandsextensie LBL Database Label Format Format
202 Bestandsextensie LGC SimpleK Database Format
203 Bestandsextensie LRPREV Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Index
204 Bestandsextensie LSL Corel Paradox Format
205 Bestandsextensie LWX Lightwright Database
206 Bestandsextensie LZK LoizziTimeControl Database
207 Bestandsextensie M4T Sage MAS 90 Table
208 Bestandsextensie MAQ Microsoft Access Query
209 Bestandsextensie MARSHAL Marshal Data Migration Model Format
210 Bestandsextensie MAV Access View Format
211 Bestandsextensie MAW Access Data Access Page
212 Bestandsextensie MBDB Apple IOS Backup Manifest
213 Bestandsextensie MBDX Apple IOS Backup Manifest
214 Bestandsextensie MCDB Adobe Premiere Pro Media Cache Database
215 Bestandsextensie MCSV TouchGraph Navigator MCSV Data Format
216 Bestandsextensie MDB Microsoft Access Database
217 Bestandsextensie MDBHTML Microsoft Access Database HTML Format
218 Bestandsextensie MDBX Access Based Database
219 Bestandsextensie MDN Blank Access Database Template
220 Bestandsextensie MDT GeoMedia Access Database Template
221 Bestandsextensie MFK Memsoft OS/2 Database
222 Bestandsextensie MGN Modern Genealogy Database
223 Bestandsextensie MMD Mangodata Multi-user Database
224 Bestandsextensie MPD Microsoft Project Database
225 Bestandsextensie MPDB Windows Media Player Database
226 Bestandsextensie MRG MySQL Merge Format
227 Bestandsextensie MRQ NETFILE Tax Data Format
228 Bestandsextensie MSHDB Ministry Scheduler Pro Database
229 Bestandsextensie MSMESSAGESTORE Windows Mail Message Information Database
230 Bestandsextensie MTC MediaTracker Database
231 Bestandsextensie MTN Match! Database
232 Bestandsextensie MUC Music Collector Collection Data
233 Bestandsextensie MUD Textease Multi User Database
234 Bestandsextensie MWB MySQL Workbench Document
235 Bestandsextensie MYD MySQL Database Data Format
236 Bestandsextensie NDF SQL Server Secondary Database Format
237 Bestandsextensie NLPE Navicat For SQLite Exported Table
238 Bestandsextensie NOPE Navicat For Oracle Exported Table
239 Bestandsextensie NPPE Navicat For PostgreSQL Exported Table
240 Bestandsextensie NS2 Lotus Notes 2 Database
241 Bestandsextensie NS3 Lotus Notes 3 Database
242 Bestandsextensie NS4 Lotus Notes 4 Database
243 Bestandsextensie NSF Lotus Notes Database
244 Bestandsextensie NSG Lotus Notes Database
245 Bestandsextensie NSPE Navicat For SQL Server Exported Table
246 Bestandsextensie NSX Apollo Server Database Index
247 Bestandsextensie NTX Clipper Database Index Format
248 Bestandsextensie NV2 NewViews 2 Database Format
249 Bestandsextensie NWDB NeatReceipts Database
250 Bestandsextensie NX1 NexusDB Database
251 Bestandsextensie NX2 NexusDB Database
252 Bestandsextensie NYF MyBase Database Format
253 Bestandsextensie OD1 Omnis 5 Database
254 Bestandsextensie OD2 Omnis 5 Database
255 Bestandsextensie OD3 Omnis Studio Database
256 Bestandsextensie OD4-9 Omnis5 Database
257 Bestandsextensie ODB OpenDocument Database
258 Bestandsextensie OIF QuickBase Web-sharable Database Interchange
259 Bestandsextensie OLK14DBHEADER Microsoft Outlook 2011 For Mac Database
260 Bestandsextensie OPT MySQL Database Data Format
261 Bestandsextensie OQY Excel OLAP Query Format
262 Bestandsextensie ORA Oracle Database Configuration Format
263 Bestandsextensie ORX RadiantOne VDS Database Schema
264 Bestandsextensie OV OpenInsight Database Overflow
265 Bestandsextensie OWC OutWit Catch Database
266 Bestandsextensie P96 Win96 Database Format
267 Bestandsextensie P97 Win97 Database Format
268 Bestandsextensie PAN Panorama Database Format
269 Bestandsextensie PCS Microsoft PowerPoint Picture Storage Format
270 Bestandsextensie PD Corel Paradox Table Format
271 Bestandsextensie PDB Program Database
272 Bestandsextensie PDBX Martini Personal Database
273 Bestandsextensie PDT ProCite Database
274 Bestandsextensie PNZ Panorama Database Set
275 Bestandsextensie PRJX SharpDevelop Project Database
276 Bestandsextensie PSAFE3 Password Safe Database
277 Bestandsextensie PX Corel Paradox Primary Database Index
278 Bestandsextensie QBQUERY MySQL Query Browser Saved SQL Query Command
279 Bestandsextensie QBZ Quick Trial Balance Data Format
280 Bestandsextensie QD0 Omnis Quartz Segment 10 Data
281 Bestandsextensie QD1 Omnis Quartz Segment 1 Data
282 Bestandsextensie QD2 Omnis Quartz Segment 2 Data
283 Bestandsextensie QD4 Omnis Quartz Segment 4 Data
284 Bestandsextensie QD5 Omnis Quartz Segment 5 Data
285 Bestandsextensie QD6 Omnis Quartz Segment 6 Data
286 Bestandsextensie QD7 Omnis Quartz Segment 7 Data
287 Bestandsextensie QD8 Omnis Quartz Segment 8 Data
288 Bestandsextensie QD9 Omnis Quartz Segment 9 Data
289 Bestandsextensie QDC Quick Devis Database
290 Bestandsextensie QMF IBM Lotus Approach Database Query
291 Bestandsextensie QPG QuickBooks Data Format
292 Bestandsextensie QRY Query Format
293 Bestandsextensie QSM QuickBooks Statement Wirter Data Format
294 Bestandsextensie QUICKEN2015 Quicken For Mac 2015 Financial Data Format
295 Bestandsextensie QUICKEN2016 Quicken For Mac 2016 Financial Data Format
296 Bestandsextensie QUICKEN2017 Quicken For Mac 2017 Financial Data Format
297 Bestandsextensie QWMOD Quicken For Windows Data Format
298 Bestandsextensie R2K Repertoire 2000 Music Database
299 Bestandsextensie RDL Corel Paradox Format
300 Bestandsextensie RFH RFG Integrator Householding Database
301 Bestandsextensie RGDB Adobe Registration Database
302 Bestandsextensie RLN Alpha Four Database
303 Bestandsextensie RMW RAM Commander Database
304 Bestandsextensie RSD RealSQLDatabase Format
305 Bestandsextensie RSDB Resort Software Database
306 Bestandsextensie RTW Real-Time Workshop Database
307 Bestandsextensie S2DB SQLite 2.0 Database Format
308 Bestandsextensie S3DB MySQL Database
309 Bestandsextensie SAS7BDAT SAS Database
310 Bestandsextensie SD3 Hy-Tek Meet Manager Database Related
311 Bestandsextensie SD4 Smart Diary Suite Database
312 Bestandsextensie SDB OpenOffice Base Database Format
313 Bestandsextensie SDL Corel Paradox Script Format
314 Bestandsextensie SE1 CT Summation IBlaze Database
315 Bestandsextensie SG3 ChessDB Game
316 Bestandsextensie SIE Swedish Accounting Data Format Format
317 Bestandsextensie SL2 SQLite 2.0 Database Format
318 Bestandsextensie SL3 SQLite 3.0 Database Format
319 Bestandsextensie SLDMAT SolidWorks Material Database
320 Bestandsextensie SLIFE Slife Database
321 Bestandsextensie SOCIALPHONEBOOK Sony Xperia Google Android Contact
322 Bestandsextensie SPENTRY Spartan Database
323 Bestandsextensie SPQ SPSS Database Query Format
324 Bestandsextensie SQL Structured Query Language Data Format
325 Bestandsextensie SQLITE SQLite Database Format
326 Bestandsextensie SQLITE-JOURNAL Mozilla Firefox
327 Bestandsextensie SQLITE2 SQLite 2.0 Database Format
328 Bestandsextensie SQLITE3 SQLite 3 Database Format
329 Bestandsextensie SQLITEDB SQLite Database
330 Bestandsextensie SQLITEDB-SHM SQLite Database Shared Memory
331 Bestandsextensie SR4 SIR Database
332 Bestandsextensie SRL Arquitienda Local Database
333 Bestandsextensie SSMSSQLPROJ Microsoft SQL Server Project
334 Bestandsextensie SSO ChessDB Search Options
335 Bestandsextensie SSX IBM Rational XDE
336 Bestandsextensie SWDB ClarisWorks 3 And 4 Database
337 Bestandsextensie SYNCDB-JOURNAL SQLite Data Format
338 Bestandsextensie SYNCIDDB-JOURNAL SQLite Data Format
339 Bestandsextensie T14 H&R Block 2014 Tax Return Format
340 Bestandsextensie T15 H&R Block 2015 Tax Return Format
341 Bestandsextensie T17 H&R Block 2017 Tax Return Format
342 Bestandsextensie T18 H&R Block 2018 Tax Return Format
343 Bestandsextensie TA2 TaxACT Document Format
344 Bestandsextensie TA4 TaxACT Tax Return Form Format
345 Bestandsextensie TA5 TaxACT Tax Return Form Format
346 Bestandsextensie TA6 TaxACT Tax Year 2006 Form Format
347 Bestandsextensie TA8 TaxACT Tax Year 1998 Form Format
348 Bestandsextensie TAX14 TurboTax 2014 Tax Return Format
349 Bestandsextensie TAX15 TurboTax Tax Return 2015 Format
350 Bestandsextensie TAX16 TurboTax Tax Return 2016 Format
351 Bestandsextensie TAX17 TurboTax Tax Return 2017 Format
352 Bestandsextensie TAX2014 TurboTax Tax Return 2014 Format
353 Bestandsextensie TAX2015 TurboTax Tax Return 2015 Format
354 Bestandsextensie TAX2016 TurboTax Tax Return 2016 Format
355 Bestandsextensie TAX2017 TurboTax Tax Return 2017 Format
356 Bestandsextensie TAX2018 TurboTax Tax Return 2018 Format
357 Bestandsextensie TBM DB/TextWorks Database Menu Screen
358 Bestandsextensie TE Textease CT Database Format
359 Bestandsextensie TEACHER SMART Response Teacher Database Format
360 Bestandsextensie THUMBDATA-IDX3 Android Thumbnail Index
361 Bestandsextensie THUMBSDB PixFiler Thumbnail Database
362 Bestandsextensie TMDB TaskMerlin Database
363 Bestandsextensie TMZ Medigraph Compressed Database
364 Bestandsextensie TOM MediGraph Database
365 Bestandsextensie TRC Oracle Trace Format
366 Bestandsextensie TT14 TurboTax 2014 Tax Return Data Format
367 Bestandsextensie TT15 TurboTax 2015 Tax Return Format
368 Bestandsextensie TT16 TurboTax 2016 Tax Return Format
369 Bestandsextensie TT17 TurboTax 2017 Tax Return Format
370 Bestandsextensie TT18 TurboTax 2018 Tax Return Format
371 Bestandsextensie TT2013STATE TurboTax 2013 State Tax Form Format
372 Bestandsextensie TT2014STATE TurboTax 2014 State Tax Form Format
373 Bestandsextensie TT2015STATE TurboTax 2015 State Tax Form Format
374 Bestandsextensie TT2016STATE TurboTax 2016 State Tax Form Format
375 Bestandsextensie TT2017STATE TurboTax 2017 State Tax Form Format
376 Bestandsextensie TTT TestTrack Pro Database
377 Bestandsextensie UDB Dynamics AX User Database Format
378 Bestandsextensie UDL Microsoft Universal Data Link Format
379 Bestandsextensie UDS FIMware Database Format
380 Bestandsextensie URD Ultra Recall Database
381 Bestandsextensie USR FileMaker Pro Database Format
382 Bestandsextensie V12 All The Right Type Database Format
383 Bestandsextensie VDB3 VistaDB Database
384 Bestandsextensie VFA FontLab Database
385 Bestandsextensie VIS Visual Importer Script
386 Bestandsextensie VPDB VIP Organizer Information Database
387 Bestandsextensie VSR Microsoft Access Report
388 Bestandsextensie W5S Winamp CDDB Database
389 Bestandsextensie WD2 Info Select Database
390 Bestandsextensie WDB Microsoft Works Database
391 Bestandsextensie WDM BASINS Meteorological Database
392 Bestandsextensie WMDB Windows Media Database Format
393 Bestandsextensie XAA XML Audit Data Format
394 Bestandsextensie XIC DIF Freedom Data Format
395 Bestandsextensie XLD Excel Database Format
396 Bestandsextensie XSL Microsoft SharePoint WorkSpace Groove Database Format
397 Bestandsextensie XVU BOClean Database Format
398 Bestandsextensie ZBD Canon Zoom Browser Database
399 Bestandsextensie ZODB Zope Object Database
400 Bestandsextensie ZRD ZEMAX Ray Database
401 Bestandsextensie ^^^ Pervasive.SQL Database Format
402 Bestandsextensie ~AP Borland C++ Old AppExpert Project Database
Bestandsextensie van de dag
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