VBE files are closely related to VBScript language, a programming language based on on Visual Basic programming language. VBE file is a script file written in VBScript language. VBE file stores script’s source code in encoded form so that it cannot be opened or edited by unauthorized users. VBE files are only supported on Windows operating systems.
Visual Basic environment uses VBS scripting format, an equivalent of VBE file. Main difference between those two formats lies in data encoding – VBE file is encoded, whereas VBS is not.
VBE files are commonly used by hackers as means of distributing malware via email, hence opening unknown attachments containing VBE file should be handled with the utmost caution. More advanced user may try to verify attachment source code with dedicated Decode.vbs utility.
Files with VBE suffix can be copied to any mobile device or system platform, but it may not be possible to open them properly on target system.
Updated: 11/22/2021
Being unable to open files with VBE extension can be have various origins. On the bright side, the most encountered issues pertaining to VBScript Encoded Script Format files aren’t complex. In most cases they can be addressed swiftly and effectively without assistance from a specialist. The list below will guide you through the process of addressing the encountered problem.
Problems with opening and working with VBE files are most probably having to do with no proper software compatible with VBE files being present on your machine. This issue can be addressed by downloading and installing Microsoft WScript or different compatible program, such as Microsoft CScript, Microsoft Visual Basic, Microsoft Visual Studio. The full list of programs grouped by operating systems can be found above. One of the most risk-free method of downloading software is using links provided by official distributors. Visit Microsoft WScript website and download the installer.
If the problems with opening VBE files still occur even after installing Microsoft WScript, it is possible that you have an outdated version of the software. Check the developer’s website whether a newer version of Microsoft WScript is available. Software developers may implement support for more modern file formats in updated versions of their products. This can be one of the causes why VBE files are not compatible with Microsoft WScript. All of the file formats that were handled just fine by the previous versions of given program should be also possible to open using Microsoft WScript.
After installing Microsoft WScript (the most recent version) make sure that it is set as the default application to open VBE files. The method is quite simple and varies little across operating systems.
Change the default application in Windows
Change the default application in Mac OS
Should the problem still occur after following steps 1-3, check if the VBE file is valid. Being unable to access the file can be related to various issues.
If the file is infected, the malware that resides in the VBE file hinders attempts to open it. Immediately scan the file using an antivirus tool or scan the whole system to ensure the whole system is safe. If the VBE file is indeed infected follow the instructions below.
If the VBE file was sent to you by someone else, ask this person to resend the file to you. It is possible that the file has not been properly copied to a data storage and is incomplete and therefore cannot be opened. It could happen the the download process of file with VBE extension was interrupted and the file data is defective. Download the file again from the same source.
There is a possibility that the file in question can only be accessed by users with sufficient system privileges. Switch to an account that has required privileges and try opening the VBScript Encoded Script Format file again.
If the system is under havy load, it may not be able to handle the program that you use to open files with VBE extension. In this case close the other applications.
Latest versions of programs and drivers may help you solve problems with VBScript Encoded Script Format files and ensure security of your device and operating system. It is possible that one of the available system or driver updates may solve the problems with VBE files affecting older versions of given software.
If you have additional information about the VBE file, we will be grateful if you share it with our users. To do this, use the form here and send us your information on VBE file.