The .FON format files specify the files that have been developed by the Microsoft Corporations, particularly for the native Windows OS 3.x library. These files comprise of the bitmap types of the fonts that were utilized in the earlier times of the MS DOS GUI (Graphical Interface) design.
They have also formed the segment of the Graphical User Interface design of different Menus such as dialog boxes Option buttons, On-Screen Menus, Pop-ups and many more in the Windows operating system.
Files with FON suffix can be copied to any mobile device or system platform, but it may not be possible to open them properly on target system.
Updated: 05/05/2023
Being unable to open files with FON extension can be have various origins. On the bright side, the most encountered issues pertaining to Microsoft Windows Bitmap Font Format files aren’t complex. In most cases they can be addressed swiftly and effectively without assistance from a specialist. We have prepared a listing of which will help you resolve your problems with FON files.
Problems with opening and working with FON files are most probably having to do with no proper software compatible with FON files being present on your machine. This issue can be addressed by downloading and installing FontForge or different compatible program, such as Microsoft Windows. The full list of programs grouped by operating systems can be found above. One of the most risk-free method of downloading software is using links provided by official distributors. Visit FontForge website and download the installer.
If the problems with opening FON files still occur even after installing FontForge, it is possible that you have an outdated version of the software. Check the developer’s website whether a newer version of FontForge is available. Sometimes software developers introduce new formats in place of that already supports along with newer versions of their applications. The reason that FontForge cannot handle files with FON may be that the software is outdated. The latest version of FontForge should support all file formats that where compatible with older versions of the software.
If you have the latest version of FontForge installed and the problem persists, select it as the default program to be used to manage FON on your device. The method is quite simple and varies little across operating systems.
Selecting the first-choice application in Windows
Selecting the first-choice application in Mac OS
You closely followed the steps listed in points 1-3, but the problem is still present? You should check whether the file is a proper FON file. Being unable to access the file can be related to various issues.
Should it happed that the FON is infected with a virus, this may be that cause that prevents you from accessing it. It is advised to scan the system for viruses and malware as soon as possible or use an online antivirus scanner. If the FON file is indeed infected follow the instructions below.
If you obtained the problematic FON file from a third party, ask them to supply you with another copy. During the copy process of the file errors may occurred rendering the file incomplete or corrupted. This could be the source of encountered problems with the file. If the FON file has been downloaded from the internet only partially, try to redownload it.
There is a possibility that the file in question can only be accessed by users with sufficient system privileges. Switch to an account that has required privileges and try opening the Microsoft Windows Bitmap Font Format file again.
The operating systems may note enough free resources to run the application that support FON files. Close all running programs and try opening the FON file.
Up-to-date system and drivers not only makes your computer more secure, but also may solve problems with Microsoft Windows Bitmap Font Format file. It may be the case that the FON files work properly with updated software that addresses some system bugs.
If you have additional information about the FON file, we will be grateful if you share it with our users. To do this, use the form here and send us your information on FON file.