DIF is a spreadsheet data interchange format that stores data in plain text. The format is standardized, meaning that exporting data to a DIF file preserves the data layout and can be directly imported to other spreadsheet programs. Many parsing issues, such as wrong field separator problem when importing data from CSV files, are eliminated with this approach.
DIF format allow data to be exchanged in a standardized and formatting-agnostic manner. Single DIF file can hold only s single spreadsheet document. Of course, multiple DIF file can be used for exchanging data. DIF files allow data form Access to be shared with various spreadsheet applications. The DIF data interchange standard was developed collaboratively by Microsoft and Apache, and was later adapted by other developers.
Files with DIF suffix can be copied to any mobile device or system platform, but it may not be possible to open them properly on target system.
Updated: 02/05/2023
Being unable to open files with DIF extension can be have various origins. On the bright side, the most encountered issues pertaining to Data Interchange Format files aren’t complex. In most cases they can be addressed swiftly and effectively without assistance from a specialist. The following is a list of guidelines that will help you identify and solve file-related problems.
Problems with opening and working with DIF files are most probably having to do with no proper software compatible with DIF files being present on your machine. This one is an easy one. Select Microsoft Excel or one of the recommended programs (for example, Microsoft Access, Apache OpenOffice, Windows Notepad) and download it from appropriate source and install on your system. On the top of the page a list that contains all programs grouped based on operating systems supported can be found. If you want to download Microsoft Excel installer in the most secured manner, we suggest you visit Microsoft Corporation website and download from their official repositories.
If you already have Microsoft Excel installed on your systems and DIF files are still not opened properly, check if you have the latest version of the software. It may also happen that software creators by updating their applications add compatibility with other, newer file formats. If you have an older version of Microsoft Excel installed, it may not support DIF format. The latest version of Microsoft Excel should support all file formats that where compatible with older versions of the software.
If you have the latest version of Microsoft Excel installed and the problem persists, select it as the default program to be used to manage DIF on your device. The next step should pose no problems. The procedure is straightforward and largely system-independent
Change the default application in Windows
Change the default application in Mac OS
You closely followed the steps listed in points 1-3, but the problem is still present? You should check whether the file is a proper DIF file. Being unable to access the file can be related to various issues.
If the file is infected, the malware that resides in the DIF file hinders attempts to open it. Scan the DIF file as well as your computer for malware or viruses. If the DIF file is indeed infected follow the instructions below.
Did you receive the DIF file in question from a different person? Ask him/her to send it one more time. During the copy process of the file errors may occurred rendering the file incomplete or corrupted. This could be the source of encountered problems with the file. If the DIF file has been downloaded from the internet only partially, try to redownload it.
Some files require elevated access rights to open them. Log out of your current account and log in to an account with sufficient access privileges. Then open the Data Interchange Format file.
If the system is under havy load, it may not be able to handle the program that you use to open files with DIF extension. In this case close the other applications.
Latest versions of programs and drivers may help you solve problems with Data Interchange Format files and ensure security of your device and operating system. It may be the case that the DIF files work properly with updated software that addresses some system bugs.
If you have additional information about the DIF file, we will be grateful if you share it with our users. To do this, use the form here and send us your information on DIF file.