Sortert i alfabetisk rekkefølge: V

#FilformatFilens fulle navn
1 V-filformat Verilog Source Code Format
2 V01-filformat Genesis 2000 Data Format
3 V03-filformat Axialis Thumbnail Cache
4 V11O-filformat ACDSee Offline Media
5 V11P-filformat ACDSee Photo Disc
6 V11PF-filformat ACDSee Private Folder
7 V12-filformat All The Right Type Database Format
8 V16-filformat BrainVoyager QX High-resolution 3D Anatomical
9 V2-filformat Microsoft Live Messenger Data
10 V264-filformat TENVIS IP Camera Recorded Video Format
11 V2A-filformat TI Connect Data Format
12 V2C-filformat WellSight Systems HASP SRM License Information
13 V2D-filformat VersaCAD
14 V2E-filformat TI Connect Data Format
15 V2F-filformat TI Voyage 200 Function Format
16 V2G-filformat TI Voyage 200 Group Data Format
17 V2I-filformat Norton Ghost Virtual Volume Image
18 V2K-filformat TI Connect Data Format
19 V2M-filformat TI Connect Format
20 V2N-filformat TI Connect Data Format
21 V2P-filformat TI Connect Data Format
22 V2S-filformat TI Voyage 200 String Format
23 V2T-filformat Voyage200 Text Format
24 V2X-filformat TI Connect Data Format
25 V2Y-filformat Texas Instruments TI Voyage 200 Program Format
26 V2Z-filformat TI Connect Data Format
27 V30-filformat QuickBooks V 3.0 Backup
28 V3D-filformat ViaCAD 3D Drawing Format
29 V3M-filformat Vector Art 3D Machinist Format
30 V3O-filformat Emergency 3 And 4 Model Format
31 V3S-filformat Visual3D Pipeline
32 V3V-filformat Vector Art 3D Model
33 V4E-filformat Microsoft Windows Script Host
34 V4S-filformat Microsoft Windows Script Host
35 V4W-filformat Microsoft WordPad MFC Data Format
36 V60PO-filformat ACDSee Pro Format
37 V60PP-filformat ACDSee Pro Data Format
38 V60PPF-filformat ACDSee Data Format
39 V64-filformat Nintendo 64 ROM Dump
40 V7O-filformat ACDSee Photo Manager Data Format
41 V7P-filformat ACDSee Photo Manager Data Format
42 V8-filformat Covox 8-bit Audio
43 V80UO-filformat ACDSee Photo Manager Data Format
44 V80UP-filformat ACDSee Photo Manager Disc Format
45 V80UPF-filformat ACDSee Photo Manager Private Folder Format
46 V8O-filformat ACDSee Offline Media Format
47 V8P-filformat ACDSee Photo Manager Data Format
48 VAB-filformat Sony Playstation/PS2 Bank
49 VAC-filformat IMail Server Vacation Message Format
50 VAF-filformat Microsoft Visual Studio Common Tools Analyzer Server Project Item
51 VAG-filformat PlayStation Compressed Sound Format
52 VAI-filformat PhotoDub Album Voice And Image
53 VAL-filformat Corel Paradox Validity Check Format
54 VALA-filformat Vala Source Code Format
55 VAM-filformat MS Visual Studio Common Tools Vanalyzer Project Item
56 VAP-filformat Dialogic Indexed Voice Audio Format
57 VAPORCD-filformat UltraISO Format
58 VAPPLAUNCHER-filformat System Center Configuration Manager Format
59 VAR-filformat Variable Data
60 VAS-filformat XWE Data Format
61 VAULT-filformat Fontcase Vault Format
62 VB-filformat VBScript Format
63 VBA-filformat Visual Basic VBA Module
64 VBADOC-filformat Project Analyzer Data Format
65 VBAK-filformat Autodesk Vault Backup Data Format
66 VBB-filformat VirtualBoss Backup
67 VBC-filformat Visual Business Cards
68 VBD-filformat Visual Basic ActiveX Document
69 VBDPROJ-filformat Visual Basic .NET Device Project
70 VBE-filformat VBScript Encoded Script Format
71 VBEE-filformat EmEditor Data Format
72 VBF-filformat VersaCheck Backup Format
73 VBG-filformat Visual Basic Project Group Format
74 VBHTML-filformat ASP.NET Razor Web Page
75 VBI-filformat IntelliCAD VBA Script
76 VBK-filformat VitalSource EBook
77 VBL-filformat Visual Basic User Control Licensing
78 VBM-filformat Veeam Backup Metadata Format
79 VBN-filformat Symantec AntiVirus Quarantined
80 VBO-filformat Microsoft Access Package Deployment References
81 VBOX-filformat Oracle VM VirtualBox Settings Format
82 VBOX-EXTPACK-filformat Oracle VM VirtualBox Extension Pack
83 VBOX-PREV-filformat Oracle VM VirtualBox Settings Backup Format
84 VBOXSAVE-filformat SecurityBox Encrypted Data Backup Format
85 VBP-filformat Visual Basic Project Format
86 VBPF1-filformat Virtual Business - Personal Finance Data Format
87 VBPROJ-filformat Visual Studio Visual Basic Project
88 VBR-filformat GIMP Parametric Brush Format
89 VBS-filformat VBScript Format
90 VBSCRIPT-filformat Visual Basic Script
91 VBT-filformat Spyware Doctor Temporary Scan Format
92 VBTLOG-filformat VBTheory Calculator
93 VBW-filformat Visual Basic Workspace Format
94 VBX-filformat Visual Basic Custom Control
95 VBX6SETTINGS-filformat VirusBarrier X6 Settings Format
96 VBZ-filformat Visual Basic Project Template
97 VC-filformat Verge Code Format
98 VC1-filformat VC-1 Video Format
99 VC15-filformat Microsoft Visual C 1.5 Make
100 VC2-filformat Microsoft Visual C
101 VC3-filformat VSampler Soundbank Format
102 VC4-filformat Virtual CD Disc Image
103 VC5-filformat Microsoft Visual C Make
104 VC6-filformat Virtual CD 6 CD Image
105 VC7-filformat Microsoft Visual C Makefile
106 VC8-filformat Virtual CD 8 Disc Image
107 VCA-filformat Visual Clip Art Data Format
108 VCAGC-filformat Citrix XenApp Data Format
109 VCAL-filformat Apple ICal Document
110 VCARD-filformat VCard
111 VCB-filformat VMware Consolidated Backup
112 VCC-filformat VersaCheck
113 VCD-filformat Virtual CD
114 VCE-filformat Adobe Audition (Cool Edit) NMS Format
115 VCF-filformat VCard Format
116 VCG-filformat Microsoft SharePoint WorkSpace Groove VCard Contact
117 VCH-filformat Master Genealogist Genealogy Chart
118 VCI-filformat VPHybridCAD Native Drawing Format
119 VCISO-filformat Pathea Planet Explorers ISO
120 VCL-filformat Roxio Video CD Layout Format
121 VCLIP-filformat VinylMaster Clipart
122 VCM-filformat Vice City Mod Manager Format
123 VCN-filformat NCDrive Vacon NX System Software
124 VCO-filformat Virtual CD Collection Format
125 VCP-filformat EMbedded Visual C++ Project Format
126 VCPF-filformat VideoConvert Project Format
127 VCPREF-filformat Norton Antivirus Preferences Format
128 VCPRJ-filformat ConvertXtoVideo Project Format
129 VCPROJ-filformat Visual C++ Project Format
130 VCPROPS-filformat Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Property Sheet
131 VCR-filformat ATI Video Card Recording
132 VCRD-filformat Windows Vault Credentials Format
133 VCS-filformat VCalendar Event Format
134 VCT-filformat Visual Class Library Memo
135 VCV-filformat ViewCave Video Format
136 VCW-filformat EMbedded Visual C++ Workspace Format
137 VCWIN32-filformat Visual C Make
138 VCX-filformat Virtual Disc Definition Format
139 VCXITEMS-filformat Microsoft Visual Studio Project Items Format
140 VCXPROJ-filformat Visual C++ Project
141 VCZ-filformat Pictures By PC Drawing
142 VD-filformat PwrDev Visual Designer Project
143 VDA-filformat Targa Bitmap Image Format
144 VDAFS-filformat CAD VDA-FS Data Exchange Format Format
145 VDAT-filformat SkyGazer Data
146 VDATA-filformat Vaulty Vault Format
147 VDB-filformat Symantec Virus Database Format
148 VDB3-filformat VistaDB Database
149 VDC-filformat IDRISI Vector Documentation Format
150 VDCL-filformat VectorDraw Compressed Drawing
151 VDDPROJ-filformat Microsoft Visual Studio Deployment Project
152 VDF-filformat AntiVir Virus Definition
153 VDI-filformat VirtualBox Virtual Disk Image
154 VDIC-filformat Password Recovery Dictionary
155 VDJ-filformat VirtualDJ Audio Sample Format
156 VDJCACHE-filformat VirtualDJ Cache Format
157 VDJSAMPLE-filformat VirtualDJ Audio Sample Format
158 VDJSEND-filformat VirtualDJ Send Format
159 VDK-filformat Ragnarok 2 Game
160 VDM-filformat VDM Specification Format
161 VDML-filformat VectorDraw Drawing
162 VDO-filformat VDOLive Media Format
163 VDOC-filformat Superior SQL Builder Project
164 VDP-filformat Visual Studio Deployment Project
165 VDPLUGIN-filformat VirtualDub Plugin
166 VDPROJ-filformat Visual Studio Setup And Deployment Project
167 VDR-filformat VirtualDub Signpost Format
168 VDT-filformat Viral Document Toolkit
169 VDW-filformat Visio Web Drawing
170 VDX-filformat Visio Drawing XML Format
171 VDZ-filformat Schneider Vijeo Designer Project
172 VE-filformat Vinyl Express LXi Design Format
173 VE2-filformat Cyberlink PowerDVD Settings
174 VEC-filformat DaVis Graphic Format
175 VECT-filformat Geomview OOGL Objects Vect
176 VED-filformat Visionaire Studio Data Format
177 VEE-filformat HP VEE Project
178 VEF-filformat Infinite Game Engine Visual Effects
179 VEG-filformat Vegas Video Project
180 VEGASWINDOWLAYOUT-filformat Sony Vegas Window Layout Format
181 VEH-filformat Fly! Vehicle Description
182 VEL-filformat NEPLAN Network Differences
183 VELF-filformat Sony PS Vita ELF Binary Format
184 VELLUM-filformat Vellum E-book Project Format
185 VEM-filformat Virtual Expander Compressed Format
186 VEP-filformat AVS Video Editor Project Format
187 VEP4-filformat AVS Video Editor Project
188 VER-filformat Version Record
189 VERIFY-filformat Doom Game Data Format
190 VERS-filformat Version Description Data Format
191 VERSION-filformat Linux Gated Daemon
192 VERT-filformat QT Shader
193 VES-filformat C Visual Explorer Saved State
194 VET-filformat VET Antivirus System
195 VEW-filformat Novell GroupWise E-mail View
196 VEXE-filformat Virus Executable Format
197 VEXPORTER-filformat Stronghold 3 Editor
198 VF-filformat Vegas Movie Studio Project Format
199 VF3-filformat Vaultlet Suite Encrypted
200 VFA-filformat FontLab Database
201 VFB-filformat FontLab Studio Font Format
202 VFC-filformat VentaFax Cover Page Format
203 VFD-filformat Virtual Floppy Disk
204 VFE-filformat Left 4 Dead
205 VFF-filformat Sun TAAC Graphic Format
206 VFI-filformat Metro 2033 Game
207 VFJ-filformat Personal Backup Data Format
208 VFK-filformat Czech Cadastral Exchange Data Format Format
209 VFL-filformat PrintMaster Gold ClipArt
210 VFM-filformat Ventura Publisher Font Metrics
211 VFN-filformat Stronghold 3 Data
212 VFO-filformat VOB 5 Video
213 VFONT-filformat Valve Source Font Format
214 VFP-filformat TMPGEnc VFAPI Extension
215 VFPROJ-filformat Visual Studio Intel Fortran Project Format
216 VFR-filformat UEFI VFR Code Format
217 VFS-filformat UFO Game Archive Format
218 VFS0-filformat Metro 2033 Sound Format
219 VFS1-filformat Metro 2033 Game
220 VFS4-filformat NUVICO EasyNet Backup Format
221 VFT-filformat VideoStudio Filter Format
222 VFW-filformat Video For Windows
223 VFX-filformat Animation Master Volumetric Effect Extension
224 VFZ-filformat Creative Webcam Video Effects Format
225 VG2-filformat Media Player Classic Video Data Format
226 VGA-filformat VGA Display Driver
227 VGC-filformat ViziGen Code Generation Template
228 VGD-filformat Generic CADD VGA Driver
229 VGF-filformat GEMPAK VGF Data Format
230 VGHD-filformat VirtuaGirlHD Model Videoclip
231 VGI-filformat Vista Game Explorer Editor Game Format
232 VGL-filformat VGStudio Project
233 VGM-filformat Video Game Music Format
234 VGM7Z-filformat XWE Data Format
235 VGP-filformat Vectir Profile Group
236 VGR-filformat Ventura Publisher Bitmap
237 VGT-filformat Driver 3 VGT Game Data Format
238 VGZ-filformat DigitalVDO Compressed Video Format
239 VH-filformat WinHelp VH
240 VHB-filformat Renee Becca Backup Archive Format
241 VHD-filformat Virtual PC Virtual Hard Disk
242 VHDDAT-filformat VirtuaGirl HD Model Package Data
243 VHDDLD-filformat VirtuaGirl HD
244 VHDINF-filformat VirtuaGirl HD Model Package Installation
245 VHDL-filformat Quartus II VHDL Design
246 VHDPMEM-filformat Hyper-V Persistent Memory Device Image Format
247 VHDSHOWS-filformat VirtuaGirl HD Video Show
248 VHDTRAILERS-filformat VirtuaGirlHD Video Trailer
249 VHDX-filformat Windows 8 Virtual Hard Drive Format
250 VHM-filformat HotMux Thermocouple Data Log
251 VHO-filformat Xilinx Instantiation Template Format
252 VHV-filformat Valve Source Lighting Format
253 VI-filformat LabVIEW Virtual Instrument Format
254 VI1-filformat Kaspersky Anti-Virus
255 VI2-filformat Kaspersky Anti-Virus
256 VIA-filformat ARM Compiler Data Format
257 VIB-filformat Chemsoft Export/Import MSDS Data
258 VIC-filformat VICAR Image
259 VICAR-filformat VICAR Graphics
260 VID-filformat Generic Video Format
261 VIDEO-filformat ATube Catcher Video Format
262 VIDEO_LAST_THUMB-filformat Google Android Thumbnail Data Format
263 VIEW-filformat GOM Atos Scanner
264 VIEWLET-filformat Qarbon Viewlet
265 VIF-filformat Khoros Visualization Bitmap Image
266 VIFF-filformat Visualization Image Format Format
267 VIH-filformat Video Metadata
268 VIIVO-filformat Viivo Encrypted Data Format
269 VIK-filformat Viking
270 VIM-filformat Vim Settings Format
271 VIMRC-filformat Vim Runtime Configuration Format
272 VIN-filformat AWR Project Settings
273 VIP-filformat Stitch Pattern Format
274 VIP3-filformat Husqvarna Viking Stitch Format Format Format
275 VIR-filformat Virus-Infected Format
276 VIRTUALVILLAGERS4THETREEOFLIFESAVEDGAME-filformat Virtual Villagers Saved Game Format
277 VIS-filformat Visual Importer Script
278 VISMAT-filformat Rhino V-Ray Material
279 VISUAL-filformat World Of Tanks 3D Model Surface Format
280 VISUAL_PROCESSED-filformat World Of Tanks 3D Model Surface Format
281 VIT-filformat VITec Scanner Raster Format
282 VIV-filformat RealNetworks VivoActive ActiveX Control Format
283 VIVO-filformat VivoActive Video Format
284 VIW-filformat Microsoft SQL Server View Script
285 VIX-filformat ACUCOBOL-GT Index
286 VJB-filformat Visustin Job
287 VJP-filformat Microsoft Visual J++ Project Format
288 VJSPROJ-filformat Microsoft Visual J# Project
289 VJSPROJDATA-filformat Visual J# Format
290 VKDJ-filformat Vkontakte.DJ Playlist
291 VKF-filformat Videonizer Activation Key
292 VKM-filformat VICE Keyboard Setting
293 VKP-filformat Sony Ericsson Firmware Patch
294 VKS-filformat VMware Workstation Data Format
295 VL-filformat Visual Labels Project
296 VL2-filformat Tribes 2 Game
297 VLAB-filformat VisionLab Studio Project Format
298 VLB-filformat Corel Ventura Library
299 VLC-filformat VLC Playlist
300 VLCL-filformat VMware Localization Format
301 VLD-filformat DataFlex Variable Length Datafile
302 VLE-filformat Virtual Labs Electricity Circuit Format
303 VLG-filformat VentaFax Logbook Format
304 VLL-filformat Virtual Light Lab Show
305 VLM-filformat Novell Netware Virtual Loadable Module
306 VLMC-filformat VLMC Project
307 VLOGO-filformat VinylMaster Logo
308 VLP-filformat LiveSite Project
309 VLR-filformat Visual Liturgy Lectionary Plan
310 VLS-filformat Visual Localize Script
311 VLT-filformat VLC Media Player Skin Format
312 VLW-filformat Processing Font Format
313 VLX-filformat Compiled AutoLISP Format
314 VLZ-filformat PTV Vissim Compiled Delay Data Format
315 VM-filformat Velocity Template
316 VM1-filformat Panasonic Voice
317 VMAC-filformat VMware Configuration Format
318 VMAP-filformat ManGoS
319 VMB-filformat Quicken 2002 Order
320 VMBA-filformat VMware Configuration Format
321 VMBX-filformat HP TRIM Outlook Saved Message
322 VMC-filformat Windows Virtual Machine Configuration Format
323 VMCX-filformat Virtual Machine Shell Information Format
324 VMCZ-filformat Hyper-V Imported Virtual Machine Format
325 VMD-filformat Covox Raw Sample
326 VMDF-filformat MyWinLocker Encrypted Virtual Drive
327 VMDK-filformat Virtual Machine Disk Format
328 VMDK-CONVERTTMP-filformat VMWare Fusion Temporary Format
329 VME-filformat Virtual Matrix Encryption
330 VMEM-filformat VMware Virtual Machines Paging
331 VMENU-filformat VCD Menu Lite Data Format
332 VMF-filformat Valve Map Format
333 VMF_AUTOSAVE-filformat Valve Hammer Editor Autosave Format
334 VMG-filformat Nokia Text Message
335 VMHF-filformat VMware Hot Fix Format
336 VMHR-filformat VMware Hot Fix Request Format
337 VML-filformat Vector Markup Language Format
338 VMLF-filformat AVI Movie Format
339 VMLOG-filformat VMware Replay Recording
340 VMLT-filformat VMLF Related Data Format
341 VMM-filformat Visual Mind Document
342 VMO-filformat Siemens Voice Memo Format
343 VMOAPP-filformat VMware VCenter Orchestrator Application
344 VMOD-filformat Vassal Module
345 VMOPTIONS-filformat Install4j VM Parameters
346 VMP-filformat VinylMaster Pro
347 VMPL-filformat VMware Policy Format
348 VMR-filformat BrainVoyager QX Anatomical 3D Data Set
349 VMRS-filformat Hyper-V Virtual Machine Runtime State Data Format
350 VMSD-filformat VMware Snapshot Metadata Format
351 VMSG-filformat VMware Application Message Format
352 VMSN-filformat VMware Snapshot State Format
353 VMSS-filformat VMware Suspended State Format
354 VMT-filformat Valve Material Format
355 VMTM-filformat VMware Team Data Format
356 VMTR-filformat Doom Game Data Format
357 VMV-filformat VirtuaNES Recording
358 VMWAREVM-filformat VMware Fusion Virtual Machine
359 VMX-filformat VMware Configuration Format
360 VMXA-filformat VMware ACE Master Configuration
361 VMXF-filformat VMware Team Member Format
362 VMZ-filformat Novapoint Protected Virtual Map Format
363 VNA-filformat Video Capture Album Format
364 VNC-filformat VNC Configuration Format
365 VNCLOC-filformat Screen Sharing VNC Internet Location
366 VND-filformat Type3 Design Format
367 VNF-filformat Vision Numeric Font
368 VNI-filformat Dell Webcam Central Application Configuration Format
369 VNS-filformat Visual Net Server
370 VNSCENE-filformat EdgeFX Scene Format
371 VNT-filformat Mobile Phone VNote Format
372 VNU-filformat CoffeeCup Visual Site Designer Project
373 VNW-filformat Renamed RAR
374 VO2-filformat Celestial Impact Map
375 VOB-filformat DVD Video Object Format
376 VOC-filformat Creative Labs Audio Format
377 VOCA-filformat Julius Vocabulary
378 VOD-filformat WorldGroup Manager Video On Demand Movie Format
379 VOI-filformat VOI Group Format
380 VOK-filformat PocketVok Vocabulary Format
381 VOL-filformat Volume Format
382 VOL1EGG-filformat Split Multi-volume ALZip EGG Compressed Format Archive (part 1)
383 VOL10EGG-filformat Split Multi-volume ALZip EGG Compressed Format Archive (part 10)
384 VOL2EGG-filformat Split Multi-volume ALZip EGG Compressed Format Archive (part 2)
385 VOL3EGG-filformat Split Multi-volume ALZip EGG Compressed Format Archive (part 3)
386 VOL4EGG-filformat Split Multi-volume ALZip EGG Compressed Format Archive (part 4)
387 VOL5EGG-filformat Split Multi-volume ALZip EGG Compressed Format Archive (part 5)
388 VOL6EGG-filformat Split Multi-volume ALZip EGG Compressed Format Archive (part 6)
389 VOL7EGG-filformat Split Multi-volume ALZip EGG Compressed Format Archive (part 7)
390 VOL8EGG-filformat Split Multi-volume ALZip EGG Compressed Format Archive (part 8)
391 VOL9EGG-filformat Split Multi-volume ALZip EGG Compressed Format Archive (part 9)
392 VOLARCHIVE-filformat CopyCatX Volume Archive
393 VOM-filformat Viseme Mapping
394 VOP-filformat Visual OTTHYMO Project
395 VOPREFS-filformat Apple Mac OS X VoiceOver Document
396 VOR-filformat Or StarOffice Template Format
397 VOX-filformat Dialogic Voice Audio Format
398 VOX-6K-filformat Dialogic 4-bit ADPCM
399 VOX-8K-filformat Dialogic 4-bit ADPCM
400 VOXAL-filformat Voxal Project Format
401 VOXB-filformat Voxler Network Format
402 VP-filformat Ventura Publication Format
403 VP2-filformat Vee-Hive Library Format
404 VP3-filformat On2 Streaming Video Format
405 VP4-filformat Crystal Player Data Format
406 VP5-filformat CrystalPlayer Video Format
407 VP6-filformat TrueMotion VP6 Video Format
408 VP7-filformat TrueMotion VP7 Video Format
409 VP8-filformat VP8 Video Codec Video Format
410 VP9-filformat VP9 Video Format
411 VPA-filformat VPchat Chat Gestures Format
412 VPB-filformat Quantel VPB Image Format
413 VPC-filformat ViziGen Configuration Format
414 VPC6-filformat Virtual Machine Package
415 VPC7-filformat Virtual Machine Package
416 VPCACHE-filformat Visual Pinball Rendered Table Cache
417 VPCBACKUP-filformat Windows Virtual PC Backup Format
418 VPD-filformat PhotoDVD Project Format
419 VPDB-filformat VIP Organizer Information Database
420 VPE-filformat Photoshop Vanishing Point Export Format
421 VPF-filformat Vector Product Format Format
422 VPG-filformat VideoPad Video
423 VPH-filformat VirtualPhotographer Custom Settings
424 VPJ-filformat Pixbend Studio Project Format
425 VPK-filformat Valve Pak
426 VPL-filformat Karaoke Player Playlist
427 VPLUGIN-filformat Orcs Must Die! Plugin
428 VPM-filformat Garmin Voice Format
429 VPN-filformat WinGate VPN Configuration
430 VPO-filformat VASTprogrammer
431 VPOL-filformat Windows Vault Policy Format
432 VPP-filformat Visual Paradigm Project Format
433 VPP_PC-filformat Saints Row 2 Game
434 VPR-filformat Adobe Premiere Preset
435 VPRJ-filformat VideoReDo Project
436 VPROJ-filformat VSDC Free Video Editor Project Format
437 VPS-filformat Virtual CD Copy Template
438 VPT-filformat Visual Pinball Table Data Format
439 VPU-filformat Avast! Update Package
440 VPW-filformat SlickEdit Workspace
441 VPX-filformat Avast! Virus Update Format
442 VQA-filformat Command And Conquer Game Video Formats
443 VQC-filformat Virtual CD Quick Copy Format
444 VQF-filformat TwinVQ Audio Format
445 VQL-filformat TwinVQ Audio Format
446 VR1-filformat Advance Design Results
447 VRB-filformat Veeam Incremental Backup Format
448 VRBS-filformat LameXP Audio Encoder Data Format
449 VRC-filformat ViewRanger Map
450 VRD-filformat Visio Report Definition Format
451 VRE-filformat ASG Remote Desktop Settings
452 VRF-filformat Ventrilo Audio Recording
453 VRG-filformat ViewRanger Map
454 VRGE08CONTACT-filformat Microsoft Entourage 2008 Contact
455 VRGE08EVENT-filformat Microsoft Entourage 2008 Event
456 VRGE08GROUP-filformat Microsoft Entourage 2008 Group
457 VRGE08MESSAGE-filformat Microsoft Entourage 2008 Message
458 VRGE08NOTE-filformat Microsoft Entourage 2008 Note
459 VRGE08TASK-filformat Microsoft Entourage 2008 Task
460 VRH-filformat ViewRanger Map
461 VRIMG-filformat Chaos Software V-Ray Picture Image Format
462 VRJ-filformat Netscape Navigator
463 VRL-filformat VRML Virtual World
464 VRM-filformat Corel Quattro Pro Overlay
465 VRMANIFEST-filformat Steam Manifest Data Format
466 VRML-filformat VRML Format
467 VRO-filformat DVD Video Recording Format
468 VROMFS-filformat War Thunder Game Data Format
469 VRP-filformat Vectir Profile Template
470 VRPHOTO-filformat VR Photo Image
471 VRS-filformat Corel WordPerfect Video Resource Device Driver
472 VRT-filformat Viscape For Netscape Navigator
473 VS-filformat Vertex Shader Format
474 VS1-filformat Vistumbler Export
475 VS2-filformat Corel VideoStudio 2
476 VS3-filformat VSampler
477 VS4-filformat AVTECH CCTV Video Surveillance Format
478 VSA-filformat Symantec Virtual Package Editor Virtual Software Archive
479 VSB-filformat Virtual Sampler Bank
480 VSC-filformat McAffee VirusScan Configuration
481 VSCH-filformat Windows Vault Schema Format
482 VSCONTENT-filformat Visual Studio Content Format
483 VSCT-filformat Microsoft Visual Studio Command Table Configuration
484 VSD-filformat Visio Drawing Format
485 VSDIF-filformat Visual Similarity Duplicate Image Finder Project Format
486 VSDIR-filformat Microsoft Visual Studio IDE NewFileItems
487 VSDISCO-filformat DISCO Dynamic Discovery Document
488 VSDM-filformat Visio Macro-Enabled Drawing
489 VSDX-filformat Visio Drawing
490 VSE-filformat Video Server E Video Format
491 VSF-filformat V+ VComm Signal Or Record
492 VSGLOG-filformat Microsoft Visual Studio Data Format
493 VSH-filformat Vertex Shader Format
494 VSHADER-filformat Microsoft Visual Studio Data Format
495 VSHADERBIN-filformat Stronghold 3 Shader
496 VSI-filformat Visual Studio Content Installer Format
497 VSIX-filformat Visual Studio Extension
498 VSIXLANGPACK-filformat Microsoft Visual Studio Localised VSIX Package
499 VSIXMANIFEST-filformat Microsoft Visual Studio VSIX Manifest
500 VSK-filformat PocketMusic Skin
501 VSL-filformat Visio Add-on
502 VSM-filformat Blackberry Data Format
503 VSMACROS-filformat Visual Studio Binary Macro Project
504 VSMDI-filformat Visual Studio Test Metadata Format
505 VSMETA-filformat Synology Video Station Metadata Format
506 VSMPROJ-filformat Visual Studio Text Macro Project
507 VSN-filformat ViruSafe Version Data Format
508 VSO-filformat NVidia Compiled Vertex Shader
509 VSP-filformat VideoStudio Project Format
510 VSPC-filformat 3D-Album Settings
511 VSPF-filformat Visual Studio Performance Filter Format
512 VSPOLICY-filformat Microsoft Visual Studio Policy Description Language
513 VSPOLICYCACHE-filformat Microsoft Visual Studio Cache Format
514 VSPOLICYDEF-filformat Visual Studio Policy
515 VSPROPS-filformat Visual Studio Project Property Format
516 VSPS-filformat Visual Studio Serialized Performance Report
517 VSPSCC-filformat Visual Studio Project Source Control Format
518 VSPX-filformat Visual Studio Performance Report Data Format
519 VSQ-filformat VOCALOID2 Project Format
520 VSQX-filformat VOCALOID Editor Project Format
521 VSR-filformat Microsoft Access Report
522 VSS-filformat Visio Stencil Format
523 VSSCC-filformat Microsoft Visual Studio Temporary
524 VSSETTINGS-filformat Visual Studio Settings Format
525 VSSM-filformat Visio Macro-Enabled Stencil Format
526 VSSSCC-filformat Visual Studio Solution Source Control Format
527 VSSX-filformat Visio Stencil Format
528 VST-filformat VST Audio Plugin
529 VST3-filformat Cubase Plugin
530 VSTDIR-filformat Microsoft Visual Studio Project Type Settings
531 VSTEMPLATE-filformat Microsoft Visual Studio Project Template
532 VSTM-filformat Visio Macro-Enabled Drawing Template
533 VSTO-filformat Microsoft Visual Studio
534 VSTPRESET-filformat Cubase Preset
535 VSTX-filformat Visio Drawing Template
536 VSU-filformat Visio Custom User Interface
537 VSV-filformat Virtual Machine Saved State Format
538 VSW-filformat Visio Workspace Format
539 VSWP-filformat VMware Virtual Memory
540 VSX-filformat Visio Stencil XML Format
541 VSZ-filformat Visual Studio Wizard Format
542 VTA-filformat Valve Face Flex
543 VTBL-filformat PIPE-FLO Professional Valve Data Table
544 VTC-filformat ReliaSoft Related
545 VTD-filformat Microsoft Windows Custom Virtual Device Driver
546 VTF-filformat Valve Texture Format
547 VTFX-filformat Ceetron VTFX Format
548 VTG-filformat SlickEdit Workspace
549 VTI-filformat Visualization Toolkit Image Data
550 VTK-filformat Visualization Toolkit Legacy
551 VTL-filformat Vocabulary Trainer
552 VTM-filformat Visual Tool Markup Language Document
553 VTML-filformat Visual Tool Markup Language Format
554 VTO-filformat VTK HyperOctree Data Format
555 VTP-filformat Visualization Toolkit Polygonal Data
556 VTR-filformat Visualization Toolkit Rectilinear Grid Data
557 VTS-filformat Intel VTune Program Performance Monitor Project
558 VTSCR-filformat Visual Trading Systems
559 VTT-filformat VisionTools Pro-e Project
560 VTU-filformat Visualization Toolkit Unstructured Points Data
561 VTV-filformat Adobe Dreamweaver Validator Configuration Format
562 VTX-filformat Visio Template XML Format
563 VTY-filformat ViTALiTy Warez Release
564 VTZ-filformat VTPro-E Compiled Project
565 VUD-filformat Virtual Machine Undo Drive Format
566 VUE-filformat Vue Scene Format
567 VUP-filformat Microsoft Visual Studio Visual C++ Utility Project
568 VUS-filformat VuStat Data Format
569 VUZE-filformat Vuze Data Format
570 VV-filformat Virt Viewer Configuration Format
571 VVC-filformat Infinity Game Engine Visual Spell Casting Effects
572 VVD-filformat Vivid 3D Scanner Element Format
573 VVF-filformat CCTV DVR Camera Video Format Format
574 VVI-filformat VisView INI Data Format
575 VVS-filformat Driver 3 Game Data
576 VVT-filformat Vivien Template
577 VVV-filformat Virtual Volumes View Data Format
578 VVVVVV-filformat VVVVVV Game Level Format
579 VW-filformat Volkswriter Text Format
580 VW3-filformat Volkswriter 3 Text
581 VWF-filformat CADvance Drawing Format
582 VWI-filformat Microsoft SharePoint Workflow Diagram Format
583 VWL-filformat Qualcomm Vuforia Word List Format
584 VWP-filformat BrainVoyager QX Visualization Setting
585 VWR-filformat Ixia IxVeriWave RAW 802.11 Capture
586 VWS-filformat SmartWare Standard View
587 VWX-filformat Vectorworks Design Format
588 VX-filformat Opera
589 VXD-filformat Virtual Device Driver
590 VXE-filformat Agilent VEE Runtime Program
591 VXF-filformat Microsoft Money
592 VXL-filformat Tiberian Sun Voxel Animation Format
593 VXM-filformat VTask Studio Data Format
594 VXML-filformat VoiceXML Format
595 VXN-filformat Furcadia Particle Effect Data
596 VXO-filformat Tri Stripper 3D Model
597 VXP-filformat Intel VTune Performance Monitor Pack And Go
598 VXT-filformat Test Automation Editor XML Test Module
599 VX_-filformat Compressed Virtual Device Driver Format
600 VYF-filformat Samsung Digital Voice Recorder Format
601 VYK-filformat MISYS
602 VYM-filformat VYM Mind Map Format
603 VZD-filformat INM VizionDB
604 VZI-filformat VertiZontal Interlacing Picture Image Format
605 VZM-filformat Ventuz Director Mesh Data Format
606 VZR-filformat Sinowal.vzr Malware
607 VZX-filformat INM VizionDB
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Mac OS X Property List Format

Filer i PLIST-formatet er å sette inn filer som inneholder informasjon om konfigurasjon og egenskaper til mange programmer i Mac OS X-miljøet. De...