JGW is a geospatial information format that stores data in plain text. JGW files contain such information as image size, scale, and coordinates of the upper left pixel. Data in JGW files allow users to reconstruct actual area images on a map. JPG image referenced in JGW file stores aerial view image used for generating orthophoto maps.
Orthophotomap is a map image created based on a collection of simple raster images and some additional data. Orthophotomaps use images that are adjusted for camera tilt and the earth curvature to achieve uniform scale. Orthophotomaps are used to track geographical changes and confirm existence of objects marked on maps. Ortophotomap image data stored in JGW maps should not be confused with a satellite images.
Files with JGW suffix can be copied to any mobile device or system platform, but it may not be possible to open them properly on target system.
Updated: 01/31/2023
Being unable to open files with JGW extension can be have various origins. What is important, all common issues related to files with JGW extension can be resolved by the users themselves. The process is quick and doesn’t involve an IT expert. The following is a list of guidelines that will help you identify and solve file-related problems.
Problems with opening and working with JGW files are most probably having to do with no proper software compatible with JGW files being present on your machine. This one is an easy one. Select AutoCAD Map or one of the recommended programs (for example, Text editor) and download it from appropriate source and install on your system. The full list of programs grouped by operating systems can be found above. If you want to download AutoCAD Map installer in the most secured manner, we suggest you visit website and download from their official repositories.
You still cannot access JGW files although AutoCAD Map is installed on your system? Make sure that the software is up to date. Software developers may implement support for more modern file formats in updated versions of their products. The reason that AutoCAD Map cannot handle files with JGW may be that the software is outdated. All of the file formats that were handled just fine by the previous versions of given program should be also possible to open using AutoCAD Map.
If you have the latest version of AutoCAD Map installed and the problem persists, select it as the default program to be used to manage JGW on your device. The method is quite simple and varies little across operating systems.
Change the default application in Windows
Change the default application in Mac OS
If you followed the instructions form the previous steps yet the issue is still not solved, you should verify the JGW file in question. Problems with opening the file may arise due to various reasons.
If the JGW is indeed infected, it is possible that the malware is blocking it from opening. Scan the JGW file as well as your computer for malware or viruses. If the scanner detected that the JGW file is unsafe, proceed as instructed by the antivirus program to neutralize the threat.
If you obtained the problematic JGW file from a third party, ask them to supply you with another copy. It is possible that the file has not been properly copied to a data storage and is incomplete and therefore cannot be opened. When downloading the file with JGW extension from the internet an error may occurred resulting in incomplete file. Try downloading the file again.
Some files require elevated access rights to open them. Switch to an account that has required privileges and try opening the JPEG World Format file again.
The operating systems may note enough free resources to run the application that support JGW files. Close all running programs and try opening the JGW file.
Regularly updated system, drivers, and programs keep your computer secure. This may also prevent problems with JPEG World Format files. It may be the case that the JGW files work properly with updated software that addresses some system bugs.
If you have additional information about the JGW file, we will be grateful if you share it with our users. To do this, use the form here and send us your information on JGW file.