
#FilendelseFulde filnavn
1 Filendelsen $MSF Adobe Configuration
2 Filendelsen 256 Descent 2 Color Palette Format
3 Filendelsen 3DG 3D Grapher Plot Description
4 Filendelsen 3FX Corel Chart 3D Effect
5 Filendelsen 4CM ClickyMouse Macro Set
6 Filendelsen 4MT MacroToolbar Set
7 Filendelsen 4TW Macro Toolworks Macro Set
8 Filendelsen 5XS POD HD500X Set
9 Filendelsen 8BPF Adobe Photoshop For Mac Preference
10 Filendelsen 8ST 8start Launcher Format
11 Filendelsen A2DESKTOP Aston Desktop Desktop Skin
12 Filendelsen A2E ArcGIS Option Data Format
13 Filendelsen A2MENU Aston Desktop Start Menu Skin
14 Filendelsen A2PANEL Aston Desktop Panel Skin
15 Filendelsen A2THEME Aston 2 Theme Format
16 Filendelsen A3G Photo! 3D Gallery
17 Filendelsen A3X AccuLoad Settings
18 Filendelsen AAE Apple Photos Sidecar Format
19 Filendelsen AAP Apollo Advanced Playlist
20 Filendelsen AAW Lavasoft Ad-Aware 2007 Settings
21 Filendelsen ABX Corel WordPerfect Mail Address Book
22 Filendelsen ACB Adobe Photoshop Color Book Format
23 Filendelsen ACBL Adobe Color Book Legacy Format
24 Filendelsen ACCFL Microsoft Access Field Template
25 Filendelsen ACO Adobe Photoshop Color Swatch Format
26 Filendelsen ACROBATSECURITYSETTINGS Adobe Acrobat Security Settings Format
27 Filendelsen ACRODATA Acrobat Data Format
28 Filendelsen ACROTHEME Adobe Acrobat Theme Format
29 Filendelsen ACS2 AIMP Media Player Skin
30 Filendelsen ACS3 AIMP Skin Package
31 Filendelsen ACTIONS Photoline 4 Defaults
32 Filendelsen ACTIONSCRIPTPROPERTIES Adobe Flex Settings
33 Filendelsen ACV Photoshop Curves Format
34 Filendelsen ACW Windows Accessibility Wizard Format
35 Filendelsen ADBA AIMSS Author Project Configuration
36 Filendelsen ADIUMLISTLAYOUT Adium List Layout
37 Filendelsen ADIUMLISTTHEME Adium List Theme
38 Filendelsen ADIUMMENUBARICONS Adium Menu Bar Icon
39 Filendelsen ADIUMSOUNDSET Adium Sound Set
40 Filendelsen ADJUSTMENTPRESETS Apple Aperture Preset
41 Filendelsen ADO Adobe Photoshop Duotone Options Format
42 Filendelsen ADPP Adobe Device Profile Package
43 Filendelsen AE0 NetBSD Ethernet Configuration
44 Filendelsen AFPP Mac Apple Share
45 Filendelsen AFW Micrografx FlowCharter Work Area
46 Filendelsen AGPREFS Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Preferences
47 Filendelsen AGTEMPLATE Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Preset
48 Filendelsen AGV ArcGlobe Video Metadata
49 Filendelsen AHL EMule Metadata Format
50 Filendelsen AHS Adobe Halftone Screen Format
51 Filendelsen AHU Adobe Photoshop HSL Format
52 Filendelsen AIA Adobe Illustrator Action Format
53 Filendelsen AIT Adobe Illustrator Template
54 Filendelsen AIU Advanced Installer Updates Configuration Format
55 Filendelsen ALIASES LabVIEW IP Adresses Map
56 Filendelsen ALLOW Linux Access
57 Filendelsen ALTQ QuickView Settings
58 Filendelsen ALV Adobe Photoshop Levels Format
59 Filendelsen AMP Adobe Photoshop Curves Map Format
60 Filendelsen AMS Adobe Monitor Setup Format
61 Filendelsen ANTISPAM5 Personal AntiSpam Settings Format
62 Filendelsen ANYDVDHD AnyDVD Registration Key
63 Filendelsen ANYDVD_SMSK AnyDVD Speedmenu Skin Format
64 Filendelsen AOIS CFS Console Add-on Installer Settings Format
65 Filendelsen AOM Adobe After Effects Output Settings Format
66 Filendelsen APPCONTENT-MS Microsoft Windows Application Content Format
67 Filendelsen APPLETVIEWER Java Appletviewer
68 Filendelsen APPLICATION ClickOnce Deployment Manifest Format
69 Filendelsen APPREF-MS Application Reference Format
70 Filendelsen APREF-MS Application Reference
71 Filendelsen APXT DataLink Setting
72 Filendelsen ARG AutoCAD Profile
73 Filendelsen ARL AOL Organizer Format
74 Filendelsen ARS After Effects Render Settings Format
75 Filendelsen ARV Microsoft Autoroute User Information
76 Filendelsen ASE Adobe Swatch Exchange Format
77 Filendelsen ASEF Adobe Swatch Exchange
78 Filendelsen ASGP HP-UX NIS Maps Configuration
79 Filendelsen ASL Photoshop Style
80 Filendelsen ASN GameSpy Arcade Skin
81 Filendelsen AST Adobe Color Separations Table
82 Filendelsen ASU ToolBook Package Definition
83 Filendelsen ASV Adobe Photoshop Selective Color Format
84 Filendelsen ASWCS Avast! Compressed Skin Format
85 Filendelsen ASWS Avast! Skin Format
86 Filendelsen ATC AutoCAD Catalog Format
87 Filendelsen ATH Alienware AlienFX Theme Format
88 Filendelsen ATHEME Amazing Clock Theme
89 Filendelsen ATLG SlimBrowser Auto Login
90 Filendelsen ATN Photoshop Actions Format
91 Filendelsen ATZ Aston Compiled Theme
92 Filendelsen AUDIBLEPREFS Audible Preference
93 Filendelsen AUI AGE3D UI Editor Color Table
94 Filendelsen AUL AviUtl Language Settings Format
95 Filendelsen AUTOCONF Autoconfiguration
96 Filendelsen AUTOREG Mozilla Application Suite Auto Registration Clue
97 Filendelsen AUX TeX/LaTeX Auxiliary References Format
98 Filendelsen AVASTCONFIG Avast Configuration
99 Filendelsen AVASTTHEME Avast Theme Format
100 Filendelsen AVE Avid User Format
101 Filendelsen AVGCONFIG AVG Antivirus Configuration Format
102 Filendelsen AVGFV AVG Internet Security User Interface Settings Format
103 Filendelsen AVGTHEME AVG Internet Security Theme Format
104 Filendelsen AVROSKIN Avro Keyboard Skin Format
105 Filendelsen AWCAV ActiveWorlds Custom Avatar Format
106 Filendelsen AWE Adobe Acrobat Bookmark XML
107 Filendelsen AWL Ad-Aware Language
108 Filendelsen AXC Microsoft Dynamics AX Configuration Format
109 Filendelsen AXP CDBurnerXP Audio Compilation Format
110 Filendelsen AXT Adobe Photoshop Extract Format
111 Filendelsen AXV Annodex Digital Media Format
112 Filendelsen AZD Amazon Software Download
113 Filendelsen BASECONFIG AirPort Utility Setting
114 Filendelsen BASH_LOGIN Unix Shell Script (bash)
115 Filendelsen BASH_LOGOUT Unix Shell Script (bash)
116 Filendelsen BASIN HEC-HMS Basin Model Settings
117 Filendelsen BAU Apache OpenOffice AutoText Format
118 Filendelsen BBD Xilinx Black Box Definition Format
119 Filendelsen BBTL BBEdit Tool Palette
120 Filendelsen BBW Band-in-a-Box Nterface
121 Filendelsen BCKUP Apple Time Machine Backup Format
122 Filendelsen BCMX Business Contact Manager Customization
123 Filendelsen BCPKG Beyond Compare Settings Package Format
124 Filendelsen BCS Boland Calibration Settings Format
125 Filendelsen BCW Borland C++ Workspace
126 Filendelsen BDB2 BrainMaster Settings
127 Filendelsen BFD Linux BFD Rules Configuration
128 Filendelsen BFMV BfMeshView Workspace
129 Filendelsen BFT SmartWare Backup Transaction Definition
130 Filendelsen BGI BgInfo Configuration Format
131 Filendelsen BITCFG Passmark Configuration
132 Filendelsen BITPIM BitPim Configuration Format
133 Filendelsen BKS NTBackup Settings Format
134 Filendelsen BLL Borland Delphi Localization Information
135 Filendelsen BLOB Valve Steam Archive
136 Filendelsen BLT AIM Buddy List
137 Filendelsen BLW Adobe Photoshop Black And White Presets Format
138 Filendelsen BMM Tacmi Pixia Palette
139 Filendelsen BMPSKIN Blaze Media Pro Skin Format
140 Filendelsen BOCHSRC Bochs Configuration
141 Filendelsen BOOT InstallShield Format
142 Filendelsen BOOTSTRAP Adobe HTTP Dynamic Streaming Bootstrap
143 Filendelsen BOWERRC Node.js Data Format
144 Filendelsen BPF BatchPhoto Profile Format
145 Filendelsen BRG ProjectWise User Settings Format
146 Filendelsen BRPX E-sword Bible Reading Plan
147 Filendelsen BRUSHCATEGORY Corel Painter Brush Category Data Format
148 Filendelsen BRUSHVARIANT Corel Painter Brush Variant Data Format
149 Filendelsen BS7 Windows 7 Boot Updater Skin
150 Filendelsen BSCOMP Bootstrap Component Format
151 Filendelsen BSCP Bitvise SSH Client (Tunnelier) Profile Format
152 Filendelsen BSL BSPlayer Configuration
153 Filendelsen BT3 Control Runner Button Configuration
154 Filendelsen BTSEARCH BitTorrent Search Engine Format
155 Filendelsen BTSKIN µTorrent Skin
156 Filendelsen BUILDSETTING Twixl Publisher Settings Format
157 Filendelsen BUJ Personal Backup Saved Task
158 Filendelsen BXRC Configuration
159 Filendelsen BXX BS Contact Parameter Format
160 Filendelsen C2R Windows Media Center Click-To-Record Format
161 Filendelsen CAKEWALKWINDOWLAYOUT Cakewalk Window Layout
162 Filendelsen CALIPERSKIN Screen Calipers Skin Format
163 Filendelsen CAMP WCS CAMP
164 Filendelsen CANNEDSEARCH Apple Mac OS X Finder Predefined Search
165 Filendelsen CAOS CanOpener Preference
166 Filendelsen CASE SlipCover Case Template
167 Filendelsen CATPREFERENCES CATIA Preferences
168 Filendelsen CATSETTINGS CATIA Settings
169 Filendelsen CBOARD Final Cut Pro Color Board Preset Format
170 Filendelsen CCB Visual Basic Animated Button Configuration
171 Filendelsen CCFG BartPE Configuration Format
172 Filendelsen CCM Multimedia Fusion Custom Menu
173 Filendelsen CCP CloneCD Profiles Format
174 Filendelsen CDT CorelDRAW Image Template
175 Filendelsen CDT_ CorelDRAW For Mac Template
176 Filendelsen CEI CRiSP Harvest
177 Filendelsen CEID Seagate Dockstar Configuration Format
178 Filendelsen CEKEY McAfee VirusScan Configuration Format
179 Filendelsen CERTAUTHORITYCONFIG Apple Mac OS X Certificate Assistant Configuration
180 Filendelsen CEX SolidWorks Enterprise PDM Vault Export Format
181 Filendelsen CEZEOKEY CEZEO Key Data Format
182 Filendelsen CF Sendmail Configuration Format
183 Filendelsen CFG Configuration Format
184 Filendelsen CFS INMOS Configuration Format
185 Filendelsen CGV OSLay Parameters Data Format
186 Filendelsen CH OS/2 Configuration
187 Filendelsen CHF PcAnywhere Remote Control
188 Filendelsen CHL Microsoft Internet Explorer Channel Information Format
189 Filendelsen CHX AutoCAD Standards Check Format
190 Filendelsen CIK Corel Graphics 10 Custom Dual Tone
191 Filendelsen CJSTYLES Skin Builder Project
192 Filendelsen CKS Microsoft Windows CE Image Info
193 Filendelsen CLKBD Clicker Board Set Format
194 Filendelsen CLKC Clicker Connect Set Format
195 Filendelsen CLLE_PROPERTIES Eclipse Settings Format
196 Filendelsen CLMS Clipboard Master Settings Format
197 Filendelsen CLSID CLSID Identifier Format
198 Filendelsen CLV QIP Visible List
199 Filendelsen CLY CorelDRAW Custom Layout
200 Filendelsen CMATE ControllerMate Configuration Format
201 Filendelsen CMB Xtree For Windows Button Bar
202 Filendelsen CMMTHEME CleanMyMac Theme Format
203 Filendelsen CNF MySQL Configuration Format
204 Filendelsen CNN ADO-network Connection Configuration
205 Filendelsen CNTK Microsoft Outlook Express Contact
206 Filendelsen CNTL GoCart Control
207 Filendelsen COLOR Amaya Config
208 Filendelsen COLOURSCHEME J&ASoft Speedy Browser Color Scheme Settings
209 Filendelsen COLR Kaleidoscope Scheme
210 Filendelsen CONF Configuration Information Format
211 Filendelsen CONF-AUTO WOW! Configuration Data Format
212 Filendelsen CONFIGSETTINGS Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services Settings Format
213 Filendelsen CONFLUENCE Eclipse Mylyn WikiText Confluence
214 Filendelsen CONT Panasonic Camcorder Extra
215 Filendelsen CONTAINER Eclipse Project Settings Format
216 Filendelsen CONTROLS OpenBVE Keyboard Shortcuts Format
217 Filendelsen COPRESET Capture One Preset Format
218 Filendelsen COS Capture One Settings Format
219 Filendelsen COSTYLE Capture One Style Format
220 Filendelsen CPFF Cam2Com Capture Properties Format
221 Filendelsen CPX Oracle ADF Binding Context Format
222 Filendelsen CRATE Serato DJ Crate Plylist Format
223 Filendelsen CROP Crick Software Clicker Options Settings Format
224 Filendelsen CSAPLAN SPSS Analysis Plan Format
225 Filendelsen CSASSEMBLY ICQ 6
226 Filendelsen CSCFG Microsoft Visual Studio Cloud Configuration Format
227 Filendelsen CSCNP Colasoft Capsa Network Profile Format
228 Filendelsen CSKIN CD Art Display Skin Format
229 Filendelsen CSMANIFEST ICQ 6 Settings
230 Filendelsen CSPLAN SPSS Sampling Plan Format
231 Filendelsen CSU Creston 2 - Series Control Systems Update Data Format
232 Filendelsen CSW Corel WordPerfect Setup Information
233 Filendelsen CSZ The Core Media Player Skin
234 Filendelsen CTA ColorTouch Assistant Settings
235 Filendelsen CTB AutoCAD Color-Based Plot Style Format
236 Filendelsen CTBODYFITTING CrazyTalk Animator Actor Fitting Format
237 Filendelsen CTI Template Info
238 Filendelsen CUI Autodesk Custom Workspace Format
239 Filendelsen CUIX AutoCAD Custom User Interface Format
240 Filendelsen CUS AutoCAD Custom Dictionary Format
241 Filendelsen CUSTOMDESTINATIONS-MS Microsoft Windows 7 Jump List
242 Filendelsen CVA HP Systems Software Manager Information Format
243 Filendelsen CVSIGNORE Eclipse CVS Settings
244 Filendelsen CWC CADfix Wizard Configuration
245 Filendelsen CWF CorelDRAW Workspace Format
246 Filendelsen CWX Sonar Track Template
247 Filendelsen CWY Songtrix Style Format
248 Filendelsen CW_ CorelDRAW Workspace
249 Filendelsen CXR CX-Programmer Settings
250 Filendelsen CYBERDUCKLICENSE Cyberduck Donation Key
251 Filendelsen CYBERDUCKPROFILE Cyberduck Connection Profile
252 Filendelsen CZE Czech Language Localization Format
253 Filendelsen D5P Dragon UnPACKer Language Pack
254 Filendelsen DADX Eclipse Document Access Definition Extension
255 Filendelsen DAPF DinkeyAdd Parameter
256 Filendelsen DBB Skype User Information Format
257 Filendelsen DBG FoxPro Debugger Configuration
258 Filendelsen DBH CodeWarrior Debug Preferences
259 Filendelsen DCFG Routers2.cgi Dummy Configuration Data Format
260 Filendelsen DCL AutoCAD Dialog Definition Format
261 Filendelsen DCLS CATIA V4 Settings
262 Filendelsen DCP Adobe DNG Camera Profile
263 Filendelsen DCST Adobe InDesign Document Presets Format
264 Filendelsen DDF Diamond Directive Format
265 Filendelsen DDR DDRemote Parameter
266 Filendelsen DEFINITION Apple Mac OS X Automator Data Type Definition
267 Filendelsen DENY Linux Access
268 Filendelsen DEPLOYMENTOPTIONS SQL Server Deployment Options
269 Filendelsen DEPLOYMENTTARGETS SQL Server Deployment Target
270 Filendelsen DEVICEMETADATA-MS Microsoft Windows 7 Device Metadata Package
271 Filendelsen DFQ SmartWare Query Definition
272 Filendelsen DFR SmartWare Report Definition
273 Filendelsen DFW SmartWare Cross-tab Definition
274 Filendelsen DGL DigiGuide Language
275 Filendelsen DGMAKER DigiGuide Marker
276 Filendelsen DGNLIB MicroStation Design Library
277 Filendelsen DICPROOF Microsoft Dictionary Proofing Format
278 Filendelsen DINFO DivX Temporary Video Info Format
279 Filendelsen DIRECTORY KDE Folder View Properties Format
280 Filendelsen DMT Delphi Menu Template Format
281 Filendelsen DMV Adobe Acrobat Catalog
282 Filendelsen DNO DriveExecutive Configuration Format
283 Filendelsen DNP DRM Digital Rights Management
284 Filendelsen DOCC DragThing Color Settings
285 Filendelsen DOCKERFILE Docker Settings Format
286 Filendelsen DOCKERIGNORE Docker Ignore Data Format
287 Filendelsen DOCKPACK Stardock ObjectDock Theme Format
288 Filendelsen DOCKTHEME Stardock ObjectDock Theme Format
289 Filendelsen DOLPHINVIEW Dolphin Folder View Settings Format
290 Filendelsen DOTSETTINGS Microsoft Visual Studio C# Settings Format
291 Filendelsen DOWNLOADED ICQ 6 Hash
292 Filendelsen DOWNLOADHOST MSN Download Settings Format
293 Filendelsen DPS DivX Player Skin
294 Filendelsen DPV Siemens NX Drafting Standard Format
295 Filendelsen DRH Paralllels Desktop Pvs Package Configuration Format
296 Filendelsen DRM Cubase Drum Map Format
297 Filendelsen DRMMETA Adobe HTTP Dynamic Streaming DRM Additional Header
298 Filendelsen DRPF DinkeyRemote Parameter
299 Filendelsen DRU EAGLE Design Rules
300 Filendelsen DSD AutoCAD Drawing Set Description Format
301 Filendelsen DSH Dashboard PDA Wallpaper
302 Filendelsen DSLSETUP Domain Specific Language Setup
303 Filendelsen DSW Visual C++ 6 Workspace Format
304 Filendelsen DSYM ArchiCAD For MAC Geometric Description Language Format
305 Filendelsen DS_STORE Mac OS X Folder Settings Format
306 Filendelsen DTB DataCAD Custom Toolbar
307 Filendelsen DTSCONFIG Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services Configuration
308 Filendelsen DTSEARCH DtSearch Configuration Format
309 Filendelsen DUCK Cyberduck Bookmark
310 Filendelsen DUP Windows DUA Polling Reconfiguration
311 Filendelsen DVP AutoCAD Device Parameter
312 Filendelsen DXLS DashXL Skin Set Format
313 Filendelsen DXSTREAM DX Studio Stream
314 Filendelsen DXU DivX Player Playlist Format
315 Filendelsen DZS Download Accelerator Skin
316 Filendelsen EAGLERC EAGLE Linux User-specific Parameter
317 Filendelsen EAP Adobe Photoshop Exposure Format
318 Filendelsen EC7 EuroCUT Profile
319 Filendelsen ECORE2ECORE Eclipse EMF Ecore Model Mapping
320 Filendelsen ECORE2XML Eclipse EMF Ecore Model Mapping
321 Filendelsen ECU TunerPro ECU Configurator
322 Filendelsen EEB Corel WordPerfect Equation Editor Button Bar
323 Filendelsen EFFECT Serato DJ Audio Effect Format
324 Filendelsen EFSP Effective Format Search Parameters Format
325 Filendelsen EFTX Office 2007 Theme Effect Format
326 Filendelsen EFXT Microsoft Office Theme
327 Filendelsen EHI Evozi HTTP Injector Configuration Format
328 Filendelsen EHSX EasyHDR Tone Mapping Settings Format
329 Filendelsen ELE ZEMAX Element Drawing Settings
330 Filendelsen ELM Office Theme Format
331 Filendelsen EMOF Eclipse EMOF Model
332 Filendelsen EMV LabVIEW Configuration
333 Filendelsen END CorelDRAW Arrow-head Definition
334 Filendelsen ENP EndNote Preferences Format
335 Filendelsen ENS EndNote Style Format
336 Filendelsen ENZ EndNote Connection Format
337 Filendelsen EPR Photoshop AME Preset Format
338 Filendelsen EQF Winamp Equalizer Preset Format
339 Filendelsen EQL MathType Settings
340 Filendelsen EQP MathType Preferences
341 Filendelsen ESET Extensions Manager Settings
342 Filendelsen ESKIN Emperor Theme Skin
343 Filendelsen ETFF Encrypt4all Theme Format
344 Filendelsen EUM Enterprise User Monitor Configuration Format
345 Filendelsen EV1 Calendar Commander Version 1 Event
346 Filendelsen EV2 Calendar Commander Version 2 Event
347 Filendelsen EVM Windows Vista Session Configuration
348 Filendelsen EVP Earthview Configuration
349 Filendelsen EWC EWView Configuration
350 Filendelsen EX Norton Ghost Template Format
351 Filendelsen EXA Examine32 Saved Search Paramaters
352 Filendelsen EXAML Examine32 Saved Search Parameters
353 Filendelsen EXAMPLE Example Configuration Format
354 Filendelsen EXCS Classic Shell Settings Format
355 Filendelsen EXE4J Exe4j Configuration Format
356 Filendelsen EXPORTEDUI Microsoft Office Import Customization
357 Filendelsen EXPRWDCONFIG Microsoft Expression Web XML Configuration Format
358 Filendelsen F4M Adobe HTTP Dynamic Streaming Flash Media Manifest
359 Filendelsen FADER Serato DJ Fader Data Format
360 Filendelsen FAT Zinf Theme Format
361 Filendelsen FAV Microsoft Outlook Bar-shortcut
362 Filendelsen FAVORITEMETADATA Transmit Favorites Data Format
363 Filendelsen FBOPTSX FileBoss Settings Format
364 Filendelsen FBT ABBYY FineReader Document Options Format
365 Filendelsen FCC Forms Credential Collector Format
366 Filendelsen FCHP Fetch Preference
367 Filendelsen FD LaTeX Font Definition Format
368 Filendelsen FDC AutoCAD Field Catalog Format
369 Filendelsen FDOC Microsoft XPS Document Settings
370 Filendelsen FDRP Apple Mac OS Folder Alias
371 Filendelsen FDXSL2 FeedDemon Newspaper Style Format
372 Filendelsen FEB Corel WordPerfect Figure Editor Button Bar
373 Filendelsen FEQ SuperEQ Equalizer Settings Format
374 Filendelsen FEXT Extensions Manager Preferences
375 Filendelsen FFELASH FaceFilter Eye Lash Data Format
376 Filendelsen FFEYE FaceFilter Eye Filter Format
377 Filendelsen FFFILTER FaceFilter Filter Data Format
378 Filendelsen FFMAKEUP FaceFilter Makeup Data Format
379 Filendelsen FFPRESET FFmpeg Preset
380 Filendelsen FFSHAPE FaceFilter Shape Format
381 Filendelsen FFSKIN FaceFilter Skin Format
382 Filendelsen FFS_BATCH FreeFileSync Configuration
383 Filendelsen FFS_GUI FreeFileSync Configuration
384 Filendelsen FFS_REAL FreeFileSync Configuration
385 Filendelsen FFTEETH FaceFilter Teeth Data Format
386 Filendelsen FFXPTHEME FlashFXP Toolbar Theme Format
387 Filendelsen FGA Folder Guard Attributes
388 Filendelsen FGS Fig Figure Settings Format
389 Filendelsen FHS Adobe Flash Skin XML
390 Filendelsen FHX DeltaV Configuration
391 Filendelsen FHZ Adobe Robohelp ZIP Compressed Skin
392 Filendelsen FILL CorelDraw Vector Pattern Fill Format
393 Filendelsen FLST Adobe InDesign Flattener Presets Format
394 Filendelsen FLT3 Adobe Filter
395 Filendelsen FM3 Lotus 1-2-3 Spreadsheet Format Format
396 Filendelsen FMB WordPerfect For Win Format Manager Button Bar
397 Filendelsen FMCF Adobe Type Manager Preferences
398 Filendelsen FMOD Adobe Illustrator Flattening Module
399 Filendelsen FMP AutoCAD Font Map Format
400 Filendelsen FNP IBM FormatNet IDM Desktop Settings Format
401 Filendelsen FP3 User Specific Settings Format
402 Filendelsen FPL Flitskikker Language
403 Filendelsen FPTHEME Microsoft FrontPage Theme Format
404 Filendelsen FPW FoxPro Configuration
405 Filendelsen FRAG Microsoft XPS Document Fragment
406 Filendelsen FRAMES XScope Frames Format
407 Filendelsen FRR Mandelbrot Explorer Fractal Region Settings Format
408 Filendelsen FSK FotoSketcher Parameter Preset
409 Filendelsen FSS Micrografx Picture Publisher 8 Register Format
410 Filendelsen FSZ Fractal Zplot Data/parameter
411 Filendelsen FTH FileMaker Theme Format
412 Filendelsen FTP FTP Configuration
413 Filendelsen FTPC EBooksWriter Settings Format
414 Filendelsen FTPCONFIG Remote-ftp For Atom Configuration Format
415 Filendelsen FTPQUOTA Ftpquota Format
416 Filendelsen FWT FacetWin Configuration Format
417 Filendelsen GBH GigaBar Scheme
418 Filendelsen GBW Gerbview Workspace Data Format
419 Filendelsen GCO Genbox Family History Chart Options
420 Filendelsen GCP Spectramap Group Properties
421 Filendelsen GCRD GnomeCard VCard
422 Filendelsen GCSX Microsoft Office SmartArt Color Format
423 Filendelsen GDIAGRAMSTYLE OmniGraffle Diagram Style Format
424 Filendelsen GDN SmartWare Graph Definition
425 Filendelsen GDT Guitar & Drum Trainer Song Configuration
426 Filendelsen GEPRINT Google Earth Pro Map Setting
427 Filendelsen GES PINGO GrADS Description
428 Filendelsen GGT GeoGebra User-defined Tool
429 Filendelsen GGZ Garena Skin
430 Filendelsen GID Windows Help Global Index Format
431 Filendelsen GIN GEMS Engine Control Unit Format
432 Filendelsen GITATTRIBUTES Pro Git Attribute
433 Filendelsen GITCONFIG Git Configuration Format
434 Filendelsen GLADINETSP Gladinet Configuration Format
435 Filendelsen GMANIFEST Google Desktop Gadget Control
436 Filendelsen GPS GOM Player Skin Format
437 Filendelsen GQSX Microsoft Office SmartArt Styles Format
438 Filendelsen GRADIENTLIBRARY Corel Painter Gradient Library Format
439 Filendelsen GRADIENTS Corel Painter Gradation Library Format
440 Filendelsen GRD Photoshop Gradient Format
441 Filendelsen GRID GridMove Grid Settings
442 Filendelsen GROWLSTYLE Growl WebKit Style
443 Filendelsen GROWLTICKET Growl Notification Format
444 Filendelsen GRS GetRight Skin
445 Filendelsen GRU Geist Preset
446 Filendelsen GTKRC GTK+ Theme Format
447 Filendelsen GUL JungUm Global Viewer Korean Language
448 Filendelsen GVIMRC GVim Runtime Configuration Format
449 Filendelsen GWS GeoMedia GeoWorkspace Format
450 Filendelsen GXT Grand Theft Auto Text Format
451 Filendelsen GXW GRASS GIS Workspace Layout Definition
452 Filendelsen H3E POD HD300 Preset
453 Filendelsen H4E POD HD400 Preset
454 Filendelsen H5E POD HD500 Preset
455 Filendelsen H5S POD HD500 Set
456 Filendelsen HCFG HoDokK Configuration
457 Filendelsen HDT Photoshop HDR Toning Preset Format
458 Filendelsen HELPCFG Adobe AIR Help Configuration
459 Filendelsen HEWSP HippoEDIT Workspace Format
460 Filendelsen HEXDWC HHD Software Hex Editor Configuration Format
461 Filendelsen HFC H-JTAG Configuration
462 Filendelsen HFMX HFM.NET Configuration
463 Filendelsen HID Sony Ericsson Remote Settings Format
464 Filendelsen HME Smartphone Theme Format
465 Filendelsen HMSKIN Help & Manual Help Format Skin
466 Filendelsen HNF HNF Split & Merge Channels
467 Filendelsen HOTKEYS 3D-Coat Hotkeys Settings Format
468 Filendelsen HPR RoboHelp Settings
469 Filendelsen HT HyperTerminal Session Format
470 Filendelsen HTGROUP Apache Server User Group
471 Filendelsen HTN Micrografx Picture Publisher 8 Print Style
472 Filendelsen HTPL IBM Rational Application Developer WebContent Theme
473 Filendelsen HVD HoverDesk Theme
474 Filendelsen HWT Huawei Ascend P6 Emotion UI Theme
475 Filendelsen HXW Microsoft Help Attribute Definition
476 Filendelsen IAF Outlook Internet Account Format
477 Filendelsen IBL IBasic Component Language
478 Filendelsen ICA Citrix ICA Format
479 Filendelsen ICC ICC Profile
480 Filendelsen ICD Installable Client Driver Format
481 Filendelsen ICK IntelliCAD Keyboard Shortcut Data Format
482 Filendelsen ICM Image Color Matching Profile
483 Filendelsen ICP Unix IContact Parameter
484 Filendelsen ICTE Apple Mac Internet Configuration
485 Filendelsen ICURSORFX ICursor Effect Format
486 Filendelsen ICW Microsoft Internet Explorer Internet Connection Wizard
487 Filendelsen IDF MIDI Instrument Definition Format
488 Filendelsen IDG Majax Settings
489 Filendelsen IDPP Adobe InDesign Preflight Profile
490 Filendelsen IFB Oracle Siebel Interface Configuration
491 Filendelsen IFT Canon Settings
492 Filendelsen IGD Xbox 360 Controller For Windows Configuration Data Format
493 Filendelsen IGTHEME ImageGlass Theme Format
494 Filendelsen IHW IN-HEH Timeline Workspace
495 Filendelsen IIP ThinAnywhere Configuration Format
496 Filendelsen IIT Install Creator Project Format
497 Filendelsen IKF INTUS Keyboard Format
498 Filendelsen IKMP SampleTank Preset
499 Filendelsen IMESX Microsoft Office IME Search Provider Definition
500 Filendelsen IMMODULES GTK+ Module Format
501 Filendelsen IMO IMON Manager Settings
502 Filendelsen INF Setup Information Format
503 Filendelsen INI Windows Initialization Format
504 Filendelsen INI-DIST PHP INI
506 Filendelsen INI2 Text Configuration
507 Filendelsen INMS Adobe InDesign Menu Set Format
508 Filendelsen INS Internet Settings Format
509 Filendelsen INSS Apple Mac OS X Setup Assistant ISP Info Document
510 Filendelsen IN_ Microcoft Setup Information
511 Filendelsen IOK Omniscope Configuration
512 Filendelsen IOM Omniscope Configuration Data Format
513 Filendelsen IPCC IPhone Carrier Bundle
514 Filendelsen IPZ ICQ Plus Skin
515 Filendelsen IRAFHOSTS IRAF User
516 Filendelsen IRL IBM WebSphere ILOG JRules Rule Language
517 Filendelsen IROS Adobe Save For Web Settings Format
518 Filendelsen IRS Adobe Save For Web Settings
519 Filendelsen ISP IIS Internet Service Provider Settings
520 Filendelsen ISPAC SQL Server Project Deployment Model Format
521 Filendelsen ITT IconTweaker Theme Format
522 Filendelsen IWT Sunnysoft InterWrite Full Keyboard Skin
523 Filendelsen IX DtSearch Index Format
524 Filendelsen IXI IxiQuarks Preferences
525 Filendelsen IXW ERDAS IMAGINE Toolbar Setting
526 Filendelsen JAAS Java Authentication And Authorization Service Settings Format
527 Filendelsen JAI Jaikoz Settings
528 Filendelsen JARDESC Eclipse JAR Settings
529 Filendelsen JBEAM BeamNG Vehicle Definition Format Format
530 Filendelsen JBT JAWS
531 Filendelsen JCF JAWS Configuration
532 Filendelsen JCP Jesusonic Preset Format
533 Filendelsen JCSK JetCast Skin
534 Filendelsen JDF Adobe Acrobat Job Definition Format
535 Filendelsen JEQ JetAudio EQ Preset Format
536 Filendelsen JFF JAWS Ini
537 Filendelsen JGF JAWS Ini
538 Filendelsen JGP QWS3270 PLUS Session Parameter
539 Filendelsen JISP Tkabber Emoticon Set
540 Filendelsen JKM JAWS Key Map Format
541 Filendelsen JMD Corel PaintShop Pro Image Map Settings
542 Filendelsen JOBS VirtualDub Job
543 Filendelsen JOY CryENGINE Facial Editor Joystick Format
544 Filendelsen JPL JProbe Settings
545 Filendelsen JPP Jigsaw Puzzle Player Puzzle Definition
546 Filendelsen JSC JavaScript Config
547 Filendelsen JSHINTRC JSHint Data Format
548 Filendelsen JSI JAWS Personalized Settings
549 Filendelsen JSR Job Safety Report Definition
550 Filendelsen JTG Joint Test Action Group Configuration
551 Filendelsen JTPL Rational Application Developer WebContent Theme Template
552 Filendelsen JUI Qt Jambi User Interface Data Format
553 Filendelsen JVD JavaView Camera And Display Settings Format
554 Filendelsen JVR JavaView Configuration Data Format
555 Filendelsen JVSK JetVideo Skin Format
556 Filendelsen KBM Scala Keyboard Mapping
557 Filendelsen KCF KiSS Configuration
558 Filendelsen KCI Visual Studio .NET DB Project Indexing Settings
559 Filendelsen KDR Kinetica Installation
560 Filendelsen KDS KD Player Skin Format
561 Filendelsen KEYBOARD Amaya Configuration
562 Filendelsen KFP Adobe Acrobat Preflight Profile Format
563 Filendelsen KFR Kalles Fraktaler Parameter Data Format
564 Filendelsen KGS Kogeo Toolbar
565 Filendelsen KIPX QQ Messenger Theme Format
566 Filendelsen KLC Microsoft Keyboard Layout Creator Keyboard
567 Filendelsen KPL KMPlayer Playlist Format
568 Filendelsen KRC Mouse And Key Recorder Recorded Settings
569 Filendelsen KUIP Kingsoft Office Personalization Data Format
570 Filendelsen KVT KVIrc Theme
571 Filendelsen KVW Google Earth Workspace
572 Filendelsen KWS KeyWallet Skin
573 Filendelsen KWT KVIrc Theme Format
574 Filendelsen KXS KX Skin Format
575 Filendelsen KYB Keyboard Layout
576 Filendelsen KYS Adobe Photoshop Keyboard Shortcuts Format
577 Filendelsen L4D Cinema 4D Layout Format
578 Filendelsen LANG Skype Language Settings Format
579 Filendelsen LAUNCH Zend Studio Debugger Configuration
580 Filendelsen LAYOUT Apple MainStage Layout Format
581 Filendelsen LBU Cloaked Affiliate Link Builder Settings Format
582 Filendelsen LCC Capture One Lens Cast Correction Format
583 Filendelsen LCPP Adobe Lens Profile Creator Project Format
584 Filendelsen LD Telix Long Distance Codes
585 Filendelsen LD4 ACCPAC Plus Menu
586 Filendelsen LEASES VMware DHCP Configuration Information Data Format
587 Filendelsen LED Sony AIBO AIBO LED Format Format
588 Filendelsen LENS Autodesk Stitcher Camera Profile
589 Filendelsen LFE LFClient Document
590 Filendelsen LFO Alchemy Low Frequency Oscillator Presets Format
591 Filendelsen LIGHTINGLIBRARY Corel Painter Lighting Presets Format
592 Filendelsen LILY PCSX2 LilyPad Configuration Format
593 Filendelsen LIR ADI Ocelot Settings
594 Filendelsen LKG HP-UX Configuration
595 Filendelsen LLC LapLink Saved Connection
596 Filendelsen LNS AVG Anti-Virus Language
597 Filendelsen LNST Adobe InDesign Line Presets Format
598 Filendelsen LOADERS GTK+ Loaders Format
599 Filendelsen LOB IBM DB2 LOBFILE
600 Filendelsen LOGIKCS Apple Logic Key Commands
601 Filendelsen LOOK SpeedGrade Look Format
602 Filendelsen LOP MasterCook Layout Format
603 Filendelsen LP4 36-Image Converter Encrypted Language Pack
604 Filendelsen LRSMCOL Photoshop Lightroom Smart Collection Settings Format
605 Filendelsen LRTEMPLATE Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Template
606 Filendelsen LRWEB Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Web Gallery Settings Format
607 Filendelsen LSV Light-O-Rama Sequence Editor Visual Preference
608 Filendelsen LTS Links Email Tourney
609 Filendelsen LUACOMP PlayOn Settings Format
610 Filendelsen LUT XnView Lut Format
611 Filendelsen LVA Logitech Video Effects Avatar Format
612 Filendelsen LVF Logitech Video Effects Format
613 Filendelsen LVLPS LabVIEW Local Project Settings
614 Filendelsen LWPP Live Wallpaper For Mac Desktop Theme
615 Filendelsen LXCP LCARS X32 Color Profile
616 Filendelsen LXSOPT Liquid XML Studio Project Options Format
617 Filendelsen M2D HTC Manila 2D For Windows Mobile Skin
618 Filendelsen M2DCT HTC Manila 2D For Windows Mobile Skin
619 Filendelsen M2F Maxthon Filter Package
620 Filendelsen M2U Maxthon Layout
621 Filendelsen M3URL SMIL MP3 Playlist
622 Filendelsen MA3 Harvard Graphics Macro
623 Filendelsen MAGIC Magic Mail Monitor Configuration
624 Filendelsen MAILHOST MSN Mailhost Settings Format
625 Filendelsen MAL MadAppLauncher Configuration Format
626 Filendelsen MANIFEST-DESKTOP Ubuntu Desktop CD Manifest
627 Filendelsen MASK SpeedGrade Color Mask Format
628 Filendelsen MATERIAL Rigs Of Rods Texture Reference Format
629 Filendelsen MBP1 Kindle Touch Annotation
630 Filendelsen MCL Windows Media Center Link Format
631 Filendelsen MCSERVER Minecraft MCServer Server Configuration Format
632 Filendelsen MCV ManyCam Effect
633 Filendelsen MCXML Microsoft Office 2013 XML Settings
634 Filendelsen MDP Visual C++ 5 Workspace Format
635 Filendelsen MDPF Mac OS X Modem Preferences
636 Filendelsen MDRC MADRIX DMX Remote Configuration
637 Filendelsen MECH Pro/MECHANICA Settings
638 Filendelsen MENUSKIN ObjectBar Menu Skin Format
639 Filendelsen MERGEOPTIONS7 Araxis Merge Options Format
640 Filendelsen MEW MultiEdit Configuration
641 Filendelsen MFALIST Ashampoo Photo Commander Slideshow List
642 Filendelsen MGK ImageMagick Configuration Format
643 Filendelsen MGTHEME MacGourmet Theme Format
644 Filendelsen MHC MPLAB Harmony Configuration Data Format
645 Filendelsen MIAF InstallAware Setup Dialog Rules Format
646 Filendelsen MILLPST BobCAD Post Processor Data
647 Filendelsen MIRO Miro Playlist Format
648 Filendelsen MKLK Cyberlink DirectZone Menu Settings Format
649 Filendelsen MKP Cinestar Remote Control Configuration
650 Filendelsen MKT Visual FoxPro Configuration
651 Filendelsen MKU MagicKey Units Definition Format
652 Filendelsen MKY MagicKey Configuration
653 Filendelsen MLF Package Download Profile
654 Filendelsen MLK MasterCook Look Format
655 Filendelsen MM1 ActiveXperts MMS Toolkit Settings
656 Filendelsen MM3 Mortgage Minder Saved Mortgage Configuration
657 Filendelsen MMDC MediaMonkey Device Configuration Format
658 Filendelsen MMG MKVToolNix Muxing Settings
659 Filendelsen MMK MACSIMUS Define
660 Filendelsen MMP MixMeister Studio Playlist Format
661 Filendelsen MMPF CodeWarrior Preference
662 Filendelsen MMRC MADRIX MIDI Remote Configuration
663 Filendelsen MMZ MusicMatch Theme
664 Filendelsen MNC AutoCAD Compiled Menu Format
665 Filendelsen MNS AutoCAD Interface Settings Format
666 Filendelsen MNU AutoCAD Interface Layout Format
667 Filendelsen MODE1V3 Xcode Project Settings
668 Filendelsen MOF Managed Object Format Format
669 Filendelsen MOGRT Adobe Motion Graphics Template Format
670 Filendelsen MOZCONFIG Mozilla Firefox Configuration Data Format
671 Filendelsen MPDCONF Music Player Daemon Format
672 Filendelsen MPDS MADRIX Plexus Settings
673 Filendelsen MPW Microsoft Project Workspace Format
674 Filendelsen MQB Metasequoia Brush Data Format
675 Filendelsen MSCC MSecure Sync Data Format
676 Filendelsen MSE-SET Magic Set Editor Settings Format
677 Filendelsen MSKIN Maxthon Skin
678 Filendelsen MSKN MediaMonkey Skin Format
679 Filendelsen MSM Windows Installer Merge Module
680 Filendelsen MSN Host Blocking Format
681 Filendelsen MST Windows Installer Setup Transform Format
682 Filendelsen MSZ MediaMonkey Skin
683 Filendelsen MTF Motorola Theme Format
684 Filendelsen MTXCFG MKVtoolnix GUI Settings Format
685 Filendelsen MU Corel Quattro Pro For DOS Menu Definition Format
686 Filendelsen MUCOW Adobe Muse Configurable Options Widget Format
687 Filendelsen MVS MusicMatch Jukebox Visualization Format
688 Filendelsen MXCS Mandelbrot Explorer Color Scheme Format
689 Filendelsen MXFR Mandelbrot Explorer Fractal Region Format
690 Filendelsen MXPL MAGIX MP3 Deluxe Playlist Format
691 Filendelsen MXSKIN Maxthon Skin Format
692 Filendelsen MYCOLORS Stardock MyColors Theme Format
693 Filendelsen NAPR NameCleaner Preference
694 Filendelsen NAPT Navicat Premium Data Transfer Profile Format
695 Filendelsen NCA Nikon Capture Color Adjustment
696 Filendelsen NCFG ArcGIS Explorer Configuration Format
697 Filendelsen NCM Nokia Communicator Configuration Message Format
698 Filendelsen ND QuickBooks Network Data Format
699 Filendelsen NDC Personal Communications Settings Format
700 Filendelsen NE0 NetBSD Config
701 Filendelsen NET Network Configuration Format
702 Filendelsen NETSH Netsh Format Extension
703 Filendelsen NFG NewsBin Configuration
704 Filendelsen NHB No Hands Backup Backup Description
705 Filendelsen NHN Ijji REACTOR Html Launch
706 Filendelsen NIA Nikon Capture Image Adjustment
707 Filendelsen NIT ArcView INFO Table Definitions
708 Filendelsen NJI Nero Job Information Format
709 Filendelsen NJT Nero BackItUp Job Template
710 Filendelsen NKP Kontakt Presets Format
711 Filendelsen NKSC Nikon Capture NX-D Settings Format
712 Filendelsen NKSN Native Instruments Kontakt Settings Format
713 Filendelsen NKTRL_SET KORG Kontrol Editor Settings Format
714 Filendelsen NLANG3 Ashampoo Internet Accelerator Language
715 Filendelsen NLPD Navicat For SQLite Data Synchronization Profile
716 Filendelsen NLPEQ Navicat For SQLite Export Query Result Profile
717 Filendelsen NLPEV Navicat Export View Result Profile
718 Filendelsen NLPI Navicat For SQLite Import Wizard Profile
719 Filendelsen NLPT Navicat For SQLite Data Transfer Profile
720 Filendelsen NMPD Navicat For MariaDB Data Synchronization Format
721 Filendelsen NMPE Navicat For MariaDB Export Wizard Profile Format
722 Filendelsen NMPEQ Navicat For MariaDB Export Query Result Profile Format
723 Filendelsen NMPEV Navicat For MariaDB Export View Result Profile Format
724 Filendelsen NMPI Navicat For MariaDB Import Wizard Profile Format
725 Filendelsen NMPS Navicat For MariaDB Structure Synchronization Format
726 Filendelsen NMPT Navicat For MariaDB Data Transfer Format
727 Filendelsen NNR Nikon Capture Noise Reduction
728 Filendelsen NOINDEX Mac OS X Spotlight Index
729 Filendelsen NOPD Navicat For Oracle Data Synchronization Profile
730 Filendelsen NOPEM Navicat For Oracle Export Materialized View Profile
731 Filendelsen NOPEQ Navicat For Oracle Export Query Result Profile
732 Filendelsen NOPEV Navicat For Oracle Export View Result Profile
733 Filendelsen NOPI Navicat For Oracle Import Wizard Profile
734 Filendelsen NOPS Navicat For Oracle Structure Synchronization Data Format
735 Filendelsen NOPT Navicat For Oracle Data Transfer Profile
736 Filendelsen NOR Norwegian Localization
737 Filendelsen NP2 Picture Control Utility Picture Control Data Format
738 Filendelsen NPD Navicat For MySQL Data Synchronize Profile
739 Filendelsen NPE Navicat For MySQL Export Profile
740 Filendelsen NPEQ Navicat For MySQL Export Query Result Profile
741 Filendelsen NPEV Navicat For MySQL Export View Result Profile
742 Filendelsen NPFX Norton Internet Security Firewall Settings Format
743 Filendelsen NPI Navicat For MySQL Import Wizard Profile
744 Filendelsen NPJ Navicat For MySQL Batch Job
745 Filendelsen NPMIGNORE Git Data Format
746 Filendelsen NPN Canvas Neon Pen
747 Filendelsen NPPD Navicat For PostgreSQL Data Synchronization Profile
748 Filendelsen NPPEM Navicat For PostgreSQL Export Materialized View Profile Format
749 Filendelsen NPPEQ Navicat For PostgreSQL Export Query Result Profile
750 Filendelsen NPPEV Navicat For PostgreSQL Export View Result Profile
751 Filendelsen NPPI Navicat For PostgreSQL Import Wizard Profile
752 Filendelsen NPPS Navicat For PostgreSQL Structure Synchronization Format
753 Filendelsen NPPT Navicat For PostgreSQL Data Transfer Profile
754 Filendelsen NSC Windows Media Station
755 Filendelsen NSD Norton System Doctor Sensor Configuration
756 Filendelsen NSPD Navicat For SQL Server Data Synchronization Profile
757 Filendelsen NSPEQ Navicat For SQL Server Export Query Result Profile
758 Filendelsen NSPEV Navicat For SQL Server Export View Result Profile
759 Filendelsen NSPI Navicat For SQL Server Import Wizard Profile
760 Filendelsen NSPS Navicat For SQL Server Structure Synchronization Data Format
761 Filendelsen NSPT Navicat For SQL Server Data Transfer Profile
762 Filendelsen NSU NVIDIA NTune Command System Profile Settings
763 Filendelsen NTC Camera Control Pro Custom Curves Format
764 Filendelsen NTS Lotus Notes Traveler Server Config Format
765 Filendelsen NWP Noteworthy Player Format Type
766 Filendelsen NWV Dragon NaturallySpeaking User Archive
767 Filendelsen OBI Outlook RSS Subscription Format
768 Filendelsen OBSKIN ObjectBar Skin Format
769 Filendelsen OBT Openbox Theme Format
770 Filendelsen OBYX Obyx Control
771 Filendelsen OCE Open Catalog Extension Connection Format
772 Filendelsen OCO Open Color Format Palette Format
773 Filendelsen ODC Office Data Connection Format
774 Filendelsen ODR HMI Builder Report Format
775 Filendelsen OEM OEM Setup Format
776 Filendelsen OFFICEUI Microsoft Office UI Customization
777 Filendelsen OKM OkMap Map Defining
778 Filendelsen OLK14PREF Outlook Preferences Format
779 Filendelsen OLK14RULE Microsoft Outlook 2011 For Mac Rule
780 Filendelsen OLL TrialDirector Load
781 Filendelsen OMC Origin Customized Menu
782 Filendelsen ONETOC2 Microsoft OneNote Table Of Contents Format
783 Filendelsen ONPRESET Perfect Effects Preset Format
784 Filendelsen OOC CHARTrunner Definition Data Format
785 Filendelsen OODGUISETTINGS O&O Defrag GUI Settings Format
786 Filendelsen OPAL Microsoft Office Customization Tool (OCT) Language-specific Settings
787 Filendelsen OPAX Microsoft Office Customization Tool (OCT) Standard Settings
788 Filendelsen OPS Office Profile Settings Format
789 Filendelsen OPTIONS SE-SOFT Configuration Format
790 Filendelsen OPTS Linux Configuration Options Format
791 Filendelsen OSC Remote Installation Services Client Installation Wizard Format
792 Filendelsen OSCD TouchOSC Interface Editor Template
793 Filendelsen OSDX Search Connector Description Format
794 Filendelsen OSPX Dell KACE Patch Definition Format
795 Filendelsen OSS Microsoft Outlook Saved Search Format
796 Filendelsen OTV Rotor-Disc OTV Kit OTV Calibration
797 Filendelsen OTZ OpenLP Theme Format
798 Filendelsen OVPN OpenVPN Configuration Format
799 Filendelsen OXO Ox Object-Oriented Matrix Programming Language
800 Filendelsen P2M PhotoWorks Appearance Format
801 Filendelsen P3E Photoshop Repousse Settings Format
802 Filendelsen P9D Plane9 Configuration Format
803 Filendelsen PAL Painter Custom Palettes Format
804 Filendelsen PANL CodeWarrior Preference Panel
805 Filendelsen PAPERS Corel Painter Paper Texture Format
806 Filendelsen PARM SAS Scalable Performance Data Server LIBNAME
807 Filendelsen PARTITIONS Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services Partitions Format
808 Filendelsen PBS Corel PaintShop Photo Pro Brush Stroke Presets
809 Filendelsen PBV Corel PaintShop Photo Pro Bevel Preset
810 Filendelsen PBZ Google Picasa Button Zip
811 Filendelsen PC3 AutoCAD Plotter Configuration Format
812 Filendelsen PCN Corel PaintShop Photo Pro Contour Preset
813 Filendelsen PCTL Kaspersky Parental Control Settings Format
814 Filendelsen PDADJ Cyberlink PhotoDirector Preset Format
815 Filendelsen PDFS Adobe PDF Presets Format
816 Filendelsen PDF_PROFILE PagePlus PDF Profile Format
817 Filendelsen PDK PC Desktop Cleaner Configuration
818 Filendelsen PDLCP Cyberlink PhotoDirector Lens Profile Format
819 Filendelsen PERFMONCFG Performance Monitor Configuration Format
820 Filendelsen PERLCRITICRC PerlCritic Configuration Data Format
821 Filendelsen PF2 Canon Picture Style Editor Picture Style
822 Filendelsen PFK XTreePro Programmable Function Keys
823 Filendelsen PHPEDITPROJECT Project From PHPEdit Solution
824 Filendelsen PHPEDITSOLUTION PHPEdit Project Solution
825 Filendelsen PIE GlovePIE Controller Script
826 Filendelsen PIO Pro Tools I/O Settings Format
827 Filendelsen PIP Office Personalized Settings Format
828 Filendelsen PIW PI ProcessBook Display Definition
829 Filendelsen PJUNOXL TAL-U-NO-LX Audio Preset
830 Filendelsen PKGDEF Microsoft Visual Studio Shell
831 Filendelsen PL4 Micrografx Designer Graphic Palette
832 Filendelsen PLF InterVideo WinDVD Playlist Format
833 Filendelsen PLH Corel PaintShop Photo Pro Presets
834 Filendelsen PLIST Mac OS X Property List Format
835 Filendelsen PLSX Xtreamer Internet Radio Playlist
836 Filendelsen PLTCFG MicroStation Printer Driver Configuration
837 Filendelsen PLTN Appearance Manager Platinum
838 Filendelsen PMC Performance Monitor Counter Format
839 Filendelsen PMJ Pegasus Mail Configuration Format
840 Filendelsen PMK Pegasus Mail Keyboard Setting
841 Filendelsen PMP AutoCAD Plot Model Parameter Format
842 Filendelsen PMPD Panasonic Camcorder Extra
843 Filendelsen PMPPKG Pegasus Mail Preferences Package
844 Filendelsen PNCH RealPlayer For Mac Channel
845 Filendelsen PND Pegasus Mail Connection Information
846 Filendelsen PNP Pegasus Mail POP3 Server Side Filter Rule
847 Filendelsen PNST RealAudio Preferences
848 Filendelsen POLICY Java Policy
849 Filendelsen POP DBase Popup Menu Format
850 Filendelsen POPUPSKIN Miranda Pop-up Skin Settings
851 Filendelsen POW Microsoft Windows XP Power Schema
852 Filendelsen PPML Personalized Print Markup Language
853 Filendelsen PPTP PPTP Client Options Format
854 Filendelsen PPW Micrografx Picture Publisher Wizard
855 Filendelsen PPWS Enfocus PitStop Workspace Settings Format
856 Filendelsen PQZ QuaSZ Palette
857 Filendelsen PRA Windows Media 9 Plug-in Profile Format
858 Filendelsen PRB PSpice PROBE Configuration Format
859 Filendelsen PREF Preferences Format
860 Filendelsen PRESET Flare Graphic Effect Preset
861 Filendelsen PRF Preferences Or Profile Format
862 Filendelsen PRFL Netscale User Profile
863 Filendelsen PRFPSET Premiere Pro Effect Preset Format
864 Filendelsen PRM Parameter Format
865 Filendelsen PRODUCT Eclipse IDE Product Settings
866 Filendelsen PROF Profile
867 Filendelsen PROFILES Amaya Configuration
868 Filendelsen PROFIMAIL ProfiMail Settings Format
869 Filendelsen PROJECTPROPERTIES Alpha Five Project Properties
870 Filendelsen PROPDESC Property Description
871 Filendelsen PROPERTIES Java Properties Format
872 Filendelsen PROPERTIES-AUTO WOW! Properties Data Format
873 Filendelsen PROPERTIESJET Eclipse IDE Template
874 Filendelsen PROPS Visual Studio Project Property Format
875 Filendelsen PROVXML Microsoft Windows Mobile Settings
876 Filendelsen PROX POV-Ray DF3 Proximity Pattern Parameters Format
877 Filendelsen PROXY Proxy Configuration Format
878 Filendelsen PRSL Adobe Premiere Style Library
879 Filendelsen PRST Adobe InDesign Printer Presets Format
880 Filendelsen PRX Windows Media Profile Format
881 Filendelsen PS1XML Windows PowerShell Display Configuration Format
882 Filendelsen PSC1 Windows PowerShell Console Format
883 Filendelsen PSF Photoshop Proof Settings Format
884 Filendelsen PSPCMYKPROFILE PaintShop Pro Profile
885 Filendelsen PSPWORKSPACE PaintShop Pro Workspace
886 Filendelsen PSRC Parasoft Insure++ Configuration Format
887 Filendelsen PSTPL Limesurvey Template Related
888 Filendelsen PSY The Psychedelic Screen Saver Settings Format
889 Filendelsen PTP ACT! Modem Sync
890 Filendelsen PUI Foobar2000 Panels UI Configuration
891 Filendelsen PVS Parallels Desktop Configuration Format
892 Filendelsen PVX ParaView Configuration XML
893 Filendelsen PWS Painter Workspace Format
894 Filendelsen PXA Pixia Color Painter Format
895 Filendelsen PXB Pixelmator Brush Format
896 Filendelsen PXG Pixelmator Gradient Format
897 Filendelsen PXP 3D Studio Max Process Format
898 Filendelsen PYT Python Declaration
899 Filendelsen Q2D Quick 3D Cover Design Format
900 Filendelsen QAG Norton Desktop Quick Access Group
901 Filendelsen QAT Microsoft Office Quick Access Toolbar Info
902 Filendelsen QBD Quicken Keyboard Layout
903 Filendelsen QBP QuickBooks Printer
904 Filendelsen QDR Q-Dir Configuration
905 Filendelsen QHC Qt Help Collection
906 Filendelsen QLR QGIS Layer Definition Format
907 Filendelsen QM4 Qmail Options Or Services
908 Filendelsen QOP 3D Studio Max Options Data Format
909 Filendelsen QRC Qt Resource Collection Format
910 Filendelsen QSK Quintessential Player Skin
911 Filendelsen QSP QSetup Installation Suite
912 Filendelsen QSS Qt Style Sheet
913 Filendelsen QTF Qtracker Filter
914 Filendelsen QTP QuickTime Preferences Format
915 Filendelsen QTSK Qtracker PlayerWatch Skin Format
916 Filendelsen QTT Qtracker Application Theme Format
917 Filendelsen QVPP QlikView Extension Properties Page Format
918 Filendelsen QWC QuickBooks Web Connector Configuration Format
919 Filendelsen R1W Reflection Setting
920 Filendelsen R2LANG Rainlendar2 Language Data Format
921 Filendelsen R2SKIN Rainlendar2 Skin Format
922 Filendelsen R2W Reflection Settings
923 Filendelsen RASKINPLACE Raskin Place Layout Format
924 Filendelsen RAZERSYNAPSE Razer Synapse Settings Format
925 Filendelsen RBE RealView Development Suite Debugger Properties Format
926 Filendelsen RCOLOR Rhino 3D Color Format
927 Filendelsen RCT Visual Studio Resource Template
928 Filendelsen RDF Resource Description Framework Format
929 Filendelsen RDO Xerox Rawster Document Object Format
930 Filendelsen RDOC_OPTIONS RDoc Option Data Format
931 Filendelsen RDP Remote Desktop Configuration Format
932 Filendelsen RESMONCFG Resource Monitor Configuration Format
933 Filendelsen RESOURCECONFIG Visual Studio Resource Configuration
934 Filendelsen RFQ RoboForm SearchCard Format
935 Filendelsen RGD Rosegarden Device Definition
936 Filendelsen RLL Microsoft Resource Library
937 Filendelsen RLS RadLight Skin Format
938 Filendelsen RMSKIN Rainmeter Skin Format
939 Filendelsen RNX RealPlayer Settings Format
940 Filendelsen ROS Dynamite VSP Rail Object Style Format
941 Filendelsen RPB Radmin Phonebook Format
942 Filendelsen RPS 3ds Max Render Preset Settings
943 Filendelsen RPV RealPlayer Visualization
944 Filendelsen RRX IBM Datacap Define
945 Filendelsen RSU Reflection For IBM Updated Settings
946 Filendelsen RTK Adobe RoboHelp Configuration
947 Filendelsen RTS Resource Tuner Console Script Format
948 Filendelsen RTSX Royal TS Document Settings
949 Filendelsen RULESET Visual Studio Code Analysis Rule Set Format
950 Filendelsen RVP Microsoft Scan Configuration
951 Filendelsen RWF ReFrame Workspace Format
952 Filendelsen RWSTYLE RapidWeaver Style Format
953 Filendelsen RXML Roxen Macro Language
954 Filendelsen RXP Easy CD & DVD Creator 6 Playlist
955 Filendelsen S2ML StarCraft 2 Map Localization Format
956 Filendelsen S2QH StarCraft 2 Localization Header Format
957 Filendelsen S2QL StarCraft 2 Unit Localization Format
958 Filendelsen S8L SAP GUI
959 Filendelsen S8THEME Start8 Theme Format
960 Filendelsen SBE Spybot Excludes
961 Filendelsen SBV YouTube Captions Format
962 Filendelsen SC Framework II Display Driver
963 Filendelsen SCACFG SuperCard Application Configuration Format
964 Filendelsen SCHEME Sothink Logo Maker Color Scheme
965 Filendelsen SCONSCRIPT SCons SConscript Configuration
966 Filendelsen SCPCFG SuperCard Project Configuration Format
967 Filendelsen SCRATE Serato DJ Smart Crate Playlist Format
968 Filendelsen SCX ColoRIX Bitmap Image
969 Filendelsen SDDRAFT ArcGIS Service Definition Draft Format
970 Filendelsen SDLPROFILE TRADOS Exported User Settings
971 Filendelsen SECURITYSETTINGS Alpha Five Security Settings
972 Filendelsen SED IExpress Self Extraction Directive Format
973 Filendelsen SEESTYLE Coda Style Sheet Format
974 Filendelsen SEM Alpha Five Set Objects
975 Filendelsen SEQU Adobe Acrobat Sequence Format
976 Filendelsen SERVERDEF Server Definition
977 Filendelsen SERVERSTYLE ESRI ServerStyle
978 Filendelsen SET Settings Format
979 Filendelsen SETTINGCONTENT-MS Microsoft Windows 8.1 Configuration
980 Filendelsen SETTINGS Visual Studio Settings Format
981 Filendelsen SFO CuteFTP Search Format
982 Filendelsen SG SnapGraphix User
983 Filendelsen SGN Sierra Print Artist Sign Format
984 Filendelsen SGT Microsoft DirectMusic Producer Segments Format
985 Filendelsen SHADOW FontTwister Shadow
986 Filendelsen SHH Adobe Photoshop Shadow/Highlight Settings Format
987 Filendelsen SIF Windows Setup Information Format
988 Filendelsen SIZ Oracle 7 Configuration
989 Filendelsen SKI Motorola Phone Skin Format
990 Filendelsen SKIN ASP.NET Skin Format
991 Filendelsen SKN Symbian OS Skin Format
992 Filendelsen SKZ SuperKaramba Theme
993 Filendelsen SL Software License Format
994 Filendelsen SLDCLR SolidWorks Colour Palette
995 Filendelsen SLDREG SolidWorks Settings
996 Filendelsen SLT Mozilla User Profile Folder
997 Filendelsen SLZ Adobe RoboHelp Screen Layout
998 Filendelsen SMPRF System Mechanic Microsoft Windows Startup Profile
999 Filendelsen SMR Smedge2 Job Settings
1000 Filendelsen SMT Samsung Theme Format
1001 Filendelsen SNAGSTYLES SnagIt Style
1002 Filendelsen SNAGTHEME SnagIt Theme Format
1003 Filendelsen SNC ACT! E-mail/folder Synchronization
1004 Filendelsen SNX PISnoop Workspace Format
1005 Filendelsen SOL Flash Local Shared Object Format
1006 Filendelsen SOUNDSTUDIOPRESET Sound Studio Preset
1007 Filendelsen SPDESIGNCONFIG SharePoint Designer Configuration
1008 Filendelsen SPDESIGNSKIN SharePoint Designer Skin
1009 Filendelsen SPF SlingPlayer Favorites Format
1010 Filendelsen SPFX Squeeze Presets Format
1011 Filendelsen SPY SEO SpyGlass Project
1012 Filendelsen SRP Checkpoint Exported VPN Client Information
1013 Filendelsen SRS Outlook Send/Receive Settings Format
1014 Filendelsen SRU PowerBuilder User Object
1015 Filendelsen SRV FBB Initialization
1016 Filendelsen SSB SmartSync Pro Program Setting
1017 Filendelsen SSCS Saropa Smart Copy Script
1018 Filendelsen SSIS ProReveal Settings Format
1019 Filendelsen SSL Sunlight ScanLibrary Format
1020 Filendelsen SSL2 Sunlight ScanLibrary 2 Format
1021 Filendelsen SSS WindowBlinds Substyle Format
1022 Filendelsen SSZ Spider Player Skin
1023 Filendelsen STARTUPINFO E-Prime 2.0 Startup Info Format
1024 Filendelsen STB AutoCAD Plot Style Table Format
1025 Filendelsen STE Dreamweaver Site Settings Format
1026 Filendelsen STFX SampleTank Settings
1027 Filendelsen STIP SampleTank Instrument Preset
1028 Filendelsen STORYISTTHEME Storyist Application Theme Format
1029 Filendelsen STRM Plex Media Server Settings
1030 Filendelsen STRUCT Microsoft XPS Document Structure
1031 Filendelsen STSKIN Steam Skin Format
1032 Filendelsen STYLE SketchUp Style
1033 Filendelsen STYLES Steam Client GUI Resource
1034 Filendelsen STYX Songtrix Style Format
1035 Filendelsen SUBLIME-BUILD Sublime Text Build
1036 Filendelsen SUBLIME-COMPLETIONS Sublime Text Completions
1037 Filendelsen SUBLIME-KEYMAP Sublime Text Keymap
1038 Filendelsen SUBLIME-MENU Sublime Text Menu
1039 Filendelsen SUBLIME-MOUSEMAP Subliem Text Mousemap
1040 Filendelsen SUBLIME-SESSION Sublime Text Session
1041 Filendelsen SUBLIME-SETTINGS Sublime Text Settings
1042 Filendelsen SUBLIME-SNIPPET Sublime Text Snippet Format
1043 Filendelsen SUBLIME-SYNTAX Sublime Text Syntax Definition Format Format
1044 Filendelsen SUBLIME-THEME Sublime Text Theme
1045 Filendelsen SUBSTVAR TIBCO Substitution Variable Data Format
1046 Filendelsen SUITE Stardock WinStyles Suite
1047 Filendelsen SURFPLACE Microsoft Money User Profile
1048 Filendelsen SVB STATISTICA Macro
1049 Filendelsen SVN Personal Paint Slovenian Language User Interface
1050 Filendelsen SVP Virtual DJ Visualization Effects
1051 Filendelsen SWIDTAG Software Identification Tag
1052 Filendelsen SXP RedHat Linux Configuration Format
1053 Filendelsen SYMLINK Symbolic Link Format
1054 Filendelsen SZ Winamp Classic Skin Download
1055 Filendelsen T4 TerrAlign Alignment Configuration
1056 Filendelsen TABLECONTENT SMART Table Toolkit Activity Data Format
1057 Filendelsen TABULA-BUTTONS Tabula Button Library
1058 Filendelsen TABULA-DOCSTYLE Tabula Document Settings
1059 Filendelsen TAM Tame Program Settings
1060 Filendelsen TBE TMPGEnc List
1061 Filendelsen TBR SoftQuad XMetaL Configuration
1062 Filendelsen TD Borland Turbo Debugger For DOS Configuration Format
1063 Filendelsen TD2 Borland Turbo Debugger For Win32 Configuration
1064 Filendelsen TERMINAL Terminal Settings Format
1065 Filendelsen TEXTEXPANDERSETTINGS TextExpander Settings Format
1066 Filendelsen TEXTMATE_INIT Unix Shell Script (bash)
1067 Filendelsen TGB IPSec VPN Client VPN Configuration
1068 Filendelsen THE Microsoft Plus! Theme Format
1069 Filendelsen THEM Microsoft Windows Desktop Theme
1070 Filendelsen THEMEPACK Windows 7 Theme Pack
1071 Filendelsen THME Microsoft Theme Format
1072 Filendelsen THMX Office 2007 Theme Format
1073 Filendelsen TI0 Tabula Binary Settings And Initialization
1074 Filendelsen TI1 Tabula Binary Settings And Initialization
1075 Filendelsen TI2 Tabula Binary Settings And Initialization
1076 Filendelsen TINF Microsoft Theme Info
1077 Filendelsen TIS TruKnox Captured Device Settings Format
1078 Filendelsen TLL LG TV Link-Loader Format
1079 Filendelsen TLO SPSS TableLooks Format
1080 Filendelsen TMPREFERENCES TextMate Preference
1081 Filendelsen TMTHEME TextMate Theme Format
1082 Filendelsen TPARK ThemePark Project Format
1083 Filendelsen TPM TextPad Macro Format
1084 Filendelsen TPX Photo Express Template Format
1085 Filendelsen TR2 Borland Turbo Debugger Session-state Settings
1086 Filendelsen TREEDB TreeDBNotes Note Format
1087 Filendelsen TSI Traktor Settings Format
1088 Filendelsen TSK Pocket PC Skin
1089 Filendelsen TSW NI TestStand Workspace
1090 Filendelsen TSZ Trillian Skin Format
1091 Filendelsen TTS ToolBook Translation System Format
1092 Filendelsen TUI NI LabWindows User Interface
1093 Filendelsen TV Corel Paradox Table View Settings
1094 Filendelsen TVF DBASE Table View Settings
1095 Filendelsen TVIXIE TViXiE Effects
1096 Filendelsen TWC TTWin Configuration Format
1097 Filendelsen TWS TextPad Workspace
1098 Filendelsen TWW Tagwrite Template
1099 Filendelsen TXP Tweaking Toolbox XP Import/export Setting
1100 Filendelsen TXR CorelDraw Custom
1101 Filendelsen TYPEIT4ME TypeIt4Me Clippings Format
1102 Filendelsen TZI Microsoft Windows CE Time Zone Information
1103 Filendelsen UAE WinUAE Configuration
1104 Filendelsen UAV OpenPilot UAV Settings
1105 Filendelsen UBR IIS WCAT Configuration
1106 Filendelsen UCP SmartWare Communications Profile
1107 Filendelsen UCSETTINGS Universal Converter Settings
1108 Filendelsen UCT UC Browser Theme Format
1109 Filendelsen UDCX Universal Data Connection Format
1110 Filendelsen UEC UltraEdit Settings Format
1111 Filendelsen UEM LDC Region Data Format
1112 Filendelsen UEW UltraEdit Wordfile
1113 Filendelsen UIN ICQ 2001 Saved ICQ Contact Information
1114 Filendelsen UIS WindowBlinds User Interface Specification
1115 Filendelsen UL Windows Updates Downloader Update List Format
1116 Filendelsen UMPROFILE UltraMon Display Profile Format
1117 Filendelsen UNS Visual Navigation Suite Export Or Import Settings
1118 Filendelsen UNUSED Photoline 4 Defaults
1119 Filendelsen UPP Ghostscript Uniprint Unified Printer Parameter
1120 Filendelsen URF AppFace Skin
1121 Filendelsen URS ControlDraw User Requirement Specifier
1122 Filendelsen USC USC Module Definition
1123 Filendelsen USER Visual Studio Project User Options Format
1124 Filendelsen USERPROFILE Norton Antivirus User Profile Format
1125 Filendelsen USERSETTINGS User Settings Format
1126 Filendelsen UST WiFi SiStr Exported User Theme Format
1127 Filendelsen UTI Spybot - Search & Destroy Includes
1128 Filendelsen UTS Spybot - Search & Destroy Include
1129 Filendelsen UTZ UIQ Theme Package
1130 Filendelsen UUS Ultra Utility Skin
1131 Filendelsen UVKSR Ultra Virus Killer System Repair Settings Format
1132 Filendelsen UVOPT µVision Project Options Format
1133 Filendelsen UVOPTX µVision Configuration Format
1134 Filendelsen UVW 3D Studio MAX UVW Coordinates
1135 Filendelsen VBOX Oracle VM VirtualBox Settings Format
1136 Filendelsen VBX6SETTINGS VirusBarrier X6 Settings Format
1137 Filendelsen VCPREF Norton Antivirus Preferences Format
1138 Filendelsen VCPROPS Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Property Sheet
1139 Filendelsen VCW EMbedded Visual C++ Workspace Format
1140 Filendelsen VDIC Password Recovery Dictionary
1141 Filendelsen VE2 Cyberlink PowerDVD Settings
1142 Filendelsen VEGASWINDOWLAYOUT Sony Vegas Window Layout Format
1143 Filendelsen VGP Vectir Profile Group
1144 Filendelsen VIM Vim Settings Format
1145 Filendelsen VIMRC Vim Runtime Configuration Format
1146 Filendelsen VIN AWR Project Settings
1147 Filendelsen VKM VICE Keyboard Setting
1148 Filendelsen VLT VLC Media Player Skin Format
1149 Filendelsen VMAC VMware Configuration Format
1150 Filendelsen VMBA VMware Configuration Format
1151 Filendelsen VMC Windows Virtual Machine Configuration Format
1152 Filendelsen VMCX Virtual Machine Shell Information Format
1153 Filendelsen VMOPTIONS Install4j VM Parameters
1154 Filendelsen VMPL VMware Policy Format
1155 Filendelsen VMTM VMware Team Data Format
1156 Filendelsen VMX VMware Configuration Format
1157 Filendelsen VMXF VMware Team Member Format
1158 Filendelsen VNC VNC Configuration Format
1159 Filendelsen VNI Dell Webcam Central Application Configuration Format
1160 Filendelsen VOL Volume Format
1161 Filendelsen VOR Or StarOffice Template Format
1162 Filendelsen VPH VirtualPhotographer Custom Settings
1163 Filendelsen VPN WinGate VPN Configuration
1164 Filendelsen VPR Adobe Premiere Preset
1165 Filendelsen VPS Virtual CD Copy Template
1166 Filendelsen VQC Virtual CD Quick Copy Format
1167 Filendelsen VRE ASG Remote Desktop Settings
1168 Filendelsen VRP Vectir Profile Template
1169 Filendelsen VSC McAffee VirusScan Configuration
1170 Filendelsen VSCT Microsoft Visual Studio Command Table Configuration
1171 Filendelsen VSIXLANGPACK Microsoft Visual Studio Localised VSIX Package
1172 Filendelsen VSK PocketMusic Skin
1173 Filendelsen VSPC 3D-Album Settings
1174 Filendelsen VSPOLICYDEF Visual Studio Policy
1175 Filendelsen VSPROPS Visual Studio Project Property Format
1176 Filendelsen VSSETTINGS Visual Studio Settings Format
1177 Filendelsen VSTDIR Microsoft Visual Studio Project Type Settings
1178 Filendelsen VSTPRESET Cubase Preset
1179 Filendelsen VSU Visio Custom User Interface
1180 Filendelsen VSW Visio Workspace Format
1181 Filendelsen VTG SlickEdit Workspace
1182 Filendelsen VV Virt Viewer Configuration Format
1183 Filendelsen VVI VisView INI Data Format
1184 Filendelsen VWP BrainVoyager QX Visualization Setting
1185 Filendelsen WACOMXS Wacom Expert Settings Format
1186 Filendelsen WADCFG Windows Azure Diagnostics Configuration Format
1187 Filendelsen WAL Winamp 3 Skin Format
1188 Filendelsen WB4 WindowBlinds Default Skin
1189 Filendelsen WBX Webshots
1190 Filendelsen WC Total Commander Format Tree Info
1191 Filendelsen WCPL Webcopier Project Settings
1192 Filendelsen WCP_SETTINGS Alpha Five Web Project Settings Format
1193 Filendelsen WCZ Chameleon Clock Wallpaper Format
1194 Filendelsen WEBALLOWBLOCKLIST Windows Vista Parental Control Settings
1195 Filendelsen WEBSETTINGS JEE2 Web Project Settings
1196 Filendelsen WFC Windows Wireless Network Settings Format
1197 Filendelsen WFW Windows Firewall Policy Export
1198 Filendelsen WHZ WinUAEX Zipped WHDLoad Settings Format
1199 Filendelsen WIMP Microsoft Windows Icon Palette
1200 Filendelsen WINDSPROSKIN WinDS Skin Format
1201 Filendelsen WLVS Movie Maker Profile Format
1202 Filendelsen WME Microsoft Windows Media Encoder Session Profile
1203 Filendelsen WMS Windows Media Skin
1204 Filendelsen WMZ Compressed Windows Media Player Skin
1205 Filendelsen WORK Bibble Work Queue Format
1206 Filendelsen WOS Words Of Worship Output Settings
1207 Filendelsen WPJ Microsoft Works Wizard
1208 Filendelsen WPSS IBM WebSphere Server Settings Format
1209 Filendelsen WPX Adobe Printer Description For Postscript Printing Format
1210 Filendelsen WPZ WinAmp SkinZip
1211 Filendelsen WSA Corel PaintShop Photo Pro Animation Shop Workspace
1212 Filendelsen WSET Microsoft Word For Mac Settings
1213 Filendelsen WSK Whisset Media Player Skin
1214 Filendelsen WSSTYLES Microsoft Windows Vista Sidebar Style
1215 Filendelsen WST NextSTART Theme
1216 Filendelsen WSW WorkShelf Theme
1217 Filendelsen WTI WebTranslateIt Configuration
1218 Filendelsen WVXML AudioPlayer XML Playlist
1219 Filendelsen WWB Corel WordPerfect Button Bar
1220 Filendelsen WWK Corel WordPerfect Keyboard Layout
1221 Filendelsen WWP Microsoft Works Wizards
1222 Filendelsen WYP WyBuild Definitions
1223 Filendelsen WYS WyBuild Server
1224 Filendelsen WZCONFIG WinZip Configuration Format
1225 Filendelsen WZTHEME WinZip Theme Format
1226 Filendelsen X4K XML4King Configuration Format
1227 Filendelsen XCCONFIG Apple Xcode Configuration Settings
1228 Filendelsen XCH LinkAssistant Project Settings
1229 Filendelsen XCI Adobe Reader Font Mapping
1230 Filendelsen XCSCHEME Apple Xcode Scheme
1231 Filendelsen XCU Configuration Format
1232 Filendelsen XDFL XDFL Configuration
1233 Filendelsen XDOCLET JBoss XDoclet Reference
1234 Filendelsen XDR XML-Data Reduced Format
1235 Filendelsen XEP EManager Format Packaging Information
1236 Filendelsen XES EManager Skins Definition
1237 Filendelsen XET EManager Process Definition
1238 Filendelsen XEV EManager Auto-Update Format
1239 Filendelsen XFP Microsoft SharePoint Extending Form Library Properties
1240 Filendelsen XFSF BestSync Settings Format
1241 Filendelsen XGLL EASE SpeakerLab Text
1242 Filendelsen XGS XACT Global Settings Format
1243 Filendelsen XID Visual Localize XML Import Definition Format
1244 Filendelsen XILINC Xilize Defintion
1245 Filendelsen XILIZE Xilize Configuration
1246 Filendelsen XIP Xbox Dashboard
1247 Filendelsen XLAUNCH Xlaunch Settings Format
1248 Filendelsen XLB Excel Toolbars Format
1249 Filendelsen XLB4 Microsoft Excel 4 For Mac Toolbars
1250 Filendelsen XLB5 Microsoft Excel 5 For Mac Toolbars
1251 Filendelsen XLB8 Microsoft Excel 98 For Mac Toolbars
1252 Filendelsen XLBN Microsoft Excel 1 For Mac Toolbars
1253 Filendelsen XLPF Microsoft Excel For Mac Setting
1254 Filendelsen XMBCS X-Mouse Exported Profile Format
1255 Filendelsen XMC Lingoes Configuration
1256 Filendelsen XMPSKIN XMPlay Skin
1257 Filendelsen XNOTE XNote For Thunderbird Preferences Format
1258 Filendelsen XOJO_BINARY_MENU Xojo Binary Menu
1259 Filendelsen XOJO_BINARY_WINDOW Xojo Binary Window
1260 Filendelsen XOJO_MENU Xojo Menu
1261 Filendelsen XOJO_WINDOW Xojo Window
1262 Filendelsen XOJO_XML_MENU Xojo XML Menu
1263 Filendelsen XOJO_XML_WINDOW Xojo XML Window
1264 Filendelsen XPADDERCONTROLLER Xpadder Controller Profile
1265 Filendelsen XPADDERPROFILE Xpadder Settings
1266 Filendelsen XPL2 TerraExplorerPro LOD Parameter
1267 Filendelsen XRX Expression Encoder Media Profile Settings
1268 Filendelsen XST Microsoft Outlook Personal Folders Format
1269 Filendelsen XTD XML Type Definition
1270 Filendelsen XTERME Winstep Extreme Theme
1271 Filendelsen XTP AutoCAD Exported Tool Palettes Format
1272 Filendelsen XTREME Winstep Xtreme Theme Pack
1273 Filendelsen XUI Xbox 360 User Interface Format
1274 Filendelsen XUR Xbox 360 Binary User Interface Format
1275 Filendelsen XVM VMware Console Configuration Format
1276 Filendelsen XWEB4CONFIG Microsoft Expression Web Format
1277 Filendelsen XWK Crosstalk Communicator Keyboard Mapping Format
1278 Filendelsen XXE_GUI XMLmind XML Editor Settings Format
1279 Filendelsen YBC SUSE Linux Enterprise Server Display Settings
1280 Filendelsen YCP SUSE Linux Enterprise Server Display Settings
1281 Filendelsen YEL Yellow Color Separation
1282 Filendelsen YPF YahELite Configuration
1283 Filendelsen YT Yt Project Configuration Format
1284 Filendelsen ZAP Zero Administration Package Format
1285 Filendelsen ZC Zipkey Configuration
1286 Filendelsen ZCFG Zoom Search Engine Configuration
1287 Filendelsen ZDTC Adobe After Effects Language Settings
1288 Filendelsen ZKN Adobe RoboHelp Skin Definition Format
1289 Filendelsen ZON OmniPage Zone Template Format
1290 Filendelsen ZPI PDF Converter Index Format
1291 Filendelsen ZPRF ZipIt Preference
1292 Filendelsen ZSC Zend Studio Server Settings
1293 Filendelsen ZSK Zoner Media Explorer Skin
1294 Filendelsen ZTM ZTreeWin Macro
1295 Filendelsen ZUP Microsoft Business Solutions Navision Configuration
1296 Filendelsen ZVT Photoshop Zoomify Preset Format
1297 Filendelsen ZZB FutureSoft MultiView Configurable Toolbar
1298 Filendelsen ZZC FutureSoft MultiView Connection Details
1299 Filendelsen ZZD FutureSoft MultiView Wizard Defaults
1300 Filendelsen ZZE FutureSoft MultiView Emulation Details
1301 Filendelsen ZZF FutureSoft MultiView Format Transfer Configuration
1302 Filendelsen ZZK FutureSoft MultiView Keyboard Mapping
1303 Filendelsen ZZP FutureSoft MultiView Configurable Pop-up Menu
1304 Filendelsen ZZT FutureSoft MultiView Terminal Configuration
1305 Filendelsen _PLAYMUSICID Android Google Play Music Id
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