Sortert i alfabetisk rekkefølge: L

#FilformatFilens fulle navn
1 L-filformat Lex Source Format
2 L01-filformat ARC Digitized Raster Graphics Format
3 L16-filformat JRiver Media Center Data Format
4 L2L-filformat IBM Voice Type Languages Addword
5 L2P-filformat BM Voice Type Languages Addword
6 L2R-filformat Lineage II Replay
7 L3-filformat L3 DRM Protected Video Format
8 L32-filformat Swift Line 21 Caption
9 L3B-filformat SR 3D Builder Model Format
10 L3D-filformat Black & White Graphics Format
11 L4D-filformat Cinema 4D Layout Format
12 L5K-filformat RSLogix 5000
13 L5X-filformat Rockwell Automation RSLogix 5000 Import / Export Data Format
14 L6T-filformat Line 6 Tone Format
15 L9-filformat Gargoyle Interactive Fiction Story Format
16 LA-filformat Lossless Audio Format
17 LA0-filformat LucasArts Game Data
18 LA1-filformat LucasArts Game Data
19 LA2-filformat LucasArts Game Data
20 LAA-filformat LucasArts AdLib Audio
21 LAB-filformat WordPerfect Label Definition Format
22 LABA-filformat Labels & Addresses Project Format
23 LABELS-filformat Amira 3D Mesh Related Data Format
24 LABX-filformat CASSY Lab
25 LABY-filformat Laby Level Format
26 LACCDB-filformat Microsoft Access Lock Format
27 LAD-filformat Daylon Leveller Animation Data
28 LAE-filformat Local Authentication Export
29 LAF-filformat Lingoes Appendix
30 LAI-filformat GNU Libtool Temporary
31 LAK-filformat Kashmir
32 LAM-filformat Netscape Media Player Streaming Audio Metafile
33 LAMP-filformat ArchiCAD For MAC Geometric Description Language
34 LAN-filformat ERDAS LAN Format
35 LANALYSER-filformat Novell Netware LANalyzer Trace
36 LAND-filformat Userland Frontier
37 LANG-filformat Skype Language Settings Format
39 LAP-filformat Scheme Source Code Format
40 LAR-filformat Liquid Audio Player Registration
41 LAS-filformat LIDAR Data Exchange Format
42 LASSO-filformat Lasso Database-Driven Web Page
43 LAST-filformat Valve Steam Data Format
44 LASTBUILDSTATE-filformat MSBuild Exported Build
45 LASTLOGIN-filformat Minecraft User Credential Format
46 LASX-filformat LAS Sidecar Auxilliary Data Format
47 LAT-filformat LaTeX
48 LATEX-filformat LaTeX Document
49 LATM-filformat Low Overhead Audio Transport Multiplex Format
50 LAUNCH-filformat Zend Studio Debugger Configuration
51 LAUNCHEREX_SOURCERECORD-filformat Foston Google Android
52 LAV-filformat Liquid Audio Player Voucher
53 LAVS-filformat Liquid Audio Secured Download
54 LAX-filformat AnetHelpTool JavaHelp Viewer
55 LAY-filformat DVD Studio Pro Layout Format
56 LAY6-filformat Sprint-Layout Document Format
57 LAYERDIAGRAM-filformat Microsoft Visual Studio Layer Diagram
58 LAYOUT-filformat Apple MainStage Layout Format
59 LAYOUTDESIGNER-filformat QuickBooks Layout Designer Template
60 LAYX-filformat PTV VISSIM Vehicle Network Data Format
61 LAZ-filformat LiquidApps Project Format
62 LA_-filformat TI Databook Format
63 LB-filformat LBwin Project
64 LBA-filformat Liberty BASIC
65 LBC-filformat Cloaked Affiliate Link Builder Saved Link
66 LBD-filformat Life Balance User Data
67 LBE-filformat Life Balance Xml-based Data Exchange
68 LBF-filformat Bioshock 2 Configuration
69 LBG-filformat DBASE IV Label Generator Data
70 LBI-filformat Dreamweaver Library Item
71 LBK-filformat VersaPro Local Logic Block Backup
72 LBL-filformat Database Label Format Format
73 LBM-filformat Deluxe Paint Bitmap Image
74 LBO-filformat DBASE IV Compiled Label
75 LBP-filformat ProWORX Nxt Logic Pointer
76 LBR-filformat LU Library Archive
77 LBS-filformat Omnis Library
78 LBT-filformat FoxPro Label Memo
79 LBU-filformat Cloaked Affiliate Link Builder Settings Format
80 LBX-filformat FoxPro Label Format
81 LBXCOL-filformat Libronix DLS Resource Collection
82 LBXDTP-filformat Libronix DLS Data Type
83 LBXLLS-filformat Logos Libronix 3.0
84 LBXOEB-filformat Libronix DLS Resource
85 LCB-filformat Concept2 LogCard Utility LogCard Backup Image
86 LCC-filformat Capture One Lens Cast Correction Format
87 LCD-filformat CDSpace Emulated Disk Image
88 LCF-filformat ArchiCAD Library Container Format
89 LCH-filformat IBM Works For OS/2 Chart
90 LCI-filformat IBM Voice Type Languages Newuser
91 LCK-filformat Program Lock Format
92 LCL-filformat Localization
93 LCLW-filformat ClarisWorks Art Library
94 LCM-filformat Lipikar Custom Map Format
95 LCN-filformat Corel WordPerfect Dictionary Format
96 LCP-filformat FARSITE Landscape Data
97 LCPP-filformat Adobe Lens Profile Creator Project Format
98 LCS-filformat ACT! History
99 LCT-filformat Electrical Filter Design
100 LCX-filformat LC Model
101 LD-filformat Telix Long Distance Codes
102 LD1-filformat DBASE Overlay
103 LD2-filformat Lingoes Dictionary Format
104 LD4-filformat ACCPAC Plus Menu
105 LDA-filformat LaserData Image Format
106 LDB-filformat Microsoft Access Lock Format
107 LDD-filformat LEGO Digital Designer
108 LDE-filformat Veeam Explorer Exported Data Format
109 LDF-filformat SQL Server Transaction Log Format
110 LDI-filformat LDIF Address Book Interchange Format
111 LDIF-filformat LDAP Data Interchange Format Format
112 LDL-filformat Corel Paradox Delivered Library
113 LDM-filformat VolumeViz Multi-Resolution Volume Format
114 LDML-filformat Adobe GoLive Data Format
115 LDMT-filformat Likno Drop-Down Menu Trees
116 LDO-filformat Nova Logic Game Loadout Text
117 LDP-filformat Label Designer Plus DELUXE Data
118 LDR-filformat LDraw Model Format
119 LDS-filformat Binutils LD Linker Script
120 LDT-filformat ZENAX Source EULUMDAT Format
121 LDW-filformat Virtual Villagers Saved Game Format
122 LDWF-filformat Android Related Data Format
123 LDX-filformat Liquid Studio Liquid Executable Bytecode
124 LDZ-filformat Microsoft Visual Studio DSM Project
125 LE-filformat Le Mac OS X
126 LEASES-filformat VMware DHCP Configuration Information Data Format
127 LECHIFFRE-filformat LeChiffre Ransomware Affected Data Format
128 LED-filformat Sony AIBO AIBO LED Format Format
129 LEECHGET-filformat LeechGet Incomplete Download Format
130 LEF-filformat LEN Exchange Format Format
131 LEG-filformat LEGOCAD
132 LEGAL-filformat DaveTech Legal Document
133 LEGION-filformat Legion Ransomware Affected Data Format
134 LEI-filformat Leica SP1 Image Session
135 LEMON-filformat Download
136 LENS-filformat Autodesk Stitcher Camera Profile
137 LEO-filformat Larka Edytor Obiektów Picture Image Format
138 LEOTMI-filformat Privacy Lock Protected Picture Format
139 LEP-filformat Label And Envelope Designer Plus 2000
140 LEPF-filformat Adobe Little Endian Prebuilt Format Format
141 LER-filformat LopeEdit Results Format
142 LESLI-filformat CryptoMix Ransomware Affected Format
143 LESS-filformat LESS Style Sheet
144 LET-filformat Nuke Randomic Life Generator
145 LETTER-filformat Undeliverable Mail Format
146 LEV-filformat Worms Map
147 LEX-filformat Adobe Linguistic Library Data Format
148 LEXE-filformat SciTE Data Format
149 LF-filformat SoftwareKey License
150 LFA-filformat Life Forms
151 LFB-filformat Laserfiche Briefcase Format
152 LFD-filformat LucasArts Game Resource Format
153 LFE-filformat LFClient Document
154 LFF-filformat LucasFilm Format Image Format
155 LFL-filformat LucasArts Games Resource Format
156 LFM-filformat LifeForm Format
157 LFNT-filformat ReadyNas Remote Data Format
158 LFO-filformat Alchemy Low Frequency Oscillator Presets Format
159 LFP-filformat IPRO LFP Format
160 LFS-filformat Samsung Phone Params.lfs Format
161 LFT-filformat ChiWriter Laser Printer Font
162 LFX-filformat Land F/X Project Format
163 LG0-filformat IBM Tivoli Monitoring Log
164 LG1-filformat IBM Tivoli Monitoring Log Backup
165 LG2-filformat HotMux Thermocouple Data Log
166 LGA-filformat Microsoft Windows Application Log
167 LGB-filformat QuickBooks Little Green Box
168 LGC-filformat SimpleK Database Format
169 LGD-filformat Windows Application Log
170 LGE-filformat Log Data Format
171 LGF-filformat PMSCAN Log Format
172 LGG-filformat Microsoft Windows Application Log
173 LGH-filformat HMI Historical Log Format
174 LGI-filformat Multimedia Logic Format
175 LGJ-filformat Microsoft Windows Application Log
176 LGK-filformat Microsoft Windows Application Log
177 LGL-filformat LeechGet Download List
178 LGM-filformat Microsoft Windows Application Log
179 LGN-filformat Microsoft Windows Application Log
180 LGO-filformat Logo Instructions Format
181 LGP-filformat Final Fantasy Media Archive
182 LGQ-filformat Microsoft Windows Application Log
183 LGR-filformat Microsoft Windows Application Log
184 LGS-filformat Microsoft Windows Application Log
185 LGT-filformat Urban Chaos Game
186 LGU-filformat LG Windows CE Upgrade Data Format
187 LGV-filformat Debugging Tools For Windows Logger Log
188 LGW-filformat ANSYS
189 LGX-filformat Logistix Spreadsheet Format
190 LGZ-filformat Windows Application Log
191 LH3D-filformat Live Home 3D Project Format
192 LHA-filformat LHARC Compressed Archive
193 LHARC-filformat LH ARC Compressed Archive
194 LHR-filformat Quicken Financial Life For Mac Format
195 LHS-filformat Literate Haskell Script
196 LHW-filformat LHWarp Compressed Amiga Archive
197 LHX-filformat LineTracker Firmware Upgrade
198 LHZ-filformat LHA Compressed Format Archive
199 LHZD-filformat Live Home 3D Project Format
200 LI3D-filformat Live Interior 3D Document
201 LI5-filformat LOGINventory Data Format
202 LIA-filformat P-CAD Schematics Library
203 LIB-filformat Microsoft Linker Input Library Format
204 LIB4D-filformat Cinema 4D Library
205 LIBRARY-filformat CATIA Library
206 LIBRARY-MS-filformat Windows Library Description Format
207 LIBZIP-filformat Camtasia Studio Zipped Library Format
208 LIC-filformat Software License Format
209 LICENSE-filformat RealStrat License Format
210 LICENSEKEY-filformat IPartition License Key Format
211 LICENSES-filformat Visual Studio Licensed Classes Format
212 LICKEY-filformat AVS4YOU License Key
213 LICRYPT-filformat Encrypted
214 LICX-filformat Visual Studio License Format
215 LID-filformat Quicken 2002 Deluxe Format
216 LIF-filformat Leica Image Format
217 LIFE-filformat LIGHT Format
218 LIG-filformat INet-Server
219 LIGHTINGLIBRARY-filformat Corel Painter Lighting Presets Format
220 LIGHTWAVE-filformat Lightwave 3D Layered Object
221 LIJ-filformat Apple Photos Data Format
222 LIJS-filformat Apple Photos Data Format
223 LIK-filformat Trojan.Win32.Agent.lik
224 LILY-filformat PCSX2 LilyPad Configuration Format
225 LIN-filformat AutoCAD Linetype Format
226 LINK-filformat IPod Link Format
227 LINQ-filformat LINQPad Data Format
228 LINUX-filformat Linux
229 LINX-filformat Bridge Base Format
230 LIP-filformat SLIP Format Format
231 LIPG-filformat LiPG Parser Data Format
232 LIQUID-filformat Shopify Liquid Template
233 LIR-filformat ADI Ocelot Settings
234 LIS-filformat SQR Output Format
235 LISP-filformat Lisp Source Code Format
236 LIST-filformat JAR Index Format
237 LIT-filformat EBook Format
238 LITCOFFEE-filformat Literate CoffeeScript Source Code Format
239 LITEMOD-filformat Minecraft Mod
240 LITTLE-filformat Mozilla Firefox Start-up Cache
241 LIV-filformat Living Actor Actor
242 LIVEREG-filformat Symantec Antivirus Session Format
243 LIVESUBSCRIBE-filformat Symantec Antivirus Update Catalog
244 LIVEUPDATE-filformat Symantec LiveUpdate Format
245 LIX-filformat Logos Library System Format
246 LIZD-filformat Live Interior 3D Compressed Document
247 LJP-filformat Lossless JPEG Image
248 LK#-filformat Autodesk Multi-user Coordination Lock
249 LKG-filformat HP-UX Configuration
250 LKH-filformat Worm.Generic.LKH Virus
251 LKO-filformat Microsoft Outlook Express
252 LKP-filformat Microsoft Systems Management Server (SMS) Data Format
253 LKR-filformat MPLAB Linker
254 LL-filformat List & Label Preview Format
255 LLB-filformat LabVIEW Library Format
256 LLC-filformat LapLink Saved Connection
257 LLF-filformat IITM Local Language Data Format
258 LLG-filformat LADSIM Ladder Logic Diagram Format
259 LLI-filformat AutoCAD Landscape Library Format
260 LLM-filformat Linden Lab Mesh Format
261 LLP-filformat VersaPro Local Logic Block
262 LLS-filformat Windows System
263 LLSD-filformat Second Life Game Data Format
264 LLT-filformat Liquidity Lighthouse Transaction Format
265 LLV-filformat Lizard Safeguard License
266 LLX-filformat LabVIEW VI Library Backup Format
267 LM-filformat Microsoft Windows System Data Format
268 LM4-filformat Steinberg VST Sample
269 LMA-filformat Learning Mobile Author (LMA) Project
270 LMBS-filformat Adobe Photoshop For Mac Filter
271 LMD-filformat Abbyy Finereader Sprint
272 LMF-filformat Library Mapping And Altera Data Interchange
273 LMG-filformat CryENGINE Locomotion Group Animation
274 LMH-filformat Memory Hacking Software Memory
275 LMK-filformat Sothink Logo Maker Image
276 LMLPACK-filformat Kashmir 3D Link
277 LMP-filformat Doom Recorded Demo
278 LMP4-filformat GOM Media Player Data Format
279 LMR-filformat QuickBooks Loan Manager Data
280 LMS-filformat Light-O-Rama Musical Sequence Format
281 LMT-filformat RPG Maker 2000/2003 Map Tree
282 LMU-filformat RPG Maker Map Format
283 LMV-filformat Adobe Flash Source Code
284 LMX-filformat Landmark Exchange Format
285 LN-filformat UNIX Lint
286 LNA-filformat Xilinx ISE
287 LNC-filformat Football Manager Player
288 LND-filformat 3D Landscape Format
289 LNF-filformat Oyoaha Lookandfeel Interface Elements
290 LNG-filformat Language Application Support Format
291 LNGP-filformat This War Of Mine Language Localization Pack Format
292 LNGX-filformat KeePaas Language
293 LNK-filformat Windows Format Shortcut
294 LNM-filformat Corel WordPerfect SGML Alias
295 LNP-filformat µVision Linker Input Format
296 LNS-filformat AVG Anti-Virus Language
297 LNST-filformat Adobe InDesign Line Presets Format
298 LNT-filformat PC-lint/FlexeLint Configuration Format
299 LNX-filformat Atari Lynx ROM
300 LNZ-filformat Petz Linez
301 LO-filformat Interleaf Compiled Lisp Format
302 LOADED-filformat µTorrent Data Format
303 LOADED_0-filformat JavaScript Cache Format
304 LOADED_1-filformat JavaScript Cache Format
305 LOADED_2-filformat JavaScript Cache Format
306 LOADED_3-filformat JavaScript Cache Format
307 LOADERBACKUP-filformat BlackBerry Backup
308 LOADERS-filformat GTK+ Loaders Format
309 LOADTEST-filformat Microsoft Visual Studio Load Test
310 LOB-filformat IBM DB2 LOBFILE
311 LOC-filformat GPS Location Format
312 LOCAL-filformat Delphi User-specific Project Options
313 LOCALIZED-filformat MAC OS X
314 LOCALSTORAGE-filformat WebKit Local Storage Data Format
315 LOCALSTORAGE-JOURNAL-filformat Google Chrome Rollback Journal
316 LOCATION-filformat Microsoft Windows 10 Registry Data Format
317 LOCK-filformat Lock Format
318 LOCK3-filformat BlackBerry Encrypted 3GP
319 LOCKED-filformat Various Ransomware Affected Data Format
320 LOCKFILE-filformat Mac OS X PLIST Lock Format
321 LOCKY-filformat Locky Ransomware Affected Data Format
322 LOCK_SYNC-filformat Synchronization Lock
323 LOCRES-filformat Unreal Tournament Localization Data Format
324 LOD-filformat Homeworld Level Of Detail Format
325 LOF-filformat Audacity Format List
326 LOG-filformat Log Format
327 LOG1-filformat Windows Registry Hive Log Format
328 LOG2-filformat Windows Registry Hive Log 2 Format
329 LOG4NET-filformat Apache Log4net Data Format
330 LOG5-filformat Automise Log Format
331 LOGBOOK3-filformat SportTracks Log Format
332 LOGG-filformat XWE Data Format
333 LOGIC-filformat Logic Pro Project Format
334 LOGICX-filformat Apple Logic Pro X Project Format
335 LOGIKCS-filformat Apple Logic Key Commands
336 LOGIN-filformat UNIX Command
337 LOGOIST-filformat Logoist Project Format
338 LOGONVISTA-filformat LogonStudio Windows Vista Logon Screen
339 LOGONXP-filformat LogonStudio Windows XP Logon Screen
340 LOK-filformat W32/Rbot-WE Log
341 LOL-filformat LOLCODE Source Code FIle
342 LOLS-filformat LOLCODE Source Code
343 LON-filformat Aquaterra Profile Data
344 LOOK-filformat SpeedGrade Look Format
345 LOOKLIBRARY-filformat Corel Painter Looks Library Format
346 LOOP-filformat Apple Soundtrack Pro
347 LOOV-filformat Smadav Virus Definitions Format
348 LOP-filformat MasterCook Layout Format
349 LOR-filformat O&O Defrag Agent Data Format
350 LOS-filformat Close Combat 2 Map Related
351 LOT-filformat LaTex Auxiliary Format For List Of Tables
352 LOV-filformat SAP Business Objects
353 LOVE-filformat LÖVE Game Format
354 LOX-filformat Therion 3D Model Format
355 LOXI-filformat LiquidCD Loxi Disk Image Format
356 LOXONE-filformat Loxone Config Project Format
357 LO_-filformat Microsoft System Management Server Renamed Old Log
358 LP-filformat Lightscape Preparation Format
359 LP2-filformat ILEAP Word Processing Document
360 LP3-filformat Logo Painter 3/3+ Picture Image Format
361 LP4-filformat 36-Image Converter Encrypted Language Pack
362 LP7-filformat LP7 Digitally Signed Format
363 LPA-filformat LPA View Laser Particle Analyser
364 LPAQ1-filformat LPAQ1 Compressed Archive Format
365 LPAQ5-filformat LPAQ5 Compressed Archive Format
366 LPAQ8-filformat PAQ Data Archive
367 LPB-filformat LaserTank Replay Format
368 LPCM-filformat Movie Maker Audio Format
369 LPD-filformat Lookout Protocol Driver Format
370 LPDB-filformat Librarian Pro Database Format
371 LPDF-filformat Localized PDF Format
372 LPF-filformat Orgadata LogiKal
373 LPH-filformat PC-lint Precompiled Header Format
374 LPI-filformat Free Pascal Lazarus Project Information
375 LPJ-filformat LIMDEP Project Format
376 LPK-filformat ArcGIS Layer Package
377 LPMD-filformat LPMD Molecular Data Format
378 LPN-filformat LVPLAN
379 LPO-filformat AEROoffice Trajectory Data Format
380 LPP-filformat LabelPrint Project Format
381 LPR-filformat Homeworld
382 LPROJ-filformat Localized Project Folder
383 LPS-filformat Bryce Leaf Shape Format
384 LPSX-filformat LARSA 4D Section Database Format
385 LPT-filformat LogPlot Compiled Boring Log
386 LPU-filformat Passolo Localization Project
387 LPV-filformat Laser Shows Live Preview Data Format
388 LPW-filformat IRIS Laserform Lforms
389 LPX-filformat LaTeXPiX Script
390 LPZ-filformat SIMPL Windows Program Format
391 LQA-filformat Logger Pro Automatic Update Format
392 LQF-filformat LeechFTP Save Queue
393 LQM-filformat LG QuickMemo Note Format
394 LQP-filformat Liquid Audio Player Passport Data Format
395 LQR-filformat SQ Compressed LBR Archive
396 LQT-filformat Liquid Audio Format
397 LQU-filformat LeapFTP Queue Data Format
398 LR-filformat Chaos Desktop Layer List
399 LRC-filformat Lyrics Format
400 LRCAT-filformat Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Catalog Format
401 LRCAT-JOURNAL-filformat Adobe Photoshop Lightroom
402 LRD-filformat Microsoft Money Lock
403 LRDATA-filformat Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Data Format
404 LRDB-filformat Photoshop Lightroom Database
405 LRDEVPLUGIN-filformat Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Plugin Format
406 LREC-filformat Inter-Tel Web Conference Recording
407 LREF-filformat WPF XAML Cache Format
408 LRF-filformat Sony Portable Reader Format
409 LRG-filformat Macromedia XRes Multi-resolution Bitmap
410 LRL-filformat SmartWare Local Resource Library
411 LRM-filformat Microsoft Encarta Class Server Learning Resource
412 LRMODULE-filformat Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Module Format
413 LRN-filformat Apple Chess User Data
414 LRP-filformat IBM Works For OS/2 Report
415 LRPLUGIN-filformat Photoshop Lightroom Plug-in
416 LRPREV-filformat Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Index
417 LRPREVIEW-filformat Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Preview Format
418 LRREG-filformat Adobe Photoshop Lightroom License Format
419 LRS-filformat Librie Reader Source Format
420 LRSMCOL-filformat Photoshop Lightroom Smart Collection Settings Format
421 LRT-filformat Yacc Log Format
422 LRTEMPLATE-filformat Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Template
423 LRTOOLKIT-filformat Adobe Photoshop Lightroom
424 LRV-filformat Low Resolution Video Format
425 LRWEB-filformat Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Web Gallery Settings Format
426 LRWEBENGINE-filformat Photoshop Lightroom Web Gallery Format
427 LRX-filformat Sony Portable Reader Format
428 LRY-filformat Konica Minolta Data Management Software Reference Data
429 LS-filformat LightWave LScript Format
430 LS1-filformat Microsoft Winhelp Source
431 LS3-filformat Band-in-a-Box Third-Party Styles Format
432 LS3PROJ-filformat Microsoft Visual Studio LightSwitch Project Format
433 LS4-filformat Lumion Exported Full Scene
434 LS6-filformat Lumion 3D Model Format
435 LSA-filformat Lotus Designer Agent
436 LSAPROTOTYPE-filformat Microsoft Visual Studio Logical Datacenter Diagram Toolbox Prototype
437 LSB-filformat LightScape Technologies Binary Data Format
438 LSC-filformat LOGO! Soft Comfort
439 LSD-filformat FIFA World Cup Game Data Environment Format
440 LSE-filformat Oracle Utilities Load Analysis Input Data Format
441 LSF-filformat Logos Library System Format
442 LSG-filformat LimeSurvey Group Structure XML Document Format
443 LSH-filformat Lush Source Code Format
444 LSI-filformat Xerox Lightscribe Label Format
445 LSL-filformat Corel Paradox Format
446 LSLIBRARY-filformat Littlesnapper User Library Package
447 LSM-filformat Ziess LSM Model
448 LSN-filformat Microsoft Works Format
449 LSO-filformat Logic Audio Project
450 LSP-filformat Lisp Program Source Code Format
451 LSPROJ-filformat Visual Studio LightSwitch Project
452 LSQ-filformat IBM Voice Type Languages Addword
453 LSR-filformat LANsurveyor Report
454 LSS-filformat LotusScript Source Code
455 LSSCRIPT-filformat Divinity: Original Sin Game Data Format
456 LST-filformat Data List
457 LSTX-filformat E-Sword Verse List
458 LSU-filformat LANsurveyor Map
459 LSV-filformat Light-O-Rama Sequence Editor Visual Preference
460 LSW-filformat RPG Maker Saved Game Format
461 LSX-filformat Streaming Media Shortcut
462 LSXPROJ-filformat Microsoft Visual Studio Data Format
463 LSXTPROJ-filformat Microsoft Visual Studio LightSwitch Project Format
464 LSZ-filformat Learning Score Zip
465 LS_-filformat Unix Ls Directory
466 LT2-filformat Poser Light Set Format
467 LTA-filformat Monolith Lithtech Game Engine
468 LTB-filformat Amma Little Setup Builder
469 LTC-filformat LTC Syntactically Analyzed Text
470 LTCX-filformat LTC Syntactically Analyzed Text XML
471 LTD-filformat LivingTime Data
472 LTF-filformat Laser App Temp Form Format
473 LTG-filformat LaserTank Graphics Format
474 LTH-filformat Roxio Label Creator Style
475 LTHMB-filformat Adobe Presenter Audio Thumbnail Format
476 LTKEY-filformat LeaderTask Key
477 LTL-filformat DIALux Luminaire Data
478 LTM-filformat IBM Lotus Forms Form
479 LTN-filformat CD-ROM Driver Format
480 LTR-filformat Letter Format
481 LTS-filformat Links Email Tourney
482 LTT-filformat HP Library And Tape Tools Log
483 LTW-filformat IncrediMail Data Format
484 LTX-filformat LaTeX Document
485 LTZ-filformat Compressed Poser Light Set Format
486 LUA-filformat Lua Source Format
487 LUAC-filformat Lua Compiled Source Code
488 LUACODEC-filformat Reason Remote Lua Codec Format
489 LUACOMP-filformat PlayOn Settings Format
490 LUAR-filformat UltraDefrag Lua Report
491 LUB-filformat Lua Bytecode Format
492 LUCA-filformat Luca Template
493 LUCI-filformat Amazon Kindle Fire Mobi Ebook Container Format
494 LUCS-filformat Amaya Tools
495 LUCY-filformat HTC Scribble Note Format
496 LUD-filformat CARE-S InfoWorks Land Use
497 LUE-filformat Norton LiveUpdate Log Format
498 LUF-filformat Lipikar Uniform Format Format
499 LUG-filformat Game
500 LUM-filformat Luminous Song List
501 LUT-filformat XnView Lut Format
502 LUTX-filformat RadioRA 2 Essentials Project Database
503 LUV-filformat Medieval 2 Total War
504 LUXB-filformat Lux Map Format
505 LUXOR2SAVEDGAME-filformat Luxor 2 Saved Game Format
506 LUZ-filformat Spectramap
507 LV-filformat Corel PaintShop Pro Data Format
508 LV1-filformat LiVES Clip Backup Format
509 LV6-filformat Return To Wonderland Level
510 LVA-filformat Logitech Video Effects Avatar Format
511 LVB-filformat Outlaws Game
512 LVCLASS-filformat LabVIEW Class Library
513 LVD-filformat LabelPro Design Document
514 LVF-filformat Logitech Video Effects Format
515 LVIVT-filformat Lvivtotoro Encrypted Game Format
516 LVIX-filformat Lightworks Video Index
517 LVL-filformat Game Level Format
518 LVLAD-filformat LabVIEW Ladder Diagram Format
519 LVLIB-filformat LabVIEW Project Library
520 LVLIBP-filformat LabVIEW Packed Project Library
521 LVLPS-filformat LabVIEW Local Project Settings
522 LVM-filformat LabVIEW Measurement Format
523 LVP-filformat Avaya Voice Player Audio Format
524 LVPROJ-filformat LabVIEW Project Format
525 LVR-filformat Microsoft Visual Studio Environment Snapshot
526 LVS-filformat Daylon Leveller Selection Mask Format
527 LVW-filformat Livewire Document
528 LW-filformat LightWave 3D Binary
529 LW2-filformat Lightwright Show Data
530 LW3-filformat Lightwright Data
531 LW4-filformat Lightwright Format
532 LW5-filformat Lightwright Show Data
533 LWA-filformat Lightwright Automated Action
534 LWAC-filformat Likno Web Accordion Builder
535 LWAV-filformat XWE Data Format
536 LWBM-filformat Likno Web Button Maker
537 LWC-filformat Legacy Charting Chart
538 LWD-filformat LotusWorks Text Document
539 LWF-filformat LuraWave Format Image Format
540 LWFN-filformat Adobe Type 1 Mac Font Format
541 LWG-filformat Microsoft .NET Data Format
542 LWI-filformat Light Work Image Image Format
543 LWK-filformat Siemens NX Software Graphics
544 LWL-filformat Lightwright Printed Paperwork Formatting Instructions
545 LWLO-filformat LightWave Layered Object
546 LWM-filformat LittleWays Map
547 LWMW-filformat Likno Web Modal Windows Builder
548 LWO-filformat LightWave 3D Object Format
549 LWOB-filformat LightWave 3D Object
550 LWP-filformat Lotus Word Pro Document
551 LWPP-filformat Live Wallpaper For Mac Desktop Theme
552 LWQ-filformat SWAT Lake Water Quality Input
553 LWS-filformat LightWave 3D Scene Format
554 LWT-filformat Lightwright Attribute List
555 LWTB-filformat Likno Web Tabs Builder
556 LWTP-filformat LimeWire Theme Pack
557 LWTT-filformat Likno Web Tooltips Builder
558 LWV-filformat Linguistically Enhanced Sound Format
559 LWX-filformat Lightwright Database
560 LWZ-filformat LightWave 3D Plugin
561 LX01-filformat EnCase Forensic Logical Evidence Format
562 LXA-filformat Microsoft Speech Lexicon Format
563 LXCP-filformat LCARS X32 Color Profile
564 LXD-filformat EDictionary Reader Dictionary Data
565 LXE-filformat Luxology Modo Environment Preset Format
566 LXF-filformat LEGO Digital Designer Model Format
567 LXFML-filformat LEGO Digital Designer XML Format
568 LXK-filformat COREX Lexicon Link-up
569 LXL-filformat Luxology Modo Single-layer Mesh Presets
570 LXO-filformat Luxology Modo 3D Image
571 LXQ-filformat Daz Studio Frame List Format
572 LXR-filformat MicroVigene License Request Format
573 LXSOPT-filformat Liquid XML Studio Project Options Format
574 LXSPROJ-filformat Liquid XML Studio Project Format
575 LXT-filformat S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
576 LXV-filformat Lexar Secure II Encrypted Archive
577 LY-filformat LilyPond Format
578 LY2-filformat EAGLE Layout Editor Data Format
579 LYC-filformat BestIMAGE Compressed Design Format
580 LYR-filformat ArcView Layer Format
581 LYS-filformat DataCAD Layer Control
582 LYT-filformat Adminsoft Document Layout Format
583 LYX-filformat LyX Document
584 LZ-filformat Lzip Compressed Format
585 LZ4-filformat LZ4 Compressed Data Format
586 LZC-filformat Need For Speed Undercover Game Data
587 LZF-filformat Autodesk 3D Studio Max Lens Effect Flare
588 LZH-filformat LZH Compressed Format
589 LZK-filformat LoizziTimeControl Database
590 LZM-filformat Slax Module
591 LZMA-filformat LZMA Compressed Format
592 LZMA86-filformat Archive
593 LZO-filformat LZO Compressed Format
594 LZOP-filformat LZOP Compressed
595 LZP-filformat Law And Order 3: Justice Is Served Game
596 LZS-filformat Compressed Format Archive
597 LZX-filformat Amiga LZX Compressed Format
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Mac OS X Property List Format

Filer i PLIST-formatet er å sette inn filer som inneholder informasjon om konfigurasjon og egenskaper til mange programmer i Mac OS X-miljøet. De...