Files with .MSI filename extension store application installation package or a driver package for Microsoft Windows. MSI files have standardized structure defined by metadata and contain resources needed to install an application. The name MSI is derived from the name Microsoft Installer, as the original installation packages were referred to before the name has been changed to Windows Installer.
MSI packages are nothing more than relational databases save in OLE/COM Structured Storage File format. MSI files are divided into the following parts:
Although installers may provide multiple products, they cannot be used to verify dependencies between the products. Dependencies are generated by uninstaller tools or via GUI. MSI was the recommended method for installing products on Windows platforms before Microsoft introduced its Microsoft Store service, as it allowed clean versioning and dependency resolution between packages.
MSI installer packages are created using dedicated tool developed by Microsoft. MSI is just one on many installer formats supported on Windows. MSI installation process is divided into the following phases:
Contents of MSI packages can be extracted by using certain decompression tools.
MSI packages were introduced along with the debut of Office 2000 in 1999 (MSI versions 1.0). Version 5.0 was published in 2009 when Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 were released. Similar to the MSI is the less popular MSP format. MSI format was replaced by newer MSIX standard in 2018. MSIX combines MSI, APPX, APP-V, and ClickOne technologies in a single installer package for better security, reliability, and cross-platform support.
MSI files can be encountered on all system platforms, including mobile, yet there is no guarantee each will properly support such files.
Updated: 02/21/2022
Being unable to open files with MSI extension can be have various origins. On the bright side, the most encountered issues pertaining to Windows Installer Package files aren’t complex. In most cases they can be addressed swiftly and effectively without assistance from a specialist. The following is a list of guidelines that will help you identify and solve file-related problems.
Problems with opening and working with MSI files are most probably having to do with no proper software compatible with MSI files being present on your machine. The most obvious solution is to download and install Windows Installer or one to the listed programs: Microsoft Windows, 7-Zip, Windows Installer XML. The full list of programs grouped by operating systems can be found above. The safest method of downloading Windows Installer installed is by going to developer’s website (Microsoft Corporation) and downloading the software using provided links.
If the problems with opening MSI files still occur even after installing Windows Installer, it is possible that you have an outdated version of the software. Check the developer’s website whether a newer version of Windows Installer is available. Software developers may implement support for more modern file formats in updated versions of their products. This can be one of the causes why MSI files are not compatible with Windows Installer. The latest version of Windows Installer should support all file formats that where compatible with older versions of the software.
If you have the latest version of Windows Installer installed and the problem persists, select it as the default program to be used to manage MSI on your device. The process of associating file formats with default application may differ in details depending on platform, but the basic procedure is very similar.
Selecting the first-choice application in Windows
Selecting the first-choice application in Mac OS
Should the problem still occur after following steps 1-3, check if the MSI file is valid. Being unable to access the file can be related to various issues.
Should it happed that the MSI is infected with a virus, this may be that cause that prevents you from accessing it. It is advised to scan the system for viruses and malware as soon as possible or use an online antivirus scanner. If the scanner detected that the MSI file is unsafe, proceed as instructed by the antivirus program to neutralize the threat.
If the MSI file was sent to you by someone else, ask this person to resend the file to you. During the copy process of the file errors may occurred rendering the file incomplete or corrupted. This could be the source of encountered problems with the file. If the MSI file has been downloaded from the internet only partially, try to redownload it.
There is a possibility that the file in question can only be accessed by users with sufficient system privileges. Switch to an account that has required privileges and try opening the Windows Installer Package file again.
If the systems has insufficient resources to open MSI files, try closing all currently running applications and try again.
Latest versions of programs and drivers may help you solve problems with Windows Installer Package files and ensure security of your device and operating system. It is possible that one of the available system or driver updates may solve the problems with MSI files affecting older versions of given software.
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