
#FilformatFilens fulle navn
1 $MSF-filformat Adobe Configuration
2 256-filformat Descent 2 Color Palette Format
3 3DG-filformat 3D Grapher Plot Description
4 3FX-filformat Corel Chart 3D Effect
5 4CM-filformat ClickyMouse Macro Set
6 4MT-filformat MacroToolbar Set
7 4TW-filformat Macro Toolworks Macro Set
8 5XS-filformat POD HD500X Set
9 8BPF-filformat Adobe Photoshop For Mac Preference
10 8ST-filformat 8start Launcher Format
11 A2DESKTOP-filformat Aston Desktop Desktop Skin
12 A2E-filformat ArcGIS Option Data Format
13 A2MENU-filformat Aston Desktop Start Menu Skin
14 A2PANEL-filformat Aston Desktop Panel Skin
15 A2THEME-filformat Aston 2 Theme Format
16 A3G-filformat Photo! 3D Gallery
17 A3X-filformat AccuLoad Settings
18 AAE-filformat Apple Photos Sidecar Format
19 AAP-filformat Apollo Advanced Playlist
20 AAW-filformat Lavasoft Ad-Aware 2007 Settings
21 ABX-filformat Corel WordPerfect Mail Address Book
22 ACB-filformat Adobe Photoshop Color Book Format
23 ACBL-filformat Adobe Color Book Legacy Format
24 ACCFL-filformat Microsoft Access Field Template
25 ACO-filformat Adobe Photoshop Color Swatch Format
26 ACROBATSECURITYSETTINGS-filformat Adobe Acrobat Security Settings Format
27 ACRODATA-filformat Acrobat Data Format
28 ACROTHEME-filformat Adobe Acrobat Theme Format
29 ACS2-filformat AIMP Media Player Skin
30 ACS3-filformat AIMP Skin Package
31 ACTIONS-filformat Photoline 4 Defaults
32 ACTIONSCRIPTPROPERTIES-filformat Adobe Flex Settings
33 ACV-filformat Photoshop Curves Format
34 ACW-filformat Windows Accessibility Wizard Format
35 ADBA-filformat AIMSS Author Project Configuration
36 ADIUMLISTLAYOUT-filformat Adium List Layout
37 ADIUMLISTTHEME-filformat Adium List Theme
38 ADIUMMENUBARICONS-filformat Adium Menu Bar Icon
39 ADIUMSOUNDSET-filformat Adium Sound Set
40 ADJUSTMENTPRESETS-filformat Apple Aperture Preset
41 ADO-filformat Adobe Photoshop Duotone Options Format
42 ADPP-filformat Adobe Device Profile Package
43 AE0-filformat NetBSD Ethernet Configuration
44 AFPP-filformat Mac Apple Share
45 AFW-filformat Micrografx FlowCharter Work Area
46 AGPREFS-filformat Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Preferences
47 AGTEMPLATE-filformat Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Preset
48 AGV-filformat ArcGlobe Video Metadata
49 AHL-filformat EMule Metadata Format
50 AHS-filformat Adobe Halftone Screen Format
51 AHU-filformat Adobe Photoshop HSL Format
52 AIA-filformat Adobe Illustrator Action Format
53 AIT-filformat Adobe Illustrator Template
54 AIU-filformat Advanced Installer Updates Configuration Format
55 ALIASES-filformat LabVIEW IP Adresses Map
56 ALLOW-filformat Linux Access
57 ALTQ-filformat QuickView Settings
58 ALV-filformat Adobe Photoshop Levels Format
59 AMP-filformat Adobe Photoshop Curves Map Format
60 AMS-filformat Adobe Monitor Setup Format
61 ANTISPAM5-filformat Personal AntiSpam Settings Format
62 ANYDVDHD-filformat AnyDVD Registration Key
63 ANYDVD_SMSK-filformat AnyDVD Speedmenu Skin Format
64 AOIS-filformat CFS Console Add-on Installer Settings Format
65 AOM-filformat Adobe After Effects Output Settings Format
66 APPCONTENT-MS-filformat Microsoft Windows Application Content Format
67 APPLETVIEWER-filformat Java Appletviewer
68 APPLICATION-filformat ClickOnce Deployment Manifest Format
69 APPREF-MS-filformat Application Reference Format
70 APREF-MS-filformat Application Reference
71 APXT-filformat DataLink Setting
72 ARG-filformat AutoCAD Profile
73 ARL-filformat AOL Organizer Format
74 ARS-filformat After Effects Render Settings Format
75 ARV-filformat Microsoft Autoroute User Information
76 ASE-filformat Adobe Swatch Exchange Format
77 ASEF-filformat Adobe Swatch Exchange
78 ASGP-filformat HP-UX NIS Maps Configuration
79 ASL-filformat Photoshop Style
80 ASN-filformat GameSpy Arcade Skin
81 AST-filformat Adobe Color Separations Table
82 ASU-filformat ToolBook Package Definition
83 ASV-filformat Adobe Photoshop Selective Color Format
84 ASWCS-filformat Avast! Compressed Skin Format
85 ASWS-filformat Avast! Skin Format
86 ATC-filformat AutoCAD Catalog Format
87 ATH-filformat Alienware AlienFX Theme Format
88 ATHEME-filformat Amazing Clock Theme
89 ATLG-filformat SlimBrowser Auto Login
90 ATN-filformat Photoshop Actions Format
91 ATZ-filformat Aston Compiled Theme
92 AUDIBLEPREFS-filformat Audible Preference
93 AUI-filformat AGE3D UI Editor Color Table
94 AUL-filformat AviUtl Language Settings Format
95 AUTOCONF-filformat Autoconfiguration
96 AUTOREG-filformat Mozilla Application Suite Auto Registration Clue
97 AUX-filformat TeX/LaTeX Auxiliary References Format
98 AVASTCONFIG-filformat Avast Configuration
99 AVASTTHEME-filformat Avast Theme Format
100 AVE-filformat Avid User Format
101 AVGCONFIG-filformat AVG Antivirus Configuration Format
102 AVGFV-filformat AVG Internet Security User Interface Settings Format
103 AVGTHEME-filformat AVG Internet Security Theme Format
104 AVROSKIN-filformat Avro Keyboard Skin Format
105 AWCAV-filformat ActiveWorlds Custom Avatar Format
106 AWE-filformat Adobe Acrobat Bookmark XML
107 AWL-filformat Ad-Aware Language
108 AXC-filformat Microsoft Dynamics AX Configuration Format
109 AXP-filformat CDBurnerXP Audio Compilation Format
110 AXT-filformat Adobe Photoshop Extract Format
111 AXV-filformat Annodex Digital Media Format
112 AZD-filformat Amazon Software Download
113 BASECONFIG-filformat AirPort Utility Setting
114 BASH_LOGIN-filformat Unix Shell Script (bash)
115 BASH_LOGOUT-filformat Unix Shell Script (bash)
116 BASIN-filformat HEC-HMS Basin Model Settings
117 BAU-filformat Apache OpenOffice AutoText Format
118 BBD-filformat Xilinx Black Box Definition Format
119 BBTL-filformat BBEdit Tool Palette
120 BBW-filformat Band-in-a-Box Nterface
121 BCKUP-filformat Apple Time Machine Backup Format
122 BCMX-filformat Business Contact Manager Customization
123 BCPKG-filformat Beyond Compare Settings Package Format
124 BCS-filformat Boland Calibration Settings Format
125 BCW-filformat Borland C++ Workspace
126 BDB2-filformat BrainMaster Settings
127 BFD-filformat Linux BFD Rules Configuration
128 BFMV-filformat BfMeshView Workspace
129 BFT-filformat SmartWare Backup Transaction Definition
130 BGI-filformat BgInfo Configuration Format
131 BITCFG-filformat Passmark Configuration
132 BITPIM-filformat BitPim Configuration Format
133 BKS-filformat NTBackup Settings Format
134 BLL-filformat Borland Delphi Localization Information
135 BLOB-filformat Valve Steam Archive
136 BLT-filformat AIM Buddy List
137 BLW-filformat Adobe Photoshop Black And White Presets Format
138 BMM-filformat Tacmi Pixia Palette
139 BMPSKIN-filformat Blaze Media Pro Skin Format
140 BOCHSRC-filformat Bochs Configuration
141 BOOT-filformat InstallShield Format
142 BOOTSTRAP-filformat Adobe HTTP Dynamic Streaming Bootstrap
143 BOWERRC-filformat Node.js Data Format
144 BPF-filformat BatchPhoto Profile Format
145 BRG-filformat ProjectWise User Settings Format
146 BRPX-filformat E-sword Bible Reading Plan
147 BRUSHCATEGORY-filformat Corel Painter Brush Category Data Format
148 BRUSHVARIANT-filformat Corel Painter Brush Variant Data Format
149 BS7-filformat Windows 7 Boot Updater Skin
150 BSCOMP-filformat Bootstrap Component Format
151 BSCP-filformat Bitvise SSH Client (Tunnelier) Profile Format
152 BSL-filformat BSPlayer Configuration
153 BT3-filformat Control Runner Button Configuration
154 BTSEARCH-filformat BitTorrent Search Engine Format
155 BTSKIN-filformat µTorrent Skin
156 BUILDSETTING-filformat Twixl Publisher Settings Format
157 BUJ-filformat Personal Backup Saved Task
158 BXRC-filformat Configuration
159 BXX-filformat BS Contact Parameter Format
160 C2R-filformat Windows Media Center Click-To-Record Format
161 CAKEWALKWINDOWLAYOUT-filformat Cakewalk Window Layout
162 CALIPERSKIN-filformat Screen Calipers Skin Format
163 CAMP-filformat WCS CAMP
164 CANNEDSEARCH-filformat Apple Mac OS X Finder Predefined Search
165 CAOS-filformat CanOpener Preference
166 CASE-filformat SlipCover Case Template
167 CATPREFERENCES-filformat CATIA Preferences
168 CATSETTINGS-filformat CATIA Settings
169 CBOARD-filformat Final Cut Pro Color Board Preset Format
170 CCB-filformat Visual Basic Animated Button Configuration
171 CCFG-filformat BartPE Configuration Format
172 CCM-filformat Multimedia Fusion Custom Menu
173 CCP-filformat CloneCD Profiles Format
174 CDT-filformat CorelDRAW Image Template
175 CDT_-filformat CorelDRAW For Mac Template
176 CEI-filformat CRiSP Harvest
177 CEID-filformat Seagate Dockstar Configuration Format
178 CEKEY-filformat McAfee VirusScan Configuration Format
179 CERTAUTHORITYCONFIG-filformat Apple Mac OS X Certificate Assistant Configuration
180 CEX-filformat SolidWorks Enterprise PDM Vault Export Format
181 CEZEOKEY-filformat CEZEO Key Data Format
182 CF-filformat Sendmail Configuration Format
183 CFG-filformat Configuration Format
184 CFS-filformat INMOS Configuration Format
185 CGV-filformat OSLay Parameters Data Format
186 CH-filformat OS/2 Configuration
187 CHF-filformat PcAnywhere Remote Control
188 CHL-filformat Microsoft Internet Explorer Channel Information Format
189 CHX-filformat AutoCAD Standards Check Format
190 CIK-filformat Corel Graphics 10 Custom Dual Tone
191 CJSTYLES-filformat Skin Builder Project
192 CKS-filformat Microsoft Windows CE Image Info
193 CLKBD-filformat Clicker Board Set Format
194 CLKC-filformat Clicker Connect Set Format
195 CLLE_PROPERTIES-filformat Eclipse Settings Format
196 CLMS-filformat Clipboard Master Settings Format
197 CLSID-filformat CLSID Identifier Format
198 CLV-filformat QIP Visible List
199 CLY-filformat CorelDRAW Custom Layout
200 CMATE-filformat ControllerMate Configuration Format
201 CMB-filformat Xtree For Windows Button Bar
202 CMMTHEME-filformat CleanMyMac Theme Format
203 CNF-filformat MySQL Configuration Format
204 CNN-filformat ADO-network Connection Configuration
205 CNTK-filformat Microsoft Outlook Express Contact
206 CNTL-filformat GoCart Control
207 COLOR-filformat Amaya Config
208 COLOURSCHEME-filformat J&ASoft Speedy Browser Color Scheme Settings
209 COLR-filformat Kaleidoscope Scheme
210 CONF-filformat Configuration Information Format
211 CONF-AUTO-filformat WOW! Configuration Data Format
212 CONFIGSETTINGS-filformat Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services Settings Format
213 CONFLUENCE-filformat Eclipse Mylyn WikiText Confluence
214 CONT-filformat Panasonic Camcorder Extra
215 CONTAINER-filformat Eclipse Project Settings Format
216 CONTROLS-filformat OpenBVE Keyboard Shortcuts Format
217 COPRESET-filformat Capture One Preset Format
218 COS-filformat Capture One Settings Format
219 COSTYLE-filformat Capture One Style Format
220 CPFF-filformat Cam2Com Capture Properties Format
221 CPX-filformat Oracle ADF Binding Context Format
222 CRATE-filformat Serato DJ Crate Plylist Format
223 CROP-filformat Crick Software Clicker Options Settings Format
224 CSAPLAN-filformat SPSS Analysis Plan Format
225 CSASSEMBLY-filformat ICQ 6
226 CSCFG-filformat Microsoft Visual Studio Cloud Configuration Format
227 CSCNP-filformat Colasoft Capsa Network Profile Format
228 CSKIN-filformat CD Art Display Skin Format
229 CSMANIFEST-filformat ICQ 6 Settings
230 CSPLAN-filformat SPSS Sampling Plan Format
231 CSU-filformat Creston 2 - Series Control Systems Update Data Format
232 CSW-filformat Corel WordPerfect Setup Information
233 CSZ-filformat The Core Media Player Skin
234 CTA-filformat ColorTouch Assistant Settings
235 CTB-filformat AutoCAD Color-Based Plot Style Format
236 CTBODYFITTING-filformat CrazyTalk Animator Actor Fitting Format
237 CTI-filformat Template Info
238 CUI-filformat Autodesk Custom Workspace Format
239 CUIX-filformat AutoCAD Custom User Interface Format
240 CUS-filformat AutoCAD Custom Dictionary Format
241 CUSTOMDESTINATIONS-MS-filformat Microsoft Windows 7 Jump List
242 CVA-filformat HP Systems Software Manager Information Format
243 CVSIGNORE-filformat Eclipse CVS Settings
244 CWC-filformat CADfix Wizard Configuration
245 CWF-filformat CorelDRAW Workspace Format
246 CWX-filformat Sonar Track Template
247 CWY-filformat Songtrix Style Format
248 CW_-filformat CorelDRAW Workspace
249 CXR-filformat CX-Programmer Settings
250 CYBERDUCKLICENSE-filformat Cyberduck Donation Key
251 CYBERDUCKPROFILE-filformat Cyberduck Connection Profile
252 CZE-filformat Czech Language Localization Format
253 D5P-filformat Dragon UnPACKer Language Pack
254 DADX-filformat Eclipse Document Access Definition Extension
255 DAPF-filformat DinkeyAdd Parameter
256 DBB-filformat Skype User Information Format
257 DBG-filformat FoxPro Debugger Configuration
258 DBH-filformat CodeWarrior Debug Preferences
259 DCFG-filformat Routers2.cgi Dummy Configuration Data Format
260 DCL-filformat AutoCAD Dialog Definition Format
261 DCLS-filformat CATIA V4 Settings
262 DCP-filformat Adobe DNG Camera Profile
263 DCST-filformat Adobe InDesign Document Presets Format
264 DDF-filformat Diamond Directive Format
265 DDR-filformat DDRemote Parameter
266 DEFINITION-filformat Apple Mac OS X Automator Data Type Definition
267 DENY-filformat Linux Access
268 DEPLOYMENTOPTIONS-filformat SQL Server Deployment Options
269 DEPLOYMENTTARGETS-filformat SQL Server Deployment Target
270 DEVICEMETADATA-MS-filformat Microsoft Windows 7 Device Metadata Package
271 DFQ-filformat SmartWare Query Definition
272 DFR-filformat SmartWare Report Definition
273 DFW-filformat SmartWare Cross-tab Definition
274 DGL-filformat DigiGuide Language
275 DGMAKER-filformat DigiGuide Marker
276 DGNLIB-filformat MicroStation Design Library
277 DICPROOF-filformat Microsoft Dictionary Proofing Format
278 DINFO-filformat DivX Temporary Video Info Format
279 DIRECTORY-filformat KDE Folder View Properties Format
280 DMT-filformat Delphi Menu Template Format
281 DMV-filformat Adobe Acrobat Catalog
282 DNO-filformat DriveExecutive Configuration Format
283 DNP-filformat DRM Digital Rights Management
284 DOCC-filformat DragThing Color Settings
285 DOCKERFILE-filformat Docker Settings Format
286 DOCKERIGNORE-filformat Docker Ignore Data Format
287 DOCKPACK-filformat Stardock ObjectDock Theme Format
288 DOCKTHEME-filformat Stardock ObjectDock Theme Format
289 DOLPHINVIEW-filformat Dolphin Folder View Settings Format
290 DOTSETTINGS-filformat Microsoft Visual Studio C# Settings Format
291 DOWNLOADED-filformat ICQ 6 Hash
292 DOWNLOADHOST-filformat MSN Download Settings Format
293 DPS-filformat DivX Player Skin
294 DPV-filformat Siemens NX Drafting Standard Format
295 DRH-filformat Paralllels Desktop Pvs Package Configuration Format
296 DRM-filformat Cubase Drum Map Format
297 DRMMETA-filformat Adobe HTTP Dynamic Streaming DRM Additional Header
298 DRPF-filformat DinkeyRemote Parameter
299 DRU-filformat EAGLE Design Rules
300 DSD-filformat AutoCAD Drawing Set Description Format
301 DSH-filformat Dashboard PDA Wallpaper
302 DSLSETUP-filformat Domain Specific Language Setup
303 DSW-filformat Visual C++ 6 Workspace Format
304 DSYM-filformat ArchiCAD For MAC Geometric Description Language Format
305 DS_STORE-filformat Mac OS X Folder Settings Format
306 DTB-filformat DataCAD Custom Toolbar
307 DTSCONFIG-filformat Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services Configuration
308 DTSEARCH-filformat DtSearch Configuration Format
309 DUCK-filformat Cyberduck Bookmark
310 DUP-filformat Windows DUA Polling Reconfiguration
311 DVP-filformat AutoCAD Device Parameter
312 DXLS-filformat DashXL Skin Set Format
313 DXSTREAM-filformat DX Studio Stream
314 DXU-filformat DivX Player Playlist Format
315 DZS-filformat Download Accelerator Skin
316 EAGLERC-filformat EAGLE Linux User-specific Parameter
317 EAP-filformat Adobe Photoshop Exposure Format
318 EC7-filformat EuroCUT Profile
319 ECORE2ECORE-filformat Eclipse EMF Ecore Model Mapping
320 ECORE2XML-filformat Eclipse EMF Ecore Model Mapping
321 ECU-filformat TunerPro ECU Configurator
322 EEB-filformat Corel WordPerfect Equation Editor Button Bar
323 EFFECT-filformat Serato DJ Audio Effect Format
324 EFSP-filformat Effective Format Search Parameters Format
325 EFTX-filformat Office 2007 Theme Effect Format
326 EFXT-filformat Microsoft Office Theme
327 EHI-filformat Evozi HTTP Injector Configuration Format
328 EHSX-filformat EasyHDR Tone Mapping Settings Format
329 ELE-filformat ZEMAX Element Drawing Settings
330 ELM-filformat Office Theme Format
331 EMOF-filformat Eclipse EMOF Model
332 EMV-filformat LabVIEW Configuration
333 END-filformat CorelDRAW Arrow-head Definition
334 ENP-filformat EndNote Preferences Format
335 ENS-filformat EndNote Style Format
336 ENZ-filformat EndNote Connection Format
337 EPR-filformat Photoshop AME Preset Format
338 EQF-filformat Winamp Equalizer Preset Format
339 EQL-filformat MathType Settings
340 EQP-filformat MathType Preferences
341 ESET-filformat Extensions Manager Settings
342 ESKIN-filformat Emperor Theme Skin
343 ETFF-filformat Encrypt4all Theme Format
344 EUM-filformat Enterprise User Monitor Configuration Format
345 EV1-filformat Calendar Commander Version 1 Event
346 EV2-filformat Calendar Commander Version 2 Event
347 EVM-filformat Windows Vista Session Configuration
348 EVP-filformat Earthview Configuration
349 EWC-filformat EWView Configuration
350 EX-filformat Norton Ghost Template Format
351 EXA-filformat Examine32 Saved Search Paramaters
352 EXAML-filformat Examine32 Saved Search Parameters
353 EXAMPLE-filformat Example Configuration Format
354 EXCS-filformat Classic Shell Settings Format
355 EXE4J-filformat Exe4j Configuration Format
356 EXPORTEDUI-filformat Microsoft Office Import Customization
357 EXPRWDCONFIG-filformat Microsoft Expression Web XML Configuration Format
358 F4M-filformat Adobe HTTP Dynamic Streaming Flash Media Manifest
359 FADER-filformat Serato DJ Fader Data Format
360 FAT-filformat Zinf Theme Format
361 FAV-filformat Microsoft Outlook Bar-shortcut
362 FAVORITEMETADATA-filformat Transmit Favorites Data Format
363 FBOPTSX-filformat FileBoss Settings Format
364 FBT-filformat ABBYY FineReader Document Options Format
365 FCC-filformat Forms Credential Collector Format
366 FCHP-filformat Fetch Preference
367 FD-filformat LaTeX Font Definition Format
368 FDC-filformat AutoCAD Field Catalog Format
369 FDOC-filformat Microsoft XPS Document Settings
370 FDRP-filformat Apple Mac OS Folder Alias
371 FDXSL2-filformat FeedDemon Newspaper Style Format
372 FEB-filformat Corel WordPerfect Figure Editor Button Bar
373 FEQ-filformat SuperEQ Equalizer Settings Format
374 FEXT-filformat Extensions Manager Preferences
375 FFELASH-filformat FaceFilter Eye Lash Data Format
376 FFEYE-filformat FaceFilter Eye Filter Format
377 FFFILTER-filformat FaceFilter Filter Data Format
378 FFMAKEUP-filformat FaceFilter Makeup Data Format
379 FFPRESET-filformat FFmpeg Preset
380 FFSHAPE-filformat FaceFilter Shape Format
381 FFSKIN-filformat FaceFilter Skin Format
382 FFS_BATCH-filformat FreeFileSync Configuration
383 FFS_GUI-filformat FreeFileSync Configuration
384 FFS_REAL-filformat FreeFileSync Configuration
385 FFTEETH-filformat FaceFilter Teeth Data Format
386 FFXPTHEME-filformat FlashFXP Toolbar Theme Format
387 FGA-filformat Folder Guard Attributes
388 FGS-filformat Fig Figure Settings Format
389 FHS-filformat Adobe Flash Skin XML
390 FHX-filformat DeltaV Configuration
391 FHZ-filformat Adobe Robohelp ZIP Compressed Skin
392 FILL-filformat CorelDraw Vector Pattern Fill Format
393 FLST-filformat Adobe InDesign Flattener Presets Format
394 FLT3-filformat Adobe Filter
395 FM3-filformat Lotus 1-2-3 Spreadsheet Format Format
396 FMB-filformat WordPerfect For Win Format Manager Button Bar
397 FMCF-filformat Adobe Type Manager Preferences
398 FMOD-filformat Adobe Illustrator Flattening Module
399 FMP-filformat AutoCAD Font Map Format
400 FNP-filformat IBM FormatNet IDM Desktop Settings Format
401 FP3-filformat User Specific Settings Format
402 FPL-filformat Flitskikker Language
403 FPTHEME-filformat Microsoft FrontPage Theme Format
404 FPW-filformat FoxPro Configuration
405 FRAG-filformat Microsoft XPS Document Fragment
406 FRAMES-filformat XScope Frames Format
407 FRR-filformat Mandelbrot Explorer Fractal Region Settings Format
408 FSK-filformat FotoSketcher Parameter Preset
409 FSS-filformat Micrografx Picture Publisher 8 Register Format
410 FSZ-filformat Fractal Zplot Data/parameter
411 FTH-filformat FileMaker Theme Format
412 FTP-filformat FTP Configuration
413 FTPC-filformat EBooksWriter Settings Format
414 FTPCONFIG-filformat Remote-ftp For Atom Configuration Format
415 FTPQUOTA-filformat Ftpquota Format
416 FWT-filformat FacetWin Configuration Format
417 GBH-filformat GigaBar Scheme
418 GBW-filformat Gerbview Workspace Data Format
419 GCO-filformat Genbox Family History Chart Options
420 GCP-filformat Spectramap Group Properties
421 GCRD-filformat GnomeCard VCard
422 GCSX-filformat Microsoft Office SmartArt Color Format
423 GDIAGRAMSTYLE-filformat OmniGraffle Diagram Style Format
424 GDN-filformat SmartWare Graph Definition
425 GDT-filformat Guitar & Drum Trainer Song Configuration
426 GEPRINT-filformat Google Earth Pro Map Setting
427 GES-filformat PINGO GrADS Description
428 GGT-filformat GeoGebra User-defined Tool
429 GGZ-filformat Garena Skin
430 GID-filformat Windows Help Global Index Format
431 GIN-filformat GEMS Engine Control Unit Format
432 GITATTRIBUTES-filformat Pro Git Attribute
433 GITCONFIG-filformat Git Configuration Format
434 GLADINETSP-filformat Gladinet Configuration Format
435 GMANIFEST-filformat Google Desktop Gadget Control
436 GPS-filformat GOM Player Skin Format
437 GQSX-filformat Microsoft Office SmartArt Styles Format
438 GRADIENTLIBRARY-filformat Corel Painter Gradient Library Format
439 GRADIENTS-filformat Corel Painter Gradation Library Format
440 GRD-filformat Photoshop Gradient Format
441 GRID-filformat GridMove Grid Settings
442 GROWLSTYLE-filformat Growl WebKit Style
443 GROWLTICKET-filformat Growl Notification Format
444 GRS-filformat GetRight Skin
445 GRU-filformat Geist Preset
446 GTKRC-filformat GTK+ Theme Format
447 GUL-filformat JungUm Global Viewer Korean Language
448 GVIMRC-filformat GVim Runtime Configuration Format
449 GWS-filformat GeoMedia GeoWorkspace Format
450 GXT-filformat Grand Theft Auto Text Format
451 GXW-filformat GRASS GIS Workspace Layout Definition
452 H3E-filformat POD HD300 Preset
453 H4E-filformat POD HD400 Preset
454 H5E-filformat POD HD500 Preset
455 H5S-filformat POD HD500 Set
456 HCFG-filformat HoDokK Configuration
457 HDT-filformat Photoshop HDR Toning Preset Format
458 HELPCFG-filformat Adobe AIR Help Configuration
459 HEWSP-filformat HippoEDIT Workspace Format
460 HEXDWC-filformat HHD Software Hex Editor Configuration Format
461 HFC-filformat H-JTAG Configuration
462 HFMX-filformat HFM.NET Configuration
463 HID-filformat Sony Ericsson Remote Settings Format
464 HME-filformat Smartphone Theme Format
465 HMSKIN-filformat Help & Manual Help Format Skin
466 HNF-filformat HNF Split & Merge Channels
467 HOTKEYS-filformat 3D-Coat Hotkeys Settings Format
468 HPR-filformat RoboHelp Settings
469 HT-filformat HyperTerminal Session Format
470 HTGROUP-filformat Apache Server User Group
471 HTN-filformat Micrografx Picture Publisher 8 Print Style
472 HTPL-filformat IBM Rational Application Developer WebContent Theme
473 HVD-filformat HoverDesk Theme
474 HWT-filformat Huawei Ascend P6 Emotion UI Theme
475 HXW-filformat Microsoft Help Attribute Definition
476 IAF-filformat Outlook Internet Account Format
477 IBL-filformat IBasic Component Language
478 ICA-filformat Citrix ICA Format
479 ICC-filformat ICC Profile
480 ICD-filformat Installable Client Driver Format
481 ICK-filformat IntelliCAD Keyboard Shortcut Data Format
482 ICM-filformat Image Color Matching Profile
483 ICP-filformat Unix IContact Parameter
484 ICTE-filformat Apple Mac Internet Configuration
485 ICURSORFX-filformat ICursor Effect Format
486 ICW-filformat Microsoft Internet Explorer Internet Connection Wizard
487 IDF-filformat MIDI Instrument Definition Format
488 IDG-filformat Majax Settings
489 IDPP-filformat Adobe InDesign Preflight Profile
490 IFB-filformat Oracle Siebel Interface Configuration
491 IFT-filformat Canon Settings
492 IGD-filformat Xbox 360 Controller For Windows Configuration Data Format
493 IGTHEME-filformat ImageGlass Theme Format
494 IHW-filformat IN-HEH Timeline Workspace
495 IIP-filformat ThinAnywhere Configuration Format
496 IIT-filformat Install Creator Project Format
497 IKF-filformat INTUS Keyboard Format
498 IKMP-filformat SampleTank Preset
499 IMESX-filformat Microsoft Office IME Search Provider Definition
500 IMMODULES-filformat GTK+ Module Format
501 IMO-filformat IMON Manager Settings
502 INF-filformat Setup Information Format
503 INI-filformat Windows Initialization Format
504 INI-DIST-filformat PHP INI
506 INI2-filformat Text Configuration
507 INMS-filformat Adobe InDesign Menu Set Format
508 INS-filformat Internet Settings Format
509 INSS-filformat Apple Mac OS X Setup Assistant ISP Info Document
510 IN_-filformat Microcoft Setup Information
511 IOK-filformat Omniscope Configuration
512 IOM-filformat Omniscope Configuration Data Format
513 IPCC-filformat IPhone Carrier Bundle
514 IPZ-filformat ICQ Plus Skin
515 IRAFHOSTS-filformat IRAF User
516 IRL-filformat IBM WebSphere ILOG JRules Rule Language
517 IROS-filformat Adobe Save For Web Settings Format
518 IRS-filformat Adobe Save For Web Settings
519 ISP-filformat IIS Internet Service Provider Settings
520 ISPAC-filformat SQL Server Project Deployment Model Format
521 ITT-filformat IconTweaker Theme Format
522 IWT-filformat Sunnysoft InterWrite Full Keyboard Skin
523 IX-filformat DtSearch Index Format
524 IXI-filformat IxiQuarks Preferences
525 IXW-filformat ERDAS IMAGINE Toolbar Setting
526 JAAS-filformat Java Authentication And Authorization Service Settings Format
527 JAI-filformat Jaikoz Settings
528 JARDESC-filformat Eclipse JAR Settings
529 JBEAM-filformat BeamNG Vehicle Definition Format Format
530 JBT-filformat JAWS
531 JCF-filformat JAWS Configuration
532 JCP-filformat Jesusonic Preset Format
533 JCSK-filformat JetCast Skin
534 JDF-filformat Adobe Acrobat Job Definition Format
535 JEQ-filformat JetAudio EQ Preset Format
536 JFF-filformat JAWS Ini
537 JGF-filformat JAWS Ini
538 JGP-filformat QWS3270 PLUS Session Parameter
539 JISP-filformat Tkabber Emoticon Set
540 JKM-filformat JAWS Key Map Format
541 JMD-filformat Corel PaintShop Pro Image Map Settings
542 JOBS-filformat VirtualDub Job
543 JOY-filformat CryENGINE Facial Editor Joystick Format
544 JPL-filformat JProbe Settings
545 JPP-filformat Jigsaw Puzzle Player Puzzle Definition
546 JSC-filformat JavaScript Config
547 JSHINTRC-filformat JSHint Data Format
548 JSI-filformat JAWS Personalized Settings
549 JSR-filformat Job Safety Report Definition
550 JTG-filformat Joint Test Action Group Configuration
551 JTPL-filformat Rational Application Developer WebContent Theme Template
552 JUI-filformat Qt Jambi User Interface Data Format
553 JVD-filformat JavaView Camera And Display Settings Format
554 JVR-filformat JavaView Configuration Data Format
555 JVSK-filformat JetVideo Skin Format
556 KBM-filformat Scala Keyboard Mapping
557 KCF-filformat KiSS Configuration
558 KCI-filformat Visual Studio .NET DB Project Indexing Settings
559 KDR-filformat Kinetica Installation
560 KDS-filformat KD Player Skin Format
561 KEYBOARD-filformat Amaya Configuration
562 KFP-filformat Adobe Acrobat Preflight Profile Format
563 KFR-filformat Kalles Fraktaler Parameter Data Format
564 KGS-filformat Kogeo Toolbar
565 KIPX-filformat QQ Messenger Theme Format
566 KLC-filformat Microsoft Keyboard Layout Creator Keyboard
567 KPL-filformat KMPlayer Playlist Format
568 KRC-filformat Mouse And Key Recorder Recorded Settings
569 KUIP-filformat Kingsoft Office Personalization Data Format
570 KVT-filformat KVIrc Theme
571 KVW-filformat Google Earth Workspace
572 KWS-filformat KeyWallet Skin
573 KWT-filformat KVIrc Theme Format
574 KXS-filformat KX Skin Format
575 KYB-filformat Keyboard Layout
576 KYS-filformat Adobe Photoshop Keyboard Shortcuts Format
577 L4D-filformat Cinema 4D Layout Format
578 LANG-filformat Skype Language Settings Format
579 LAUNCH-filformat Zend Studio Debugger Configuration
580 LAYOUT-filformat Apple MainStage Layout Format
581 LBU-filformat Cloaked Affiliate Link Builder Settings Format
582 LCC-filformat Capture One Lens Cast Correction Format
583 LCPP-filformat Adobe Lens Profile Creator Project Format
584 LD-filformat Telix Long Distance Codes
585 LD4-filformat ACCPAC Plus Menu
586 LEASES-filformat VMware DHCP Configuration Information Data Format
587 LED-filformat Sony AIBO AIBO LED Format Format
588 LENS-filformat Autodesk Stitcher Camera Profile
589 LFE-filformat LFClient Document
590 LFO-filformat Alchemy Low Frequency Oscillator Presets Format
591 LIGHTINGLIBRARY-filformat Corel Painter Lighting Presets Format
592 LILY-filformat PCSX2 LilyPad Configuration Format
593 LIR-filformat ADI Ocelot Settings
594 LKG-filformat HP-UX Configuration
595 LLC-filformat LapLink Saved Connection
596 LNS-filformat AVG Anti-Virus Language
597 LNST-filformat Adobe InDesign Line Presets Format
598 LOADERS-filformat GTK+ Loaders Format
599 LOB-filformat IBM DB2 LOBFILE
600 LOGIKCS-filformat Apple Logic Key Commands
601 LOOK-filformat SpeedGrade Look Format
602 LOP-filformat MasterCook Layout Format
603 LP4-filformat 36-Image Converter Encrypted Language Pack
604 LRSMCOL-filformat Photoshop Lightroom Smart Collection Settings Format
605 LRTEMPLATE-filformat Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Template
606 LRWEB-filformat Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Web Gallery Settings Format
607 LSV-filformat Light-O-Rama Sequence Editor Visual Preference
608 LTS-filformat Links Email Tourney
609 LUACOMP-filformat PlayOn Settings Format
610 LUT-filformat XnView Lut Format
611 LVA-filformat Logitech Video Effects Avatar Format
612 LVF-filformat Logitech Video Effects Format
613 LVLPS-filformat LabVIEW Local Project Settings
614 LWPP-filformat Live Wallpaper For Mac Desktop Theme
615 LXCP-filformat LCARS X32 Color Profile
616 LXSOPT-filformat Liquid XML Studio Project Options Format
617 M2D-filformat HTC Manila 2D For Windows Mobile Skin
618 M2DCT-filformat HTC Manila 2D For Windows Mobile Skin
619 M2F-filformat Maxthon Filter Package
620 M2U-filformat Maxthon Layout
621 M3URL-filformat SMIL MP3 Playlist
622 MA3-filformat Harvard Graphics Macro
623 MAGIC-filformat Magic Mail Monitor Configuration
624 MAILHOST-filformat MSN Mailhost Settings Format
625 MAL-filformat MadAppLauncher Configuration Format
626 MANIFEST-DESKTOP-filformat Ubuntu Desktop CD Manifest
627 MASK-filformat SpeedGrade Color Mask Format
628 MATERIAL-filformat Rigs Of Rods Texture Reference Format
629 MBP1-filformat Kindle Touch Annotation
630 MCL-filformat Windows Media Center Link Format
631 MCSERVER-filformat Minecraft MCServer Server Configuration Format
632 MCV-filformat ManyCam Effect
633 MCXML-filformat Microsoft Office 2013 XML Settings
634 MDP-filformat Visual C++ 5 Workspace Format
635 MDPF-filformat Mac OS X Modem Preferences
636 MDRC-filformat MADRIX DMX Remote Configuration
637 MECH-filformat Pro/MECHANICA Settings
638 MENUSKIN-filformat ObjectBar Menu Skin Format
639 MERGEOPTIONS7-filformat Araxis Merge Options Format
640 MEW-filformat MultiEdit Configuration
641 MFALIST-filformat Ashampoo Photo Commander Slideshow List
642 MGK-filformat ImageMagick Configuration Format
643 MGTHEME-filformat MacGourmet Theme Format
644 MHC-filformat MPLAB Harmony Configuration Data Format
645 MIAF-filformat InstallAware Setup Dialog Rules Format
646 MILLPST-filformat BobCAD Post Processor Data
647 MIRO-filformat Miro Playlist Format
648 MKLK-filformat Cyberlink DirectZone Menu Settings Format
649 MKP-filformat Cinestar Remote Control Configuration
650 MKT-filformat Visual FoxPro Configuration
651 MKU-filformat MagicKey Units Definition Format
652 MKY-filformat MagicKey Configuration
653 MLF-filformat Package Download Profile
654 MLK-filformat MasterCook Look Format
655 MM1-filformat ActiveXperts MMS Toolkit Settings
656 MM3-filformat Mortgage Minder Saved Mortgage Configuration
657 MMDC-filformat MediaMonkey Device Configuration Format
658 MMG-filformat MKVToolNix Muxing Settings
659 MMK-filformat MACSIMUS Define
660 MMP-filformat MixMeister Studio Playlist Format
661 MMPF-filformat CodeWarrior Preference
662 MMRC-filformat MADRIX MIDI Remote Configuration
663 MMZ-filformat MusicMatch Theme
664 MNC-filformat AutoCAD Compiled Menu Format
665 MNS-filformat AutoCAD Interface Settings Format
666 MNU-filformat AutoCAD Interface Layout Format
667 MODE1V3-filformat Xcode Project Settings
668 MOF-filformat Managed Object Format Format
669 MOGRT-filformat Adobe Motion Graphics Template Format
670 MOZCONFIG-filformat Mozilla Firefox Configuration Data Format
671 MPDCONF-filformat Music Player Daemon Format
672 MPDS-filformat MADRIX Plexus Settings
673 MPW-filformat Microsoft Project Workspace Format
674 MQB-filformat Metasequoia Brush Data Format
675 MSCC-filformat MSecure Sync Data Format
676 MSE-SET-filformat Magic Set Editor Settings Format
677 MSKIN-filformat Maxthon Skin
678 MSKN-filformat MediaMonkey Skin Format
679 MSM-filformat Windows Installer Merge Module
680 MSN-filformat Host Blocking Format
681 MST-filformat Windows Installer Setup Transform Format
682 MSZ-filformat MediaMonkey Skin
683 MTF-filformat Motorola Theme Format
684 MTXCFG-filformat MKVtoolnix GUI Settings Format
685 MU-filformat Corel Quattro Pro For DOS Menu Definition Format
686 MUCOW-filformat Adobe Muse Configurable Options Widget Format
687 MVS-filformat MusicMatch Jukebox Visualization Format
688 MXCS-filformat Mandelbrot Explorer Color Scheme Format
689 MXFR-filformat Mandelbrot Explorer Fractal Region Format
690 MXPL-filformat MAGIX MP3 Deluxe Playlist Format
691 MXSKIN-filformat Maxthon Skin Format
692 MYCOLORS-filformat Stardock MyColors Theme Format
693 NAPR-filformat NameCleaner Preference
694 NAPT-filformat Navicat Premium Data Transfer Profile Format
695 NCA-filformat Nikon Capture Color Adjustment
696 NCFG-filformat ArcGIS Explorer Configuration Format
697 NCM-filformat Nokia Communicator Configuration Message Format
698 ND-filformat QuickBooks Network Data Format
699 NDC-filformat Personal Communications Settings Format
700 NE0-filformat NetBSD Config
701 NET-filformat Network Configuration Format
702 NETSH-filformat Netsh Format Extension
703 NFG-filformat NewsBin Configuration
704 NHB-filformat No Hands Backup Backup Description
705 NHN-filformat Ijji REACTOR Html Launch
706 NIA-filformat Nikon Capture Image Adjustment
707 NIT-filformat ArcView INFO Table Definitions
708 NJI-filformat Nero Job Information Format
709 NJT-filformat Nero BackItUp Job Template
710 NKP-filformat Kontakt Presets Format
711 NKSC-filformat Nikon Capture NX-D Settings Format
712 NKSN-filformat Native Instruments Kontakt Settings Format
713 NKTRL_SET-filformat KORG Kontrol Editor Settings Format
714 NLANG3-filformat Ashampoo Internet Accelerator Language
715 NLPD-filformat Navicat For SQLite Data Synchronization Profile
716 NLPEQ-filformat Navicat For SQLite Export Query Result Profile
717 NLPEV-filformat Navicat Export View Result Profile
718 NLPI-filformat Navicat For SQLite Import Wizard Profile
719 NLPT-filformat Navicat For SQLite Data Transfer Profile
720 NMPD-filformat Navicat For MariaDB Data Synchronization Format
721 NMPE-filformat Navicat For MariaDB Export Wizard Profile Format
722 NMPEQ-filformat Navicat For MariaDB Export Query Result Profile Format
723 NMPEV-filformat Navicat For MariaDB Export View Result Profile Format
724 NMPI-filformat Navicat For MariaDB Import Wizard Profile Format
725 NMPS-filformat Navicat For MariaDB Structure Synchronization Format
726 NMPT-filformat Navicat For MariaDB Data Transfer Format
727 NNR-filformat Nikon Capture Noise Reduction
728 NOINDEX-filformat Mac OS X Spotlight Index
729 NOPD-filformat Navicat For Oracle Data Synchronization Profile
730 NOPEM-filformat Navicat For Oracle Export Materialized View Profile
731 NOPEQ-filformat Navicat For Oracle Export Query Result Profile
732 NOPEV-filformat Navicat For Oracle Export View Result Profile
733 NOPI-filformat Navicat For Oracle Import Wizard Profile
734 NOPS-filformat Navicat For Oracle Structure Synchronization Data Format
735 NOPT-filformat Navicat For Oracle Data Transfer Profile
736 NOR-filformat Norwegian Localization
737 NP2-filformat Picture Control Utility Picture Control Data Format
738 NPD-filformat Navicat For MySQL Data Synchronize Profile
739 NPE-filformat Navicat For MySQL Export Profile
740 NPEQ-filformat Navicat For MySQL Export Query Result Profile
741 NPEV-filformat Navicat For MySQL Export View Result Profile
742 NPFX-filformat Norton Internet Security Firewall Settings Format
743 NPI-filformat Navicat For MySQL Import Wizard Profile
744 NPJ-filformat Navicat For MySQL Batch Job
745 NPMIGNORE-filformat Git Data Format
746 NPN-filformat Canvas Neon Pen
747 NPPD-filformat Navicat For PostgreSQL Data Synchronization Profile
748 NPPEM-filformat Navicat For PostgreSQL Export Materialized View Profile Format
749 NPPEQ-filformat Navicat For PostgreSQL Export Query Result Profile
750 NPPEV-filformat Navicat For PostgreSQL Export View Result Profile
751 NPPI-filformat Navicat For PostgreSQL Import Wizard Profile
752 NPPS-filformat Navicat For PostgreSQL Structure Synchronization Format
753 NPPT-filformat Navicat For PostgreSQL Data Transfer Profile
754 NSC-filformat Windows Media Station
755 NSD-filformat Norton System Doctor Sensor Configuration
756 NSPD-filformat Navicat For SQL Server Data Synchronization Profile
757 NSPEQ-filformat Navicat For SQL Server Export Query Result Profile
758 NSPEV-filformat Navicat For SQL Server Export View Result Profile
759 NSPI-filformat Navicat For SQL Server Import Wizard Profile
760 NSPS-filformat Navicat For SQL Server Structure Synchronization Data Format
761 NSPT-filformat Navicat For SQL Server Data Transfer Profile
762 NSU-filformat NVIDIA NTune Command System Profile Settings
763 NTC-filformat Camera Control Pro Custom Curves Format
764 NTS-filformat Lotus Notes Traveler Server Config Format
765 NWP-filformat Noteworthy Player Format Type
766 NWV-filformat Dragon NaturallySpeaking User Archive
767 OBI-filformat Outlook RSS Subscription Format
768 OBSKIN-filformat ObjectBar Skin Format
769 OBT-filformat Openbox Theme Format
770 OBYX-filformat Obyx Control
771 OCE-filformat Open Catalog Extension Connection Format
772 OCO-filformat Open Color Format Palette Format
773 ODC-filformat Office Data Connection Format
774 ODR-filformat HMI Builder Report Format
775 OEM-filformat OEM Setup Format
776 OFFICEUI-filformat Microsoft Office UI Customization
777 OKM-filformat OkMap Map Defining
778 OLK14PREF-filformat Outlook Preferences Format
779 OLK14RULE-filformat Microsoft Outlook 2011 For Mac Rule
780 OLL-filformat TrialDirector Load
781 OMC-filformat Origin Customized Menu
782 ONETOC2-filformat Microsoft OneNote Table Of Contents Format
783 ONPRESET-filformat Perfect Effects Preset Format
784 OOC-filformat CHARTrunner Definition Data Format
785 OODGUISETTINGS-filformat O&O Defrag GUI Settings Format
786 OPAL-filformat Microsoft Office Customization Tool (OCT) Language-specific Settings
787 OPAX-filformat Microsoft Office Customization Tool (OCT) Standard Settings
788 OPS-filformat Office Profile Settings Format
789 OPTIONS-filformat SE-SOFT Configuration Format
790 OPTS-filformat Linux Configuration Options Format
791 OSC-filformat Remote Installation Services Client Installation Wizard Format
792 OSCD-filformat TouchOSC Interface Editor Template
793 OSDX-filformat Search Connector Description Format
794 OSPX-filformat Dell KACE Patch Definition Format
795 OSS-filformat Microsoft Outlook Saved Search Format
796 OTV-filformat Rotor-Disc OTV Kit OTV Calibration
797 OTZ-filformat OpenLP Theme Format
798 OVPN-filformat OpenVPN Configuration Format
799 OXO-filformat Ox Object-Oriented Matrix Programming Language
800 P2M-filformat PhotoWorks Appearance Format
801 P3E-filformat Photoshop Repousse Settings Format
802 P9D-filformat Plane9 Configuration Format
803 PAL-filformat Painter Custom Palettes Format
804 PANL-filformat CodeWarrior Preference Panel
805 PAPERS-filformat Corel Painter Paper Texture Format
806 PARM-filformat SAS Scalable Performance Data Server LIBNAME
807 PARTITIONS-filformat Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services Partitions Format
808 PBS-filformat Corel PaintShop Photo Pro Brush Stroke Presets
809 PBV-filformat Corel PaintShop Photo Pro Bevel Preset
810 PBZ-filformat Google Picasa Button Zip
811 PC3-filformat AutoCAD Plotter Configuration Format
812 PCN-filformat Corel PaintShop Photo Pro Contour Preset
813 PCTL-filformat Kaspersky Parental Control Settings Format
814 PDADJ-filformat Cyberlink PhotoDirector Preset Format
815 PDFS-filformat Adobe PDF Presets Format
816 PDF_PROFILE-filformat PagePlus PDF Profile Format
817 PDK-filformat PC Desktop Cleaner Configuration
818 PDLCP-filformat Cyberlink PhotoDirector Lens Profile Format
819 PERFMONCFG-filformat Performance Monitor Configuration Format
820 PERLCRITICRC-filformat PerlCritic Configuration Data Format
821 PF2-filformat Canon Picture Style Editor Picture Style
822 PFK-filformat XTreePro Programmable Function Keys
823 PHPEDITPROJECT-filformat Project From PHPEdit Solution
824 PHPEDITSOLUTION-filformat PHPEdit Project Solution
825 PIE-filformat GlovePIE Controller Script
826 PIO-filformat Pro Tools I/O Settings Format
827 PIP-filformat Office Personalized Settings Format
828 PIW-filformat PI ProcessBook Display Definition
829 PJUNOXL-filformat TAL-U-NO-LX Audio Preset
830 PKGDEF-filformat Microsoft Visual Studio Shell
831 PL4-filformat Micrografx Designer Graphic Palette
832 PLF-filformat InterVideo WinDVD Playlist Format
833 PLH-filformat Corel PaintShop Photo Pro Presets
834 PLIST-filformat Mac OS X Property List Format
835 PLSX-filformat Xtreamer Internet Radio Playlist
836 PLTCFG-filformat MicroStation Printer Driver Configuration
837 PLTN-filformat Appearance Manager Platinum
838 PMC-filformat Performance Monitor Counter Format
839 PMJ-filformat Pegasus Mail Configuration Format
840 PMK-filformat Pegasus Mail Keyboard Setting
841 PMP-filformat AutoCAD Plot Model Parameter Format
842 PMPD-filformat Panasonic Camcorder Extra
843 PMPPKG-filformat Pegasus Mail Preferences Package
844 PNCH-filformat RealPlayer For Mac Channel
845 PND-filformat Pegasus Mail Connection Information
846 PNP-filformat Pegasus Mail POP3 Server Side Filter Rule
847 PNST-filformat RealAudio Preferences
848 POLICY-filformat Java Policy
849 POP-filformat DBase Popup Menu Format
850 POPUPSKIN-filformat Miranda Pop-up Skin Settings
851 POW-filformat Microsoft Windows XP Power Schema
852 PPML-filformat Personalized Print Markup Language
853 PPTP-filformat PPTP Client Options Format
854 PPW-filformat Micrografx Picture Publisher Wizard
855 PPWS-filformat Enfocus PitStop Workspace Settings Format
856 PQZ-filformat QuaSZ Palette
857 PRA-filformat Windows Media 9 Plug-in Profile Format
858 PRB-filformat PSpice PROBE Configuration Format
859 PREF-filformat Preferences Format
860 PRESET-filformat Flare Graphic Effect Preset
861 PRF-filformat Preferences Or Profile Format
862 PRFL-filformat Netscale User Profile
863 PRFPSET-filformat Premiere Pro Effect Preset Format
864 PRM-filformat Parameter Format
865 PRODUCT-filformat Eclipse IDE Product Settings
866 PROF-filformat Profile
867 PROFILES-filformat Amaya Configuration
868 PROFIMAIL-filformat ProfiMail Settings Format
869 PROJECTPROPERTIES-filformat Alpha Five Project Properties
870 PROPDESC-filformat Property Description
871 PROPERTIES-filformat Java Properties Format
872 PROPERTIES-AUTO-filformat WOW! Properties Data Format
873 PROPERTIESJET-filformat Eclipse IDE Template
874 PROPS-filformat Visual Studio Project Property Format
875 PROVXML-filformat Microsoft Windows Mobile Settings
876 PROX-filformat POV-Ray DF3 Proximity Pattern Parameters Format
877 PROXY-filformat Proxy Configuration Format
878 PRSL-filformat Adobe Premiere Style Library
879 PRST-filformat Adobe InDesign Printer Presets Format
880 PRX-filformat Windows Media Profile Format
881 PS1XML-filformat Windows PowerShell Display Configuration Format
882 PSC1-filformat Windows PowerShell Console Format
883 PSF-filformat Photoshop Proof Settings Format
884 PSPCMYKPROFILE-filformat PaintShop Pro Profile
885 PSPWORKSPACE-filformat PaintShop Pro Workspace
886 PSRC-filformat Parasoft Insure++ Configuration Format
887 PSTPL-filformat Limesurvey Template Related
888 PSY-filformat The Psychedelic Screen Saver Settings Format
889 PTP-filformat ACT! Modem Sync
890 PUI-filformat Foobar2000 Panels UI Configuration
891 PVS-filformat Parallels Desktop Configuration Format
892 PVX-filformat ParaView Configuration XML
893 PWS-filformat Painter Workspace Format
894 PXA-filformat Pixia Color Painter Format
895 PXB-filformat Pixelmator Brush Format
896 PXG-filformat Pixelmator Gradient Format
897 PXP-filformat 3D Studio Max Process Format
898 PYT-filformat Python Declaration
899 Q2D-filformat Quick 3D Cover Design Format
900 QAG-filformat Norton Desktop Quick Access Group
901 QAT-filformat Microsoft Office Quick Access Toolbar Info
902 QBD-filformat Quicken Keyboard Layout
903 QBP-filformat QuickBooks Printer
904 QDR-filformat Q-Dir Configuration
905 QHC-filformat Qt Help Collection
906 QLR-filformat QGIS Layer Definition Format
907 QM4-filformat Qmail Options Or Services
908 QOP-filformat 3D Studio Max Options Data Format
909 QRC-filformat Qt Resource Collection Format
910 QSK-filformat Quintessential Player Skin
911 QSP-filformat QSetup Installation Suite
912 QSS-filformat Qt Style Sheet
913 QTF-filformat Qtracker Filter
914 QTP-filformat QuickTime Preferences Format
915 QTSK-filformat Qtracker PlayerWatch Skin Format
916 QTT-filformat Qtracker Application Theme Format
917 QVPP-filformat QlikView Extension Properties Page Format
918 QWC-filformat QuickBooks Web Connector Configuration Format
919 R1W-filformat Reflection Setting
920 R2LANG-filformat Rainlendar2 Language Data Format
921 R2SKIN-filformat Rainlendar2 Skin Format
922 R2W-filformat Reflection Settings
923 RASKINPLACE-filformat Raskin Place Layout Format
924 RAZERSYNAPSE-filformat Razer Synapse Settings Format
925 RBE-filformat RealView Development Suite Debugger Properties Format
926 RCOLOR-filformat Rhino 3D Color Format
927 RCT-filformat Visual Studio Resource Template
928 RDF-filformat Resource Description Framework Format
929 RDO-filformat Xerox Rawster Document Object Format
930 RDOC_OPTIONS-filformat RDoc Option Data Format
931 RDP-filformat Remote Desktop Configuration Format
932 RESMONCFG-filformat Resource Monitor Configuration Format
933 RESOURCECONFIG-filformat Visual Studio Resource Configuration
934 RFQ-filformat RoboForm SearchCard Format
935 RGD-filformat Rosegarden Device Definition
936 RLL-filformat Microsoft Resource Library
937 RLS-filformat RadLight Skin Format
938 RMSKIN-filformat Rainmeter Skin Format
939 RNX-filformat RealPlayer Settings Format
940 ROS-filformat Dynamite VSP Rail Object Style Format
941 RPB-filformat Radmin Phonebook Format
942 RPS-filformat 3ds Max Render Preset Settings
943 RPV-filformat RealPlayer Visualization
944 RRX-filformat IBM Datacap Define
945 RSU-filformat Reflection For IBM Updated Settings
946 RTK-filformat Adobe RoboHelp Configuration
947 RTS-filformat Resource Tuner Console Script Format
948 RTSX-filformat Royal TS Document Settings
949 RULESET-filformat Visual Studio Code Analysis Rule Set Format
950 RVP-filformat Microsoft Scan Configuration
951 RWF-filformat ReFrame Workspace Format
952 RWSTYLE-filformat RapidWeaver Style Format
953 RXML-filformat Roxen Macro Language
954 RXP-filformat Easy CD & DVD Creator 6 Playlist
955 S2ML-filformat StarCraft 2 Map Localization Format
956 S2QH-filformat StarCraft 2 Localization Header Format
957 S2QL-filformat StarCraft 2 Unit Localization Format
958 S8L-filformat SAP GUI
959 S8THEME-filformat Start8 Theme Format
960 SBE-filformat Spybot Excludes
961 SBV-filformat YouTube Captions Format
962 SC-filformat Framework II Display Driver
963 SCACFG-filformat SuperCard Application Configuration Format
964 SCHEME-filformat Sothink Logo Maker Color Scheme
965 SCONSCRIPT-filformat SCons SConscript Configuration
966 SCPCFG-filformat SuperCard Project Configuration Format
967 SCRATE-filformat Serato DJ Smart Crate Playlist Format
968 SCX-filformat ColoRIX Bitmap Image
969 SDDRAFT-filformat ArcGIS Service Definition Draft Format
970 SDLPROFILE-filformat TRADOS Exported User Settings
971 SECURITYSETTINGS-filformat Alpha Five Security Settings
972 SED-filformat IExpress Self Extraction Directive Format
973 SEESTYLE-filformat Coda Style Sheet Format
974 SEM-filformat Alpha Five Set Objects
975 SEQU-filformat Adobe Acrobat Sequence Format
976 SERVERDEF-filformat Server Definition
977 SERVERSTYLE-filformat ESRI ServerStyle
978 SET-filformat Settings Format
979 SETTINGCONTENT-MS-filformat Microsoft Windows 8.1 Configuration
980 SETTINGS-filformat Visual Studio Settings Format
981 SFO-filformat CuteFTP Search Format
982 SG-filformat SnapGraphix User
983 SGN-filformat Sierra Print Artist Sign Format
984 SGT-filformat Microsoft DirectMusic Producer Segments Format
985 SHADOW-filformat FontTwister Shadow
986 SHH-filformat Adobe Photoshop Shadow/Highlight Settings Format
987 SIF-filformat Windows Setup Information Format
988 SIZ-filformat Oracle 7 Configuration
989 SKI-filformat Motorola Phone Skin Format
990 SKIN-filformat ASP.NET Skin Format
991 SKN-filformat Symbian OS Skin Format
992 SKZ-filformat SuperKaramba Theme
993 SL-filformat Software License Format
994 SLDCLR-filformat SolidWorks Colour Palette
995 SLDREG-filformat SolidWorks Settings
996 SLT-filformat Mozilla User Profile Folder
997 SLZ-filformat Adobe RoboHelp Screen Layout
998 SMPRF-filformat System Mechanic Microsoft Windows Startup Profile
999 SMR-filformat Smedge2 Job Settings
1000 SMT-filformat Samsung Theme Format
1001 SNAGSTYLES-filformat SnagIt Style
1002 SNAGTHEME-filformat SnagIt Theme Format
1003 SNC-filformat ACT! E-mail/folder Synchronization
1004 SNX-filformat PISnoop Workspace Format
1005 SOL-filformat Flash Local Shared Object Format
1006 SOUNDSTUDIOPRESET-filformat Sound Studio Preset
1007 SPDESIGNCONFIG-filformat SharePoint Designer Configuration
1008 SPDESIGNSKIN-filformat SharePoint Designer Skin
1009 SPF-filformat SlingPlayer Favorites Format
1010 SPFX-filformat Squeeze Presets Format
1011 SPY-filformat SEO SpyGlass Project
1012 SRP-filformat Checkpoint Exported VPN Client Information
1013 SRS-filformat Outlook Send/Receive Settings Format
1014 SRU-filformat PowerBuilder User Object
1015 SRV-filformat FBB Initialization
1016 SSB-filformat SmartSync Pro Program Setting
1017 SSCS-filformat Saropa Smart Copy Script
1018 SSIS-filformat ProReveal Settings Format
1019 SSL-filformat Sunlight ScanLibrary Format
1020 SSL2-filformat Sunlight ScanLibrary 2 Format
1021 SSS-filformat WindowBlinds Substyle Format
1022 SSZ-filformat Spider Player Skin
1023 STARTUPINFO-filformat E-Prime 2.0 Startup Info Format
1024 STB-filformat AutoCAD Plot Style Table Format
1025 STE-filformat Dreamweaver Site Settings Format
1026 STFX-filformat SampleTank Settings
1027 STIP-filformat SampleTank Instrument Preset
1028 STORYISTTHEME-filformat Storyist Application Theme Format
1029 STRM-filformat Plex Media Server Settings
1030 STRUCT-filformat Microsoft XPS Document Structure
1031 STSKIN-filformat Steam Skin Format
1032 STYLE-filformat SketchUp Style
1033 STYLES-filformat Steam Client GUI Resource
1034 STYX-filformat Songtrix Style Format
1035 SUBLIME-BUILD-filformat Sublime Text Build
1036 SUBLIME-COMPLETIONS-filformat Sublime Text Completions
1037 SUBLIME-KEYMAP-filformat Sublime Text Keymap
1038 SUBLIME-MENU-filformat Sublime Text Menu
1039 SUBLIME-MOUSEMAP-filformat Subliem Text Mousemap
1040 SUBLIME-SESSION-filformat Sublime Text Session
1041 SUBLIME-SETTINGS-filformat Sublime Text Settings
1042 SUBLIME-SNIPPET-filformat Sublime Text Snippet Format
1043 SUBLIME-SYNTAX-filformat Sublime Text Syntax Definition Format Format
1044 SUBLIME-THEME-filformat Sublime Text Theme
1045 SUBSTVAR-filformat TIBCO Substitution Variable Data Format
1046 SUITE-filformat Stardock WinStyles Suite
1047 SURFPLACE-filformat Microsoft Money User Profile
1048 SVB-filformat STATISTICA Macro
1049 SVN-filformat Personal Paint Slovenian Language User Interface
1050 SVP-filformat Virtual DJ Visualization Effects
1051 SWIDTAG-filformat Software Identification Tag
1052 SXP-filformat RedHat Linux Configuration Format
1053 SYMLINK-filformat Symbolic Link Format
1054 SZ-filformat Winamp Classic Skin Download
1055 T4-filformat TerrAlign Alignment Configuration
1056 TABLECONTENT-filformat SMART Table Toolkit Activity Data Format
1057 TABULA-BUTTONS-filformat Tabula Button Library
1058 TABULA-DOCSTYLE-filformat Tabula Document Settings
1059 TAM-filformat Tame Program Settings
1060 TBE-filformat TMPGEnc List
1061 TBR-filformat SoftQuad XMetaL Configuration
1062 TD-filformat Borland Turbo Debugger For DOS Configuration Format
1063 TD2-filformat Borland Turbo Debugger For Win32 Configuration
1064 TERMINAL-filformat Terminal Settings Format
1065 TEXTEXPANDERSETTINGS-filformat TextExpander Settings Format
1066 TEXTMATE_INIT-filformat Unix Shell Script (bash)
1067 TGB-filformat IPSec VPN Client VPN Configuration
1068 THE-filformat Microsoft Plus! Theme Format
1069 THEM-filformat Microsoft Windows Desktop Theme
1070 THEMEPACK-filformat Windows 7 Theme Pack
1071 THME-filformat Microsoft Theme Format
1072 THMX-filformat Office 2007 Theme Format
1073 TI0-filformat Tabula Binary Settings And Initialization
1074 TI1-filformat Tabula Binary Settings And Initialization
1075 TI2-filformat Tabula Binary Settings And Initialization
1076 TINF-filformat Microsoft Theme Info
1077 TIS-filformat TruKnox Captured Device Settings Format
1078 TLL-filformat LG TV Link-Loader Format
1079 TLO-filformat SPSS TableLooks Format
1080 TMPREFERENCES-filformat TextMate Preference
1081 TMTHEME-filformat TextMate Theme Format
1082 TPARK-filformat ThemePark Project Format
1083 TPM-filformat TextPad Macro Format
1084 TPX-filformat Photo Express Template Format
1085 TR2-filformat Borland Turbo Debugger Session-state Settings
1086 TREEDB-filformat TreeDBNotes Note Format
1087 TSI-filformat Traktor Settings Format
1088 TSK-filformat Pocket PC Skin
1089 TSW-filformat NI TestStand Workspace
1090 TSZ-filformat Trillian Skin Format
1091 TTS-filformat ToolBook Translation System Format
1092 TUI-filformat NI LabWindows User Interface
1093 TV-filformat Corel Paradox Table View Settings
1094 TVF-filformat DBASE Table View Settings
1095 TVIXIE-filformat TViXiE Effects
1096 TWC-filformat TTWin Configuration Format
1097 TWS-filformat TextPad Workspace
1098 TWW-filformat Tagwrite Template
1099 TXP-filformat Tweaking Toolbox XP Import/export Setting
1100 TXR-filformat CorelDraw Custom
1101 TYPEIT4ME-filformat TypeIt4Me Clippings Format
1102 TZI-filformat Microsoft Windows CE Time Zone Information
1103 UAE-filformat WinUAE Configuration
1104 UAV-filformat OpenPilot UAV Settings
1105 UBR-filformat IIS WCAT Configuration
1106 UCP-filformat SmartWare Communications Profile
1107 UCSETTINGS-filformat Universal Converter Settings
1108 UCT-filformat UC Browser Theme Format
1109 UDCX-filformat Universal Data Connection Format
1110 UEC-filformat UltraEdit Settings Format
1111 UEM-filformat LDC Region Data Format
1112 UEW-filformat UltraEdit Wordfile
1113 UIN-filformat ICQ 2001 Saved ICQ Contact Information
1114 UIS-filformat WindowBlinds User Interface Specification
1115 UL-filformat Windows Updates Downloader Update List Format
1116 UMPROFILE-filformat UltraMon Display Profile Format
1117 UNS-filformat Visual Navigation Suite Export Or Import Settings
1118 UNUSED-filformat Photoline 4 Defaults
1119 UPP-filformat Ghostscript Uniprint Unified Printer Parameter
1120 URF-filformat AppFace Skin
1121 URS-filformat ControlDraw User Requirement Specifier
1122 USC-filformat USC Module Definition
1123 USER-filformat Visual Studio Project User Options Format
1124 USERPROFILE-filformat Norton Antivirus User Profile Format
1125 USERSETTINGS-filformat User Settings Format
1126 UST-filformat WiFi SiStr Exported User Theme Format
1127 UTI-filformat Spybot - Search & Destroy Includes
1128 UTS-filformat Spybot - Search & Destroy Include
1129 UTZ-filformat UIQ Theme Package
1130 UUS-filformat Ultra Utility Skin
1131 UVKSR-filformat Ultra Virus Killer System Repair Settings Format
1132 UVOPT-filformat µVision Project Options Format
1133 UVOPTX-filformat µVision Configuration Format
1134 UVW-filformat 3D Studio MAX UVW Coordinates
1135 VBOX-filformat Oracle VM VirtualBox Settings Format
1136 VBX6SETTINGS-filformat VirusBarrier X6 Settings Format
1137 VCPREF-filformat Norton Antivirus Preferences Format
1138 VCPROPS-filformat Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Property Sheet
1139 VCW-filformat EMbedded Visual C++ Workspace Format
1140 VDIC-filformat Password Recovery Dictionary
1141 VE2-filformat Cyberlink PowerDVD Settings
1142 VEGASWINDOWLAYOUT-filformat Sony Vegas Window Layout Format
1143 VGP-filformat Vectir Profile Group
1144 VIM-filformat Vim Settings Format
1145 VIMRC-filformat Vim Runtime Configuration Format
1146 VIN-filformat AWR Project Settings
1147 VKM-filformat VICE Keyboard Setting
1148 VLT-filformat VLC Media Player Skin Format
1149 VMAC-filformat VMware Configuration Format
1150 VMBA-filformat VMware Configuration Format
1151 VMC-filformat Windows Virtual Machine Configuration Format
1152 VMCX-filformat Virtual Machine Shell Information Format
1153 VMOPTIONS-filformat Install4j VM Parameters
1154 VMPL-filformat VMware Policy Format
1155 VMTM-filformat VMware Team Data Format
1156 VMX-filformat VMware Configuration Format
1157 VMXF-filformat VMware Team Member Format
1158 VNC-filformat VNC Configuration Format
1159 VNI-filformat Dell Webcam Central Application Configuration Format
1160 VOL-filformat Volume Format
1161 VOR-filformat Or StarOffice Template Format
1162 VPH-filformat VirtualPhotographer Custom Settings
1163 VPN-filformat WinGate VPN Configuration
1164 VPR-filformat Adobe Premiere Preset
1165 VPS-filformat Virtual CD Copy Template
1166 VQC-filformat Virtual CD Quick Copy Format
1167 VRE-filformat ASG Remote Desktop Settings
1168 VRP-filformat Vectir Profile Template
1169 VSC-filformat McAffee VirusScan Configuration
1170 VSCT-filformat Microsoft Visual Studio Command Table Configuration
1171 VSIXLANGPACK-filformat Microsoft Visual Studio Localised VSIX Package
1172 VSK-filformat PocketMusic Skin
1173 VSPC-filformat 3D-Album Settings
1174 VSPOLICYDEF-filformat Visual Studio Policy
1175 VSPROPS-filformat Visual Studio Project Property Format
1176 VSSETTINGS-filformat Visual Studio Settings Format
1177 VSTDIR-filformat Microsoft Visual Studio Project Type Settings
1178 VSTPRESET-filformat Cubase Preset
1179 VSU-filformat Visio Custom User Interface
1180 VSW-filformat Visio Workspace Format
1181 VTG-filformat SlickEdit Workspace
1182 VV-filformat Virt Viewer Configuration Format
1183 VVI-filformat VisView INI Data Format
1184 VWP-filformat BrainVoyager QX Visualization Setting
1185 WACOMXS-filformat Wacom Expert Settings Format
1186 WADCFG-filformat Windows Azure Diagnostics Configuration Format
1187 WAL-filformat Winamp 3 Skin Format
1188 WB4-filformat WindowBlinds Default Skin
1189 WBX-filformat Webshots
1190 WC-filformat Total Commander Format Tree Info
1191 WCPL-filformat Webcopier Project Settings
1192 WCP_SETTINGS-filformat Alpha Five Web Project Settings Format
1193 WCZ-filformat Chameleon Clock Wallpaper Format
1194 WEBALLOWBLOCKLIST-filformat Windows Vista Parental Control Settings
1195 WEBSETTINGS-filformat JEE2 Web Project Settings
1196 WFC-filformat Windows Wireless Network Settings Format
1197 WFW-filformat Windows Firewall Policy Export
1198 WHZ-filformat WinUAEX Zipped WHDLoad Settings Format
1199 WIMP-filformat Microsoft Windows Icon Palette
1200 WINDSPROSKIN-filformat WinDS Skin Format
1201 WLVS-filformat Movie Maker Profile Format
1202 WME-filformat Microsoft Windows Media Encoder Session Profile
1203 WMS-filformat Windows Media Skin
1204 WMZ-filformat Compressed Windows Media Player Skin
1205 WORK-filformat Bibble Work Queue Format
1206 WOS-filformat Words Of Worship Output Settings
1207 WPJ-filformat Microsoft Works Wizard
1208 WPSS-filformat IBM WebSphere Server Settings Format
1209 WPX-filformat Adobe Printer Description For Postscript Printing Format
1210 WPZ-filformat WinAmp SkinZip
1211 WSA-filformat Corel PaintShop Photo Pro Animation Shop Workspace
1212 WSET-filformat Microsoft Word For Mac Settings
1213 WSK-filformat Whisset Media Player Skin
1214 WSSTYLES-filformat Microsoft Windows Vista Sidebar Style
1215 WST-filformat NextSTART Theme
1216 WSW-filformat WorkShelf Theme
1217 WTI-filformat WebTranslateIt Configuration
1218 WVXML-filformat AudioPlayer XML Playlist
1219 WWB-filformat Corel WordPerfect Button Bar
1220 WWK-filformat Corel WordPerfect Keyboard Layout
1221 WWP-filformat Microsoft Works Wizards
1222 WYP-filformat WyBuild Definitions
1223 WYS-filformat WyBuild Server
1224 WZCONFIG-filformat WinZip Configuration Format
1225 WZTHEME-filformat WinZip Theme Format
1226 X4K-filformat XML4King Configuration Format
1227 XCCONFIG-filformat Apple Xcode Configuration Settings
1228 XCH-filformat LinkAssistant Project Settings
1229 XCI-filformat Adobe Reader Font Mapping
1230 XCSCHEME-filformat Apple Xcode Scheme
1231 XCU-filformat Configuration Format
1232 XDFL-filformat XDFL Configuration
1233 XDOCLET-filformat JBoss XDoclet Reference
1234 XDR-filformat XML-Data Reduced Format
1235 XEP-filformat EManager Format Packaging Information
1236 XES-filformat EManager Skins Definition
1237 XET-filformat EManager Process Definition
1238 XEV-filformat EManager Auto-Update Format
1239 XFP-filformat Microsoft SharePoint Extending Form Library Properties
1240 XFSF-filformat BestSync Settings Format
1241 XGLL-filformat EASE SpeakerLab Text
1242 XGS-filformat XACT Global Settings Format
1243 XID-filformat Visual Localize XML Import Definition Format
1244 XILINC-filformat Xilize Defintion
1245 XILIZE-filformat Xilize Configuration
1246 XIP-filformat Xbox Dashboard
1247 XLAUNCH-filformat Xlaunch Settings Format
1248 XLB-filformat Excel Toolbars Format
1249 XLB4-filformat Microsoft Excel 4 For Mac Toolbars
1250 XLB5-filformat Microsoft Excel 5 For Mac Toolbars
1251 XLB8-filformat Microsoft Excel 98 For Mac Toolbars
1252 XLBN-filformat Microsoft Excel 1 For Mac Toolbars
1253 XLPF-filformat Microsoft Excel For Mac Setting
1254 XMBCS-filformat X-Mouse Exported Profile Format
1255 XMC-filformat Lingoes Configuration
1256 XMPSKIN-filformat XMPlay Skin
1257 XNOTE-filformat XNote For Thunderbird Preferences Format
1258 XOJO_BINARY_MENU-filformat Xojo Binary Menu
1259 XOJO_BINARY_WINDOW-filformat Xojo Binary Window
1260 XOJO_MENU-filformat Xojo Menu
1261 XOJO_WINDOW-filformat Xojo Window
1262 XOJO_XML_MENU-filformat Xojo XML Menu
1263 XOJO_XML_WINDOW-filformat Xojo XML Window
1264 XPADDERCONTROLLER-filformat Xpadder Controller Profile
1265 XPADDERPROFILE-filformat Xpadder Settings
1266 XPL2-filformat TerraExplorerPro LOD Parameter
1267 XRX-filformat Expression Encoder Media Profile Settings
1268 XST-filformat Microsoft Outlook Personal Folders Format
1269 XTD-filformat XML Type Definition
1270 XTERME-filformat Winstep Extreme Theme
1271 XTP-filformat AutoCAD Exported Tool Palettes Format
1272 XTREME-filformat Winstep Xtreme Theme Pack
1273 XUI-filformat Xbox 360 User Interface Format
1274 XUR-filformat Xbox 360 Binary User Interface Format
1275 XVM-filformat VMware Console Configuration Format
1276 XWEB4CONFIG-filformat Microsoft Expression Web Format
1277 XWK-filformat Crosstalk Communicator Keyboard Mapping Format
1278 XXE_GUI-filformat XMLmind XML Editor Settings Format
1279 YBC-filformat SUSE Linux Enterprise Server Display Settings
1280 YCP-filformat SUSE Linux Enterprise Server Display Settings
1281 YEL-filformat Yellow Color Separation
1282 YPF-filformat YahELite Configuration
1283 YT-filformat Yt Project Configuration Format
1284 ZAP-filformat Zero Administration Package Format
1285 ZC-filformat Zipkey Configuration
1286 ZCFG-filformat Zoom Search Engine Configuration
1287 ZDTC-filformat Adobe After Effects Language Settings
1288 ZKN-filformat Adobe RoboHelp Skin Definition Format
1289 ZON-filformat OmniPage Zone Template Format
1290 ZPI-filformat PDF Converter Index Format
1291 ZPRF-filformat ZipIt Preference
1292 ZSC-filformat Zend Studio Server Settings
1293 ZSK-filformat Zoner Media Explorer Skin
1294 ZTM-filformat ZTreeWin Macro
1295 ZUP-filformat Microsoft Business Solutions Navision Configuration
1296 ZVT-filformat Photoshop Zoomify Preset Format
1297 ZZB-filformat FutureSoft MultiView Configurable Toolbar
1298 ZZC-filformat FutureSoft MultiView Connection Details
1299 ZZD-filformat FutureSoft MultiView Wizard Defaults
1300 ZZE-filformat FutureSoft MultiView Emulation Details
1301 ZZF-filformat FutureSoft MultiView Format Transfer Configuration
1302 ZZK-filformat FutureSoft MultiView Keyboard Mapping
1303 ZZP-filformat FutureSoft MultiView Configurable Pop-up Menu
1304 ZZT-filformat FutureSoft MultiView Terminal Configuration
1305 _PLAYMUSICID-filformat Android Google Play Music Id
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